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first for black thursday 2: blacked harder

welcome to die

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Bros,please tell me that there will be another crash soon :(

God I fucking hate boomers

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This is now a bear thread

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I can't possibly imagine tomorrow being wilder than today's hour open market.

I could have literally doubled my money if I had chosen correctly on Monday

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SPY 245 is the bottom, loser shit bears

What is the point of being a bear?
If you achieve ultimate victory, the economy will be completely ruined and the money you made will be worthless. What's the point?


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my 50k x20 leverage short against sp500 better pays off tomorrow

The point is to get rich off bubbles and bloated markets/stocks retard. It's not end of the world if I make cool couple thousands.

Accumulate REFR bois

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Ruining everything, for everyone. I want us to go back to a bartering system based on the crops we can grow and the livestock we raise.

bobos what do you think, do i have a chance of boosting unemployment number by 1? anyone work in an hr role?

That is the point you fool

Making money - simple as.

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Its not money, its about sending a message.
Everything burns.

>I could have literally doubled my money if I had chosen correctly on Monday
With hindsight like that, just play the lottery

Some of us just want to watch the world burn. Some of us are doompaulers/happeningfags who have been preparing for this for a decade, and finally it came true. Some of us want a hard reset.

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I know not to trust what biz says so I think tomorrow will be a crab day and friday/monday will see the real bloodshed.

Uh uh bear bro’s did we get too cocky

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Honestly, How low is D&B $PLAY gonna go down? I have a put set at 14.50 and I'm already up $150 on a $145 buy. I'm so happy bear bros

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I hope for the surge after bill passes and then crash after job data/on the monday after cases rise expobentially during weekend.

It's a fucking meme, of course people don't want the economy to collapse, they just want money, I'm 100% switching to being a bull when this blows over.

im seeing support for a 2.18 bottom fren. be wrong with some dignity.

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There are two kinds of bears.
Shithead bears that are ports from other boards Larping as traders that really are the "HAPPENING" losers in another form.
And regular bears who realize that the market is fucked since all the fundamentals are diving. And as long they are garbage the stock market should reflect reality. We aren't bears forever just when there are obvious ponzi schemes being run in the market.

Your shitty weedstock is not going up, it's SNSS tier.

A couple of user's profiting on the downturn doesn't change the fact that the economy is crashing.
It was inflated to artificially high levels, this is a natural correction.

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>markets cant crash without civilization collapsing
what is the point of being a retard?

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It's not enough for me to make money, others have to lose it too.

its easy money
wait for crabbing at the bottom and load up on cheapies and ride the wave to the next bubble

Just woke up. What was that sell off at end of day? Looked like it was going to be a bigly green day again.

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Better hope you have a wide enough margin

anyone try the following method?

>look up insider purchases
>check out what happens to the stock after the insider makes a purchase
>if their previous purchases were right before the stock moons
>then it is safe to follow their purchase with one of your own


what does it say?

>half the cases are in NY
Take out fags
Take out Jews
Take out bankers
I'm cutting my SQQQ losses and am full bull. No wonder we're green.

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>What was that sell off at end of day?

>Yay stimulus package!
>lol, nah tho, we're fucked

Thursdays exist for the BBC.


Another green day tomorrow, bears eternally btfo.


Finance newfag here

I have (or had) $60k in growth stock mutual funds as a safe investment. I've lost quite a bit but I'm not incredibly stressed.

But I've also invested into GE and Tesla on my own, and made some other riskier ones like SDOW and SQQQ while they were low.

How stupid am I? Stock market crashes, I lose money... Stock market rises, I also lose money, only on SDOW and SQQQ but not anywhere close as much. Again, how stupid am I?


And some of us want a suicide with some fireworks

SQQQ bros, we're making it.

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Bernie Sanders

Unironically you'd do better just buying a fucking index fund at that point.

im the guy that told u to put PLAY


Why don't you try it and report in? XOM insiders bought some stocks at the floor.

it's fixed. can only drop to 0. god bless nasdaq north for enabling gambling

Stimulus bill will 100% get passed today. The politicians know they've done pushed it too far and the people are getting angry. Sell at opening bell tomorrow morning

The point is bringing exaggerated enthusiasm back to reality.

If everybody just stays home for 3 weeks Coronachan would be dead.

Its literally a nothingburger

>NASDAQ is only going down because tech sector is doing too well on its own and can't count on bailouts

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Why sell when the job report is going to crash the market with no survivors?

priced in


Also who the hell is that 10/10 Cutie on the right in the purple coat, I think she's in a wheelchair which makes her even hotter.


And in 4 weeks everything starts all over again...monkey minded ppl and their epic expertise.

some overall recaps and questions:

1) Unemployment numbers are coming out tomorrow. Are these unemployment numbers per state? For the whole country? Do we know when these numbers come out?

2) What's everyone eyeballing? SQQQ is the current meme, tonight would arguably be the night to buy some, if it's the case the unemployment numbers from tomorrow are large and cause sell offs

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yes yes. sell at the opening bell.

