/smg/ - Stock Market General

The Trap is Set Edition


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Crab Wednesday

Red Thursday and Friday

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Does having stocks make me more attractive to females? It seems like a very masculine trait

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I seriously want every boomer to die of ass cancer

This is some fucking gigantic news for precious metals

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reminder that its just a flu


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6 trillion bailout for boomers and nobody else gets anything. They are honestly the worst group of people to ever live.

How long until the DOW drops back down to 19000?

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who bought SQQQ at $31
fess up
dont hide

If the economy still crashes despite a 6 trillion pump, then this country is truly fucked, for bears and bulls.

money + risk taking behavior


if you havent
>broken a girls heart
>had your heart broken
>beaten the shit out of someone
>had your shit beaten
youre not a real man


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Reminder that while today felt good to be back in the green and strongly so, even Goldman is calling this a machine driven bounce and is expecting a quick reversal in a day or so. Maybe even into tomorrow.
All I can say is this:
If you don't know what you're doing, just get out now. You're not going to be able to really call this shit well. Hell I've been doing this for years and it is mass fucking chaos.

15,000 by Monday

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Two days

^ This ^

I haven't done any of that and I'm a biological male

ive done all those things and yet i still feel like a retard

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I bought at $23 at noon. Still fucking sweating bullets.

Can we please vote this orange retard out of office?

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what does that mean? contract terms for who? stock traders? international central banks? miners?

What are some choice call options lads?

Also, virus scares happen around elections all the time... Does anybody know how long before the election SARS and MERS were 'solved'? In my opinion this is when we can expect a rally more legitimate than a dead cat bounce.


why does someone whos a millionaire let himself get cucked by that ugly bitch bros

>takes photo of screen
>and dumps 80k euro into fucking dairy company during an economic crisis

Where the fuck did you retards crawl out of?

Yeah but don't talk about it. Just casually check your portfolio (it better have a big number in green) and then make sure she sees it. Don't try to talk about technicals tho her pusy will dry up.

I wish they would let the free market do its thing

what if you beat the shit out of a girl



i sold yesterday end of day warning you guys about a pump today and you guys called me a retard. buy it up tomorrow mid morning mid day at the latest

>imagine thinking we are not at the bottom.
Lol, you faggots all missed the dip.

t. useless boomer that wants the economy to shut down just for him

Hello Gavin

>70% unemployment
>70% unemployment
>70% unemployment

I once beat up a girl if that counts. Never got beaten up though.

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god I hope so, I need to get out asap

I can't take holding these puts anymore, fed please have mercy on my soul

Can someone edit the fed pump gif so that he's throwing grandmas into the wheel and skeletons are getting grinded out?

Many great men were total retards.

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market is literally backwards though, (((goldman))) probably has the machine that are manipulating this shit

I don't have a heart. Except the part of the human heart that is responsible for hate.




and workers won't see a penny of it.

reddit says it's red

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Name a great retard

I bought at 22.89 at close. Already regret it

my average is 25$ but we are still gonna make it

>83 thousand euros in a single stock
Bravo frenchie. Fuck diversification. Break the system

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Will SQQQ hit $26+ this thursday/friday? Please, someone knowledgeable please HELP ME. I will sell tonight if it is apparent that it won't.

Just like movies this 2nd depression coming is going to be worse

Would the Goldman Sachs jobless prediction coming true on Thursday cause a big crash?

It's simple

We uh...sue the Chinese for damages


That is honestly extremely high test

Corona deaths in Italy today: 743
SARS deaths total: 774

Based and insanepilled

kek i stole this image from another thread but the one you posted is unironically and 100% me. all from SPY puts baybeeee

nigger we can't even forecast tomorrow accurately with futures already coming in

I'm 99% sure the market will have to crash by monday because it's been completely disconnected from reality this week and needs to correct

You can stay there, nigger

futures are already fucking dying holy shit

Bloody fucking hell.
Do I invest in airlines now or are we going to see another dip?

Why aren't futures bright green after a six trillion dollar stim?

Yeah. ngl senpai

so what? a lot of helpful items that should have been law a long time ago are going to help society. Diverisity provisions for corporations, emissions controls to stem climate change, financial assistance for refugees etc

Should the fed even exist?

I'm feeling snib snab tomorrow, despair and crash later this week

what if I'm balls deep into SDOW, that sounds like good news

How u gonna sell in the middle of the night

When is everything going to dump? Will crypto dump too?

Less than Sars1 total in one day? Total nothing burger.

and I am the guy who bought the 83k worth of Danone. It was all a clever ruse in my 4d chess game.

When Jesus comes back on Easter the airline stocks will soar like the majestic bald eagle.
t. Trump

lmao when did they add a coronavirus tab?

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does anybody remember how close we got to impeaching Trump? Now everyone is in line to get their Trumpbux, ironic.

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Are we... are we about to have 2 green days in a row?

I bought at 28.

Is this the fucking end of the Fed lads?

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