Ok, CDC said worst case scenerio, with poor response, we'd be looking at 2.8 million dead by next spring

Ok, CDC said worst case scenerio, with poor response, we'd be looking at 2.8 million dead by next spring.

Since that outcome is clearly where we are headed, what should I invest in?

Attached: 1585166802552.png (1110x570, 149.99K)

Other urls found in this thread:


thats acceptable. get back to work.

Everything involving burials

There's no way this is real

i'd honestly advise to hold on with investing
unless you want to daytrade putting money into anything right now is a great way to get burned
gold is probably the safest but even this is slightly risky and not very profitable anymore

Canned food, a good variety that won't bore you. Canned tomatoes and chilies, soups, veggies, meats. You know, that kind of thing.

750,000 dead at absolute max. Their extrapolation is terrible.

>wagie, you WANT to work wagie :)

It is. RIP Ameribros.

How long until he starts ordering the mayor's office heavily infected cities to open roads and restaurants?

so i guess this blompf faggot isn't going to give out the neetbux

t. has no idea what he's talking about

You should add a zero that number

Wagies are suicidal right now and getting cabin fever. They just can't figure out what to do with their freetime and lack of feeling "productive".

Ironic since their jobs are probably useless customer service garbage

Can we keep it real? Does anyone really care if Americans die? If we want to die let us because I don't think its going to matter. Europeans can go hide away and hopefully take their rightful place in the world.

This virus is a good thing.


>LameStream Media

Gold question. What are some good objects to have in gold rather than a useless bar sitting in my closet? Golden ring? Golden gun? Golden spoon?

My state just closed all bars and restaurants til may 1, and we have mandatory quarantines starting Friday. I'm gonna stock up on liquor tonight.

Trump is full of wishful shit

2.8 million dead is based on a mortality rate we don't know.

>believing government worker numbers
Lmao. No

did you not see trumps tweets about the cure that cured 350 out of 350 people?

Do we get a chance to draw a line at some point or is it going to be clown world through and through

Just think if we die then Israel is on their own so,we can take one for the white race and take parasitic Jews with us ,fuck it ...dont let us go in vain bros


Tombstone and coffin business is going to be booming.

I also thought this has to be fake lol. Sometimes it feels like these tweets aren't written by an adult.

its because you dont have any intelligence of your own and only a head filled with borrowed knowledge

inb4 you wont understand this comment either


Fucking hell it's actually real.
Of course we all know he wants to protect the stock market because it's the only thing that can get him re-elected, but god dammit he's straight up admitting it now.
Well get to work wagies, the orange man needs you to die for his election success.

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Lmao I can't wait for Mango Unchained to be responsible for a few million Boomers Removed

It's fucking insane how far the left has gone with the fear porn and scare tactics. Fewer than 50k deaths in America guaranteed. It's literally not worse than the flu.

The Cuckwork Orange will do anything for his CEO overlords

He can't because the dems rejected it

We have vaccines for the flu

Trump found the cure. Now get back to work you lazy fuck.

Attached: over.jpg (600x634, 98.12K)

Well, if you go off current population in the US as of 2018 and using Chinese mortality rates, the numbers look more like this.

Obviously there's population differences and possibly genetic differences in risk, but OP is being generous with those figures if China isn't full of shit

Attached: corona america.png (555x219, 14.24K)

You think of me as one of those Trump haters? Firstly, I'm not even an American, so hating him does me no good. Secondly, I have nothing against him personally. I think he's a pretty good president. Yet some of the tweets feel like they are worded by a teenager. I'm not against what he says but rather how he delivers it.

Jesus Christ this guy

Attached: Delet this.jpg (486x412, 207.55K)

If "Americans die", that wouldn't be a very good thing for the US stock market, would it? At least it would take long to recover.

whoa, that's what I'd call a proper retirement reform

It makes perfect sense. Why else would someone work a useless job if they genuinely had no other idea what to do? Giving a worker like that free time is tantamount to torture.

>what should I invest in?
Buy yourself a pussy hat.

Simultaneously fixes pensions and would essentially force land reform since that 20% sliver of the population has 90% of all real estate.

I almost feel like Trump is dead and Bernie is operating a remote Trump suit and doing what has to be done.

>And he sealed borders.

Seriously, killing off a giant swath of the old and sealing the borders was literally what the US needed. Based.

>that guy that died from taking chloroquine to avoid getting corona in Arizona

Trumptards naturally selecting themselves out of the gene pool.

Attached: 1562753804082.png (884x874, 744.24K)

Golden buttplug
Easy to clean and absolutely decadent

Attached: Grandma Destruction.jpg (480x241, 31.95K)

user, any company that supplies high purity Helium gas
like party companies and shit

Attached: ES9W-9aXsAAtkEr.jpg (1200x938, 99.2K)

Jews have outlasted every nation that despises us.

oh would you look at that

>LameStream Media
fucking cringe

Lol this guy is an unhinged retard, but sure, let's lift all the quarantines.

This, also every country that has the most jews always has the "intellectual" language and the biggest moves in arts and sciences. No coincidence.

The false prophet leads his followers to death. If he actually had any leadership ability, he'd be another Stalin/Hitler no problem.

What's clown world about this? The actual clown world is the entire world shutting down for a flu.

This is just common sense.

>stock market

How about the millions of workers who are furloughed or laid off because of this? The entire economy is going to fucking crater, and for what... a fucking flu.

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Gold mining stock options

Attached: 1585009422589.jpg (1322x1363, 449.42K)

I don't see how any rational person would think this. The stock market is a game played by

Leftoids use the stock market as a talking point against Trump.


Meanwhile the entire economy is getting reamed by the quarantine. Businesses closing, people losing their jobs and unemployment soaring. Everyday Americans having their livelihoods taken away. All because of a few dead boomers - people who were going to die from their 3 comorbidities anyway.

Leftoids want Trump out of office, so they can proceed in destroying America. Keeping the quarantine in place for as long as possible is absolute best way to do it.

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it's just the flu. in fact, it's less lethal