Is the trophy wife the ultimate display of business success?

Is the trophy wife the ultimate display of business success?

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Maybe she's the participation trophy.

Try 36 hoe

That bitch is 26 and I'm Warren Buffett

That aint a trophy wife.

>pops out a niglet
>ready to settle down

Sorry sweaty no man with any self-respect is going to be a cuck.

>Hot mom status
Lmao, delusional roastie

why is she using a dating app?

omg princess i would love to take care of your child, i hope one day it will be our child and don't worry sweetie you can still have sex with jerome

Baby is?

looking for captain save a hoe or beta bux billy,
while tyrone fucks her

lol look how narrow his ID is
IDlets btfo

How old do you have to be for it to become pathetic that you're on a dating app? For me it's:


If you're a 28 year old woman still using dating apps, you're beyond used goods. If you're a 33 year old dude still using dating apps, I'd assume you lack the social skills required to meet women in real life and most likely do not have a very respectable job.

still hot desu

It's spelled sweetie you retard


having a short little ID means you have a short little dick in real life. That's just a fact

based on what?

A trophy wife is a total cuck move, and anyone who tells you they are or want to be a trophy wife is a red flag. A trophy mistress is different though.

>It's spelled sweetie

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I just want to move back to my old country and marry a 14 year old when I make it. I don't care at all about some amerithot dog fucking suburb stacy, I just want an innocent, bubbly, starry eyed GIRL (not a WOMAN) to spend the rest of my life with in an old stone house between the mountains and the sea.

>26yo WALLED single mother
>Wants to be a trophy wife
Absolutely delusional

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Sweat is the stuff you secrete when you exercise. Sweet is a taste

You have way too much faith in him

>trophy wife
>used goods

Im older than that but she looks older than me a male even though she is wearing makeup.


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Why can't she find a good man, /poliz/?

Jesus christ dude. Is this your first day here?

You have to go back.

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Used goods are awful and this bitch looks like a chipmunk, but actual mombods are based.

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Because she has massive delusions of grandeur.

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An appropiate trophy wife should clarify if she does anal, gagging, deepthroat, essential stuff. BTW she's definitely not 26 lmao

I’d take the Pespi Pecker challenge up against you two chodes any day of the week.

this innocent pure fine christian lady is the trophy wife

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Does her basedboy husband know?

That pic had me laughing. I've been indoors too long.

>hot mom status

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Back to r*ddit

we dont know,
but imagine thats the reason why he married this pure lady

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omg what's going on here?

Idk about that mate I know doctors and lawyers on tinder

BASED. Menarche is the age of consent. JEWWSS are trying to pathologize reproductively valid behavior.

Business success, social failure.

Best wife sticks through with you from the beginning (hs, college gf). Preferably a virgin.

Holy shit lmao. You should tell him to whip his cock out so we can all take pictures and laugh haha

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based toddler

26? The milk has already gone bad.

Fuck off this website

yikes. show her other pics

Bitch cant even make her bed

Jesus christ sweet-tea

some women were meant to be bred.

her a trophy wife? HAHAHAHA

Why the fuck do they carry niglets to term? Abortions are fucking legal.


Nigga you look 40

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Self-sabotage. It's the adult version of cutting your own arms.

Your id says bux so we're all getting neetbux soon!

>that slutty dress
I'm going to take a guess and say the second kid wasn't her husband's.

>wants to be trophy wife
>is single mom
wow this level of delusion

I dunno about trophy wife but if she lets cum in her mouth I'd pay for her uber home after

>Been sleeping around since her mid teens
>Went to nursing school and became a massive whore in order to "find herself"
>Meets Jamal at the club
>Wow he's like, a drug dealer... So hot
>Gets assaulted on a weekly basis but stays with him because it secretly turns her on
>Gets pregnant, decides this person is the kind of man I want to bring a child into this world with
>Father immediately bolts and his homies give him daps
>Continues to sleep around and party with the girls
>One day realizes that she is hooking up with less and less attractive Chads
>Hits her that she's closer to 30 than 20 and has nothing to show for it but a job she hates and a screaming halfbreed that she leaves with her parents at every opportunity
>"Welp, guess it's time to find a simp"
The sad part is she will probably find some sniveling pathetic "man" to support her and her bastard spawn

I abhor single mothers more than anything
And as the child of one I think I have that right

This is awesome, perfect illustration of why PT is important.

That's what having Tyrone's kids will do to a roastie. Would it be illegal to take her on a date, treat her like a queen and then let her know you have money only to follow it up with that you can't have the kid around. I would like to see how far this "jaquan is my WORLD" stuff really goes in the minds of these women.

Would she
>break off contact and struggle for the rest of her life
>put her son up for adoption
>straight up murder his nigglet ass in his sleep

Of course you would never fuck her or even entertain the idea of engaging in a relationship with the broken goods to begin with, but I wonder what these roasties would do.

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___ _____ ___ ______

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Now you’re beginning to understand why new money billionaires get Asian wives.

Go back to plebbit newfaggot

More like a hotwife

It must be terrible to grow up slowly realizing your mom was a dumbass who got pumped and dumped

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> cooking skills

Making raw pasta with ketchup is a cooking skill?

testing for testosterone level

and you are a morbidly obese hamplanet

is sweaty too on the nose?

I've been on this shithole board every single day for 4 years and on this shithole website every day for 12 years and I have never encountered this particular 'lol I was just pretending to be retarded' meme.
All of you kys

The eternal summerfag speaks