Which coins should I buy with my $2000/month?
put it in your tfsa and load up on VGRO and forget about it
>(((taxable benefit)))
>(((for those who lose their job only)))
Jewsus christ, cucknada.
im just LMFAOOOing at Amerimutts right now. They get a $1200 one-time payment, we get $2000 per month for FOUR months LOL
At least their payment is tax-free. It says $2000 on the tin but it's actually $1000, but also only applies to minorities while the americans get money for everyone.
>No Canadian should have to choose between protecting their health, putting food on the table, paying for their medication or caring for a family member.
>This taxable benefit would provide $2,000 a month for up to four months for workers who lose their income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Where is my neetbux wtf
buy cash flowing stocks that have been depressed.
for those unable to work. this is an added benefit for people who weren't laid off. learn to read faggot
to be fair, they equal out if you convert it to usd
yeah but your dollar will be worth 1/5 of ours
>The CERB would cover Canadians who have lost their job, are sick, quarantined, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19, as well as working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children who are sick or at home because of school and daycare closures. The CERB would apply to wage earners, as well as contract workers and self-employed individuals who would not otherwise be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI).
Let's translate this.
So nobody on temporary visas, including work or study visas, which is virtually all workers in this shithole. This won't help the economy one bit.
>who have lost their job
So not those who are employed but not being paid.
>are sick, quarantined, or taking care of someone who is sick with COVID-19
But since no testing is being done for those who haven't traveled recently, this only applies to chinks.
> as well as working parents who must stay home without pay to care for children who are sick or at home because of school and daycare closures.
But nothing's closed, so that doesn't actually apply.
>The CERB would apply to wage earners
i.e. not salaried
>as well as contract workers and self-employed individuals who would not otherwise be eligible for Employment Insurance (EI).
i.e. not salaried
>quick maths
pleas dont procreate
so i have to go out every day and bust my ass working in construction and making 2200$ a month after taxes meanwhile other people get to be neets and pull basically the same ammount???
Will I qualify if I didn't have a job but I've been in school and now can't find work due to the virus?
Yep, sorry buddy, that's how it works.
>future tense
NEETs dont get paid shit. If you arent eligible for EI you arent eligible for this either
There is no relationship between labor and the present medium of exchange. To see for yourself, work in the office for a little while if given the opportunity.
No, because you don't qualify for EI. You need to have been employed and fired "through no fault of your own" (good luck proving that under normal circumstances, though it might work under corona).
Thanks for the money wagie. I'm going to lose your share betting on shitcoins.
No, if you stay at home you get the $2000/mth for 4 months
so this is just 2000/m for people who get laid off and cant get EI.
I wish this was the case because im a student, but it's only if you previsouly had a job.
Schools are closed all over the place dude.
And? You need to be employed in the first place to be eligible for this, if you are a NEET now and have been a NEET for a while you dont get paid shit like I said.
I was looking for a job (was out of work 4 months living off my savings) and was supposed to start working last monday but they canceled due to the virus. So I wasn't laid off, but am unable to find work. Anyone knows if I'm eligible ?? It's very confusing
Yes, wagies who are still working and NEETs get nothing. Only if you were previously working and you can no longer receive income because of the virus do you get this money
It's through the CRA, just lie your fucking ass off.
good. NEETs didn't need the money before coronachan so they don't need it now.
but NEETs may have lost money in the stock/cryto sell off
Yeah I have a job still and I still get the free money. You don't get your knuks unless you lost your job lol.
Not eligible.
Schools closed temporarily a few weeks ago but unis have started again (remote only) and other schools are back in business here.
too bad. taxes shouldn't pay off some random neets gambling debt.
Also if they were active investors/traders and living off that type of activity they would have reported an income to the CRA.
>So nobody on temporary visas, including work or study visas, which is virtually all workers in this shithole. This won't help the economy one bit.
Waaahhh why are we not giving money to the non-citizens too!
Fuck you faggot libtard
You might be eligible to get your $2000 need bux in this case as far as I can tell. For this, you must report that you're "self-employed" in your tax forms and record no or negative returns due to the market downturn (you can also use deferred losses as usual if you're not losing enough), but whether or not they take the bait is their business.
They're going to miss the rest of the school year, guaranteed. And university is irrelevant because we are talking about money for people who need to stay home and take care of out of school kids.
Do neets get it? I didn't work last year. Legally anyway.
What could I say? Can I say I was a "freelancer" who just made no income because I sucked?
It's pretty much minimum wage, and it's only if you lost your job. I wonder how that works if you can already claim EI above it. You probably get nothing more then.
Right, because university students don't have expenses to deal with. Their tuition costs magically vanish and they don't need housing or food during these times.
Daycares are reopening and some new 24/7 daycares were even established, can't get less closed than that.
>I make less than $2000/month
>Should I be a NEET for 4 months while I get a raise?
You must be manual monkey because if you had any skill in your trade you'd be worth more. I need a hole dug, go sweep that floor, seems like it's the only thing you're good at.
>t. Master carpenter 100k+ per year
It says in the document you can't get it if you're already on EI, you have to wait until EI ends and then request this.
No NEETs only real humans
>$2000 a month
Why don’t they just give a non taxable amount that’s less than $2k????
It's so that it scales with people's actual income. If you made 0 so far this year, you get taxed the same as your first $2k = 0. If you made 15k, you get taxed at the lowest bracket on the 2k, etc.
Canadian Maple Leafs
Fuck cant wait to make good on both.
If you made $0 income this year can you get this benefit?
why not?
Honestly, Zano and OGN seems to have a good potential, definitly gonna check those in the future.
If I'm a Canadian freelancer bringing in about $5,000 CAD a month, can I still apply for this shit? My earnings haven't dropped yet, but they could at any time if a client decides to drop me. Can I proactively cover my ass by applying for these Trudeaubux or will I get audited?
what if you are homeless and shoot $50 worth of crack cocaine per day imported by the CIA?
Because you didnt make any income, why would you get money for nothing?
You arent even eligible for regular EI
why would anyone get money for nothing then?
Leaf here. I lost my part time job would this count?
what if I'm looking for work so i can pay my bills. but because of corona i can't find any jobs?
They lost their income from their job and pay into EI, which was made for this
You are unemployed and pay nothing, so you get nothing
You pay into EI even as part time, so probably