>Hey guys, new strat. Let's flood Yas Forums with landlord threads. That will surely work to convert them to communism!
Hey guys, new strat. Let's flood Yas Forums with landlord threads. That will surely work to convert them to communism!
Other urls found in this thread:
aykshually the proper commie term for doing anything besides leeching govtbux is "praxis"
worst thing is that jannies won't do shit to clean it up
all landlords will lay on our pikes
you will do nothing. you will never do anything. your revolution will never happen
I don’t get why landlords was the hill they want to die on
Shitposting about landlords on Yas Forums
based jannies pinning those digits
Landlord fags get triggered and fag-out if you post landlord threads. It's the cycle of life.
this isn't a joke, they should be hiding right now
You keep posting your fantasies kid.
I’m a landlord and I wrote this for all of the communists trolling this board.
Imagine thinking the only people who could possibly feel motivated to defend property rights are landlords.
Jannies have no salary and they do a shit job, it's proof that communism doesn't work
Communists are mentally challenged.
Lel, you're literally going to get man raped by your black renters.
wtf is sam doing in this pic
My cousin is moving and he wants me to manage his property for rental. I can't wait to squeeze you whiny little faggots for every last cent in your trust fund.
Rent’s due on Wednesday.
I can't wait to use your cousins house as a crack-den.
Checked fuck jannies
I can't wait to get paid by some rich guy to bust up crack-dens.
Black's rent is automatically direct deposited to landlord's accounts by hud.
Scared fag, your Tennants will flake on you and you're not Tony Soprano, so you're going to get cucked.
Yup, definitely a gommunisd conspiracy and not just landlords being shitty about the system collapsing.
I think Yas Forums just has a bunch of wagecucking $15/hr human trash that gambles away what little savings they have on crypto and stock options.
Politics is just a veneer for self-interest; and these people have suddenly flipped the scale because they lost their life savings on penny stocks and chainlink.
>Posts a guy who was utterly destroyed by communists.
What point are you trying to make?
I'll get to it when my trump bucks clears. In the meantime make sure to test my high speed internet. I also like having hot water. And I got tranny porn to fap to. So why don't you go ahead and scram.
Some also have up to $100 in Robin Hood that they trade when the guy on YouTube that they follow tells them to.
I imagine your cousin isn't gonna mind if you get ragdolled then.
Daily reminder that the overwhelming majority of chapos are either NEETs or severely underemployed.
Friendly reminder that the average Chapo subscriber is a white male aged 18-30 who makes less than $20k per year, according to the sub’s own survey.
No wonder they want to see the world burn... If I fucked up to that shattering magnitude consistently enough to be that pathetic, I'd probably also be retarded enough to blame the rest of the world for my grotesque shortcomings.
Post chin
About to take a rip from a double chambered bong.
Post your W-2.
hating landlords has nothing to do with communism
>post chin
What gayness is this?
digits confirm that they do it FOR FREE
If you hate landlords you hate liquidity providers. If you hate liquidity providers you hate crypto and stock market traders and have no reason to be on this board.
Fuck commies
Fuck commie anti-landlord subversion tactics
Fuck poor "people"
Fuck non whites
Fuck Jannies
No “fuck jews”?
Fuck kikes.
kike detected
an oversight.. surely..
>implying jews are white
I didn't want redundancy in my post.
God this is spot on.
Eh, spam is spam, but insofar as it isn't Yas Forums bait it's a relevant topic. Plenty of stuff on mainstream social media of landlords freaking out, because there is a real problem to their "business model" and it might wipe out some of the greediest.
Also most famous liberal economists (and anyone who's actually seen how things work IRL) knows landlordism works knows it's a parasitical layer on the economy. Very little service is provided and there's very little reason to promote it in terms of productivity or efficiency.
Yas Forums has terrible moderation for a (supposedly) blue board
Post your prescription list
>parasitical layer on the economy.
Fuck off commie. Our economy is based on taking on risk and the fact landlords are currently losing money is proof that they have been doing this by renting cucksheds to you fags.
>"I can barely function in this soft, modern economy in a time of relative affluence!"
>"Yeah so anyway, when the revolution comes and I become a 5-star general in the new communist army, here's how all of society will be structured and function."
I'm not a commie, i just think landlarp threads are hilarious
Anti Land-Kike mindset is inherently pro-capitalist
I remember this meme from 2016 or 2017, a real classic
>how do you do my fellow posters
Your a translucent commie nigger
>appeal to Austrian economics.
Call me when we go back to the gold standard, Comrade.
Marx calls out two groups of people pretty hard in Das Kapital; people who collect rent and people who collect interest.
Because real estate is how the vast majority of people in the US “make it”. It’s an accessible avenue of capitalism that’s pretty safe for the retail investor. Attacking people who buy stock or collect interest isn’t nearly as effective because your mom or dad probably isn’t as into that as they are their one or two rental properties. It’s more personal with landlords.
So what kind of economics do you follow? Chicago school?
Stay kiked
The "job" is just taking loans to buy property that other people can no longer afford because the price of the loan has been raised by the people who took out the loan solely to pay the bank back with the money that the other person now has to pay.
It's not a real job, it's telling the bank "look, you could mortgage the house to this guy for X price, or you could mortgage the house to me for X+N price, and I make the tenant pay for it so it's a win win for both of us".
Granted, however, that there's a different case to be made when the houses aren't bought-to-let, are bought without loans, are bought to be genuinely refurbished, or are inherited. The mortgage + buy to let thing paints all landlords with the same brush, even if they're not truly parasitical.
And it's a completely different situation for commercial property, where it makes sense that the majority of businesses don't necessarily need to own the property they're on, but pay for the property as long as they need to/can afford to use it. And some of that applies to residential property - not everyone is going to be interested in settling down permanently in one residence, so it makes sense they pay someone for temporary residence.