Someone debunk this. Now

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Other urls found in this thread:

Pee pee poo poo

You can't. That's life, son.

Attached: unc.jpg (640x480, 135.12K)

to that second point, if you don't realize how important decentralized oracles are by now you must be very poor

I just like the one where the person trusts Vitalik understanding of money and the economy over Sergey who has been rubbing elbows with the financial elite for the better part of ten years.

wtf am I looking at


A credit card that shows the poster is lower middle class by the fact that it is in a gawdy nigger goyard card holder

Also, very cheap polymer fabric in the background

>Chase Private Client
>Lower middle class

kek you plebs are comedians. Still poor from Link bags. Now fetch my Bentley you valet faggot

Attached: GetBentaygaLinkies.jpg (699x371, 99.25K)

cool story cultist

No one with real wealth signals it with tawdry designs that attract niggers. Nothing is more embarrassing than a man who owns anything with Burberry tartan, Louis Vuitton damier or monogram, goyard canvas, etc.

t. Actual wealthy trust fund baby from American colonial family owning vast amounts of land in 5 states.

You are literally portraying a poor person’s perspective on what a rich person is and it is pretty comical.

Actual rich people don’t have cars and spend all day in their VR assisted-masturbation chamber

kek I can tell you've never stepped foot inside a Goyard store. You'd already know there are different tiers of European fashion houses but muh trust fund baby in muh colonial family.

Here's a hint, you can only buy Goyard at a store and it's pretty hard to find a Goyard store in the States. But you already knew that right, pleb?

i will find you

if you guys are so rich then send me some btc

look at this retard

Canadaristocrat reporting in

>muh trust fund baby in muh colonial family

You’re an idiot. Nearly every saks nig avenue sells goyard now and I wouldn’t buy that nigger shit for a girl.

I’ve had a private tailor my entire life. I wouldn’t even be saying this but for how funny you come off in trying to portray you’re wealthy online. It’s like a 23 year old who just made $250,000 last year and loves nigger bitches.

Yes. My family is diversified in finance, farming, mineral exploration in Colombia (actually through a Canadian company), and I’m working on establishing dairy production in Panama with former president Ricardo Martinelli.

What would you do with the bitcoins?

You mean NULINK? Yeah

That’s a shitload of personal information. Shouldn’t be hard for the autists on this board to find out exactly who you are KEK

Is this fud for ants?
Im not reading all that shit

That or a massive LARP either way KEK

i like how the low quality fud always comes out during the dips. you never see it when we're pumping. this fud will be gone in a week or less when we're back above $3

the picture clearly says how LINK fails at being a decentralized oracle though


well i need 200 more to pay this months school fee but i got laid off cuz of corona

What state?

Fuck you faggot

>low quality
linkies say everything is low quality fud. what would be high quality fud then? lol

And if you know of which American University Martinelli is an alumn, you would find where my family owns most of its farm land. Interesting other industries and politics going on in that state...but I expect none of you to figure it out.

Sergey is helping us with our project’s logistics

>Le strawman

kek and checked

Oh so you're one of the useless munchkins like the kids in Succession? kek you didn't accomplish anything, congrats

He's asking for it. I'll check with my family office in the am, see if this info leads to anything.

Attached: blacked.jpg (1200x900, 293.81K)

>kek you didn't accomplish anything, congrats
he accomplished something

he will be the family member to integrate his daddy's business into Russian scamware that will costs all his businesses tons of money in network fees and the initial investment of link tokens to prove a point on Yas Forums

imaging wasting time typing all this shit.

did someone say decentralized?

Attached: nulink.jpg (676x676, 52.06K)


I accomplished raising several villages in Colombia from absolute destitution to middle class living.

What have you accomplished?

Lol at this drivel

>somebody took the time to make this non sense

No wonder hitler gassed retards

True aristocrats don’t accomplish

you gotta ask yourself who made this imagine and why?

Maybe someone with too much time on their hands sold LINK way too early and either wants to buy back in or has an irrational anger toward the project because its existence spites them.

why do linkies never try to counter any argument thrown at their coin and its always the projecting?

Link is located in the caymen islands
Link is not partnered with swift

it’s cayman can’t believe you are still here how mad are you

Geez must have hit close to home..

most of that shit in the image is pattently wrong, but you know that and it just takes a large degree of effort to sit here and type out all of the bullshit it's lying about.

Just sell your LINK based off this Yas Forums meme pic already and leave people alone.

Why do you hate LINK? Is there... an emotional reason?

So two things. Either you're lying to sound like you have a heart, or you took credit for something you didn't really do. I won't waste time on oppression white knight bedtime stories but c'mon user, this is biz.

I make money, lots of it. I can donate to my favorite charities, with the touch of a button. I made my money myself so I decide. I'm starting to sense a little communism from you

Based linkfag

Attached: 87F2E0C5-D33B-4C2F-8E8E-2CD4C5AA0E94.jpg (720x720, 125.97K)

>most of that shit in the image is pattently wrong
yeah, thats why no one can disprove it. Why does this thread even have 50 replies?
If it was wrong, it would be debunked on the first post.

but sadly, it will never be debunked

Again with your poor person perspective on what a rich person is.

I’ve created multiple 501c3s. What causes do you support? Are you willing to make a donation right now?

If you donate to one I’ve mine. I will double your donation to one of yours if it is a good cause.

everything about the partnerships being blogs is a lie. Those posts happened and it's the one thing fudders can't maneuver around so they've resorted to trying to downplay Google, Oracle, Microsoft, etc.

Google and Oracle, as per their posts, they are going to implement chainlink as an option for customers wanting to build web services, applications, blockchains, etc using their services. Why don't you go read the articles yourself?

Why don't you show me the SWIFT "contest"? Show me about it so we can see it's a contest. Apparently one that no one entered and Chainlink team somehow won by default. I'd like to see this.

At anyrate no one owes you an explanation. If you're too stupid to read about this stuff on your own, then sell your LINK or just DON'T BUY IT. Please do yourself the favor if you're convinced you've 4chanfudded yourself out of it.

Google is literally some blogger who says chainlink (along with many other options) could be used to build nodes. Many other shitcoins have already gotten this "partnership" too.

again, its listed under "blogs" too.

>SWIFT contest



So you run away when I ask you to donate to charity?

It’s so funny that you’re proud of your account at Chase bank hahaha. Do you know the only bank in this country actually backed by land and other assets? I bet you don’t! Do you know which bank is extremely secure right now while yours needs a bailout?? I’m sure you’ve never even heard of it!

>spending 200 bitcoins on fucking school fees

Bruh, lookit dis dude.

“I make money yo! Lots of it dog!”

Has the hospital in which you are a major shareholder helped 5 coronavirus patients so far completely free of charge and provided a wealth of important data to the CDC and state university?

Where are you in school and what are you studying?

Better question is why aren’t you studying right now

Attached: 86EE873A-E582-4D18-91AF-729958BDCF71.gif (245x140, 1.34M)

At Cal-tech studying Electrical Engineering


Yas Forums has IDs you retarded nigger rat

Also no begging. Enjoy b&

Amazing what happens when I step away for a few. What are your causes? I'd love to see

Great strawman op. Nobody gives a fuck assbalster said I kk would go up in price that’s so low iq. What matter is he knew about libra one and a half years before it became public knowledge

I got off the wifi kike

Oldfag is the power bottom, when you see the trip, you better buy

There literally hasn’t been a single refutation or debunking yet.
>the absolute state

Checked and thanks for fighting the good fight. Link is never going to $10

just because you spent an hour writing lies, half truths, and reframing bullish information you think you deserve to have someone address you?

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What's a richfag like you have against link?