No mercy for men

UK Twitter has posted countless images like this of busy trains. Every pic has something in common, ALL men. Men are the most largely available disposable trash on the planet. Every pic you can see these middle aged, numbed to everything men. Same look, same clothes. No choice but to work. Yet people are really ragging on them for trying to survive. Shit makes me depressed.

Remember biz, if you are an average or below man. The world doesn’t care.

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this was always true, nothing new. its a dog eat dog world for men, but if you win, the prize is great.

Men can’t just quit their jobs and get benefits.


Who cares what the world thinks. If men collectively started respecting themselves and stop putting up with so much garbage this wouldn't be the case.

Remember kikes enslaved us. When they come back I don’t think jews will be a gitty bunch

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You can understand why some men are so desperate to escape that they become trannies

Most men are weak simps allowing thottery

This is a stupid incel bullshit thread. Kill yourselves.

What’s incel about this. Not even to do with sex. Whole country shuts down yet it’s MEN who are still working. Just a reminder that you shouldn’t work for anyone but yourself because the government and society doesn’t give two shits about you.