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Can someone explain what the hell a crab is?

reminder to leave $0.01 in your robinhood account so they lose money having to manage it

I’m nervous for tomorrow. Honestly I’d rather have a fuck-huge crash than some bullshit crab day

Or Pelosi decides to crash the market again since her electorate are eating up her rhetoric about slush funds to begin with and it's a zero risk play to damage the Trump Presidency

you're borderline retarded buddy

priced in

>>whats the point of believing something will happen that you don't want to happen
you wont make it

They forgot about them?


Don't remember that. Plenty of people put PLAY today. But regardless I hope we both make it. How low do you think its gonna go dude? I'm planning on closing this tomorrow and repurchasing another for Monday. I feel its going to get worse after the weekend.

22K was psychological ceiling but steady at 21.8 with no concrete positive stim bill news is too much

bear goes up

bull down

crab goes backwards

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Anyone else coronavirus positive?

How was the car wash?

Crabs walk sideways

crab goes sideways
everyone loses

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How many trillions is the fed going to print now?

she is not in a wheelchair she can move her arms

Checked, it was for the M6 toll, not a carwash.

Bears clinging on to the job report as their last hope. It will be delayed most likely lmaoooo

It's too late

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>thinking demonrats won't cockblock the bill for literally entire year just so they can sneak in more "Drumtpmpfmy bad! He ruined economy! He doesn't want to give you money because republicans bad and don't want reproductive health for women™!" aka. fund my abortions or else bigot.

Demonrats have nothing to gain from passing the bill and everything to gain from holding it up forever, especially when unemployment numbers roll in and they can scream and yell how Drufmptmpfmpmtfty is doing a bad job and how Hillary would never let this happen.

fuck no (not yet at least). i haven't left my house since the 17th, but I did have to go to the vet.

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What should I do

Now that I have explained why being a bear is fine I need to slap down some more memers.
The entire purpose of the quarantines is to slow the rate, not the total, number of infections. The healthcare system has a finite ability to deal with patient load. When they are unable to supply that there is a triage and you have borderline cases that might have been saveable that wind up being deaths anyway.
Yes, "herd immunity" is endgame, but being a novel virus and especially one that transfers so quickly, readily, and with so many asymptomatic carriers is the problem.

Fuck. Foiled again.

it's time to start buying googl, for yall's information

I looked over the catalog but the closest thread to classic economics that we have on this board is this, thus if I may pose a somewhat standard lore question:

Do rational agents even exist? If people are unequal in character and intelligence. Wont the decisions that they make be extremely divergent?

Why the fuck is a whole theory existing based on this faulty premise? The free market in its form depends on all the people who use it, and who influence it, and as it happens to be, a majority of them are nearly brain dead retarded.

They want to buy retarded things/services. And they make industry/markets follow them on their retarded whims. They create poop emoji pillows. Interior led lights for cars. IOT for silly things like juice squeezers. Endless of stupid shit like that.

So if there is no rational agent, and if the free market is not really the best at providing for the people. Does any of the classical theory even matter? What is wrong with simply fucking with the free market in a dictatorial way if you know that fucking with it will only destroy the market for adult diapers for diaper fetishists?

1) US Department of Labor figures, so yes, for the whole country. Tomorrow, likely early in the morning.

2) I would go for anything manufacturing-related that isn't associated with cars personally.

Not how it works.

had some fewer and was a little out of breath for a few days. hope that was it


I want to die.


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idk i'm retarded too

>Does any of the classical theory even matter?

she doesnt look too well
watch her for coofs

i left my job in feb before shit hit the fan, didn't apply for unemployment insurance since i left voluntarily. if i put in a claim now, hr is even more likely to reject it when the state checks in with them now than before, right? or would they give me a pass due to corona circumstances?

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Thinking of buying put on D&B. Recommendations?

>cockblock the bill

Right now it's Graham, Scott and Sasse (all Republicans) who could potentially be holding up the bill going through because they believe the expanded unemployement benefits are too generous

i unfortunately don't know what I'm looking at. are you telling me to buy CBOE?

Thanks, you lovely people.

its written hundereds of books about this. lurk more

worst they can do is say no.

>5-8 week recovery period

>she can move her arms

This. I want all low IQ retards to suffer.

Give me that disable fu.

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If you bought GE and Tesla at their lows you're going to gain money once this shit blows over, if you bought SQQQ at genuine (22-24) low then sell at 28-30 and enjoy shekels.

just hold and long everything till SPY 1000. Also short gold

I would avoid any sort of public entertainment venue stock (gyms, movie theaters, arcades, etc.) until at least a couple of weeks from now.

ok guy who had to ask what a crab was I will believe you over basic logic

so you closer-to-the-market guys who have active stuff going on dont believe these lies either? Its cool to be a dictatorial retard and fuck with the free market then?

I saw a chart based on the books peddled here, I did not save it, I would like to read those books that go over this.

Bro's she took off her coat, revealing YUGE milkers.

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>these are the people that say they are bulls

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but it only goes to hr, right? don't want my former manager notified