Idena is the type of project to do a 100x in the next bull run.
- Completely new blockchain
- The most decentralized blockchain with 1100 active nodes and growing
- First human-centric blockchain
- New type of governance
- Introduces new use-cases: UBI, onchain advertising, staked-collateralized loans, electronic democracies, courts etc.
- Already has an extremely smooth working testnet
- Good clean code
- Active and intelligent community. Building tools and bots for Idena.
- Team made up of cryptographers, there are links between Idena team and ETH devs
Unironically the next XRB
Other urls found in this thread:
Someone shilled it here some time ago got in at 800 sats, now already 2.5x and still only a 2m cap. Super comfy
Fuck off pajeet
Where do I buy?
Idena is a novel way to formalize people on the blockchain. It does not collect or store personally identifiable information. Idena proves the humanness and uniqueness of its participants by running an AI-hard Turing test at the same time for everyone around the globe.
The Idena blockchain is driven by proof-of-person consensus: Every node is linked to a cryptoidentity, one single person with equal voting power.
Trade DNA on qTrade. Max $4k/day withdrawals w/o KYC:
Next validation session:
>March 30th, 13:30 UTC
No fuck you
Who says we will even see another bull run..
Easy 10k stack at 1500 sats, i can’t complain.
Bro crypto is still here, financial systems are collapsing, bitcoin is an easy solution. Besides that all the use-cases blockchains will give to this world is infinite..
I gotta say I admire the conviction of these pajeets
Lol exactly who tf cares about these shitcoins during these horrible periods
Node is fookin smooth already mined like 500 oooo
Really enjoying those threads popping up, we are slowly building dedicated following and Idena Generals will soon enough be the only space with quality cypto discussion on Yas Forums
Godspeed to all
Too bad OP started a literal pajeet general
>starting his thread out with muh 100x
stop and trust in Yu Pan instead of some random fuck nobody knows frend.
Yeah, fortunately there are more based ones and we will arrive at a widely accepted script similar to /smg/ without any pajeetry included no worries
Whats the ultimate suicide stack?
I hope somebody expands on that script
this shit will unironically never take off because its such a FUCKING pain in the ass to even get verified
only pajeets and chinks get btfo
just post a pic with your white hand and timestamp with the node installed on telegram channel
t. white balkanoid
Also remember to make potential invitees send you practice flips
no good flips = no invite
im from germany
and im not wasting my time taking a timestamped picture of my hand for literally who on an anonymous internet board
Im sorry for you being a shitskin
imagine thinking i actually care about being insulted by you
im 100% genetically german and idgaf if you faggots believe it or not
Dann trommel deine viereinhalb Gehirnzellen mal zusammen und verifiziere dich, sonst wirst du dir in einem Jahr bei 500M Idena marketcap den Strick nehmen müssen.
wenn die verification weiter so bleibt wie sie ist und reddit incels keine invites rausgeben dann wirst du dir in einem jahr damit den arsch abwischen können
Mit der heutigen Hart-Gabel wird das Invitesystem ein wenig geändert. Freu dich dass das Projekt bis jetzt größtenteils pajeet und fast gook-/chinkfrei ist, das wird sich bei exponentiellem Wachstum sicher bald ändern.
das prijekt ist pajeetfrei aber dafür sind absolut nur plebbitors unterwegs die keine codes rausrücken
mir doch schnuppe, die pajeets bringen wenigstens wachstum
wenn du beweist dass du wie in der vs bildgeschichten aus 4 bildern generieren kannst die auch ein amerimutt versteht bist du auf jedenfall drin. viel spaß wenn du in 4-5 epochs deinen jetzigen mine-ertrag mit 50 anderen pajeets und ihren 10 geschwistern teilen kannst.
lol k sohn, du musst dass nicht umbedingt machen, ich habe kein foto gemacht, ich habe einfach mit einige Herren in Telegram geredet
ich hab 10 flips gemacht, alle gut, und keinen code bekommen.
die incels auf discord rücken einfach keine codes mehr raus und dass hält den fortschritt komplett auf.
die mods sind mit ihrem circlejerk beschäftigt wärend niemand einen code bekommt.
bist du zufällig kunta kinte? dem würd ich nicht so schnell meinen invite geben
It will get better with time but by then it'll be too late to get a make it stack for free, sorry Hans
nein bin ich nicht
we 100% don't believe you, you kike
I’d say around 5-10k is nice to have.
It only takes 3 validations and by the time you have become verified, you should already have been rewarded around 400 DNA. For mining, validation and creating flips.
Separate chain not needed
Where can i buy
Why? Have you seen how its built?
Yes it is.
I really like this project, they gotta get their flips under control though. I lost my invite on the last validation because the short session flips were so fucked. Luckily I talked to one of the team members (don't know if it was a dev or what) on Discord and he gave me a new one. Sucks though because I can't mine until next validation and I have to start as Candidate again.
>don't know if it was a dev or what
Andrew is the only person on the team who's active on Discord or Tg.
>The uniqueness of Idena participants is proven during a synchronous validation session: the network participants all over the globe must appear online at the same time, decrypt the flip puzzles, solve them and broadcast the answers - all within 120 seconds time frame. This hardly can be done with a smart contract because of the blockchain throughput limit and unpredictable fees caused by network congestion during such period
tl;dr good luck deploying on eth lmao
i like idena
but sorry to correct you
the most decentralized blockchain is NKN
Im pro Idena, but this sounds like just an ethereum scaling issue. If PoS fixes that, they should consider switching to ethereum
This is more decentralized because of 1 human 1 node ratio
This is more decentralized because of 1 human 1 node ratio
i get your point, still for NKN it's 1 public IP 1 node
How many nodes does NKN have online and are they all owned by different people?
As a former NKN holder, that coin is chink garbage and is one of my biggest mistakes for an investment. Already up 3x on Idena, much more promising in every single sense of the word
The original shill thread that got Yas Forums on this in the first place was similarly worded
Lol as if I can't rent hundreds of VPS servers
It's the most obvious, simple thing really.
No legitimate company would choose to use such foreboding iconography, the goal is to feel trustworthy and accessible.
>No legitimate company would choose to use
t. linkie bagholder
also implying that is the angle this project is coming from in the first place when it's cyberpunk as fuck in the first place. the idea is UBI you fucking moron why would a company adopt that? it's not some retarded shitty supplychain coin like VET or an oracle like LINK or RLC
idena seems really cool but the whole UBI thing is losing me. seems really retarded and kinda ruins it
This is the Pi Network for retards who don't fully realize how retarded they are. At least Pi retards know they are dumb
>Active and intelligent community
Pajeets and ching chongs farming invites
it's just the token distribution model versus PoW or PoS, both of which have had sybil problems in the past, and in which a majority of mining power/wealth earns significantly more and holds power. each node more or less makes the same returns, with a small additional payout to nodes in the network longer. UBI is a side effect of that, honestly pretty interesting regardless of partisan leanings and the first time this has been presented in crypto
i don't think i will buy idena
You can check tg and discord yourself, chinks are starting to file in but shitty chinkflips get booted off the network and hopefully they'll get sharded into a chink group one day. Surprisingly very few pajeets, I've not seen a single one outright. Most people in this are user americans and europeans or slavfags from what I've seen
ah so *mining* is how ubi is achieved. what exactly is mining in the case of idena? what algorithm is being used?
Wtf is an AI hard Turing test
>comparing this to Pi
take 5 minutes to read the faq on and then re-evaluate
a puzzle