/PMG/ Precious Metals General

Gold & silver out of stock worldwide edition
previous thread

Ways to invest in gold:
- Physical Gold
- Sovereign gold bonds (SGBs)
- Mining stocks
- Gold backed Crypto, i.e. Tether Gold (XAUt) and others, *meh*
- Cashless Lending to Goldshops (for i.e. 2% at GoldSilbershop.de)

Precious Metal News:

Wiki on verification of gold.

Bullion tax info by state:

Recommended online dealers for US:

Gold Panning

Spot silver deals & a good site to check prices of competitors:

YouTube/Reading Resources:

Attached: 200122-gold-silver.jpg (1408x792, 166.97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Again forgot about platinum. Ngmi

In Aus best option to buy right now is ABC pool allocated.

OP you forgot to add futures and FoPs.

It's happening

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>tfw when bought physical just before moon mission

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What is this obsession with industrial metal?

Age of hydrogen comming?

Does this mean people with PM contracts though their bank or something? I never got into the complexity of retarded shit like that and always took delivery.

Gold to $10k when. Shits about to get real folks.

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dubs and gold doesn't moon so I can start my stack

My stacks are scheduled to arrive today by 8pm. The suspense is killing me. Glad I ordered 3-15 before it got too crazy.

What will 100 ounces of silver and 0.5 of gold do for me?

where the FUCK do I buy gold now
even small suppliers are going dry
should I start robbing old ladies and melting their earrings on an industrial furnace?

I don't believe you're based enough to do that, maybe you'll prove me wrong

1 oz of silver will get you a tesla cybertruck when it releases in 2023

They know something you dont

paper gold is just paper

desu I live in a 1000 people town in poor eastern Europe, most people here are ancient and I think it's highly likely corona chan will take care of a lot of them... there's at least 5 houses near me where the people there could die and no one would notice it for months

To the Moon

Can someone pls post link which shows doomsday gold price

Based. If you dont hold it, you dont own it.

This one? usdebtclock.org/

>us household assets decreasing by 1 million every few seconds

free houses, nice

Most banks don't offer this now anyway. Looks like ABN are getting the dog dick... which means their 'customers' get the T-Rex dick.

how does $100,000,000,000,000,000 sound?

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Ordered 3/07 payment cleared 3/09 and still dont have it JM