Alright lads, time to put your thinking caps on

Is this a bull rally or dead cat bounce?

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DUDE nobody is working. wtf do you think my nigga?

These analysts are completely disconneted from reality. Nobody is working, nobody is consuming, everything is closed
Just wait for the companies balances, kek

It’s a dead kike bounce

I put my trust in this female writer for Bloomberg news. Just bought 100k shares.

literally does not matter
everyone will be back to work in no time and the greatest economy ever will be back.... under budget and ahead of schedule
thank you based God Emperor

dem faggot cucks like you are absolutely seething that Trump pulled off another economic miracle

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who writes this shit? Dead cat bounce if I've ever seen one.

>not realizing why they say shit like this

Trips of truth. We are "returning to normal."

Got my cap on fren

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lmfao based

>who writes this shit?


Literally all signs hinting at a bull trap. You have to be on some military grade hopium to really think that we are out of the woods.

It’s the onset of a hyperinflationary episode

Brrrr, brrr, brrr, infinite moneys,

It's going up cuz brrrr

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So they can open their shorts higher?

that is a beautiful woman.

Bull trap checked

1. the FED is purchasing billions of dollars worth of equities right now.
2. various pensions, sovereign wealth funds, etc. are "forced" buyers, meaning they are required by rules or regulations to have a certain amount of their portfolio in equities. They sold before or during the crash to preserve capital and now have to purchase stocks to meet their legal requirements.

Liquidity is absolutely terrible right now. It is basically just whales moving the stock prices up right now.

>>Yas Forums


Disbelief in the macro mega bull. zoom out

If the medias are talking about the end of the bear, that's probably a cat

>DUDE nobody is working.
spotted the brainlet.. the government makes the money, there are no reason to work at all.
The sad thing was that it took a pandemic before the government realized that the whole work for pay thing was stupid to begin with, and we should just all chill for a living.

Yeah, what do you think?

I am glad we are back to normal, I was starting to worry.

Literally the return to normal. It feels exactly like when BTC bounced back up to 17k and everyone thought the gravy train was still flowing


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Imagine her kissing you on the cheek after a long day’s of work, and eating dinner together while talking about finance.

YFW you will never meet a girl like that

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I still believe this, but it's the longest and steepest fucking bounce of all time. Just fuck my puts up nigga.

i'd fuck that man

If economy is going up when nobody is working.. does that mean everything ""they"" were ever telling us was bullshit?
Can we just have machines do everything for us, and get everything
we want for free / or from UBI

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Back then it was hype dying down. Right now bitcoin does what the stocks do. And the feds keep pumping. Fuck this shit. I feel like it's gonna crash real hard, but I really don't know because of the fucking fed

This is just the last spasms, like when you inject adrenaline directly into some goners heart.

what other signs are there?

>3 million unemployed
>russia Saudi stand off still going
>no one will make rent
>quarantine could last for months
Definitely a bull go balls to the wall savings all in right now for Trump

>they make fair analyses
It’s always a lie the trick is to see why

According to bloomberg, the algos already dumped their stock positions down to 15% stock exposure, so theres not much left to dump. And Joe Public hasn't reacted fast enough to sell and are riding it out. Meanwhile unlimited QE is making the hedges take the early leap, aka Ackman.


*orchestra hit*

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New investor. How do I short the dow? Tell me step by step.

She's also wrong about it being a technical reversal. It MIGHT be if there is more followup pumping but it's not confirmed yet. Even my TA set to me a bit on the twitchy side is sitting on the fence short of a buy signal.

Possible bounce

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>1. Put your dick in a bee hive
>4.earn millions


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use ^DIA as ticker symbol
sell short in TD Amerishart

If they are going to flood the market with liquidity. I don't think you can short it.

This'd be when the knife hits the floor. Next'd be the echo.

Still own my puts but I've been doing call options daily to hedge my losses. Almost to break even on my currently down puts. But whatever. All apart of the fun

>they really are this retarded.
leave this one to natural selection

Beartraps all the way back up to ATH. Too many doomers thinking they caught the "big short"

If there is any more reason to hate boomer scum it's accelerating inflation for future generations so these morons can stop crying about their 401k.

Clearly a dead cat bounce. And that's why it'll be a bull rally.

>it's the longest and steepest fucking bounce of all time
they literally printed the entire US gdp and injected it lol

what do you expect?

Dead cat bounce. There's no way it's just a temporary dip. Look at the state of the economy right now. Look at the stuff that news media don't report and you can see with your own eyes. Look at all the bullshit startup companies that have been started over the past several years. Think about how these companies are valuated. It's all based on smoke and mirrors. People are now realizing that the emperor has no clothes and are leaving in droves. The elite are exiting in steps.

To add to this, look at the VOLUMES that are moving. It's huge green candles

>checked and bull trap confirmed

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>accelerating inflation
Ride the Tiger

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The specialist that started the fear mongering has changed his outlook on the virus, basically it's over. Stocks are going to recover hard.

S-see, everthing's j-just fine! It's normal it's normal it's normal it's normal