Aussie virus economics

>hospo workers out of job for 6 months
>record number of people on cenno
>cenno gibs increased
>some banks giving some leeway on loan repayments
>can take up to 10g out of superannuation twice to cope

Thoughts opinions?
Me personally, I am going to take 10g out of my super as soon as we can apply mid April.

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> Take all the tax payer gold and gib to chink & boomer retard.

I work in financial and I have seen many chink try to exploit the stimulus pack. We r fucked.

No aussies stuck on hold to cenno with time to shut post?

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How are they exploiting it?

is it opening up to everyone or just those on the dole?

I'm still working, business is strong but not sure how sustainable it is. saving fucking everything.

gf in beauty and finished yesty. playing animal farm all day. comfy af

>record number of people on centrelink

What a fuckin useless stat, of course there is when there is more people in Australia than ever before.

Only people on centrelink payments get it. However if you are eligible for cenno payments and apply before, I think April 13, then you will get plbackpaid all the Corona bonus money.

6 months? where did it say that?
Can anyone take super out?

>Withdrawing super

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Yeah I'm honestly failing to see any other scenario than eventual hyperinflation for us boys. Anyone got any other predictions for how the government is going to pay for all this free stuff without simply BRRRRRRRRRR'ing their way to the bank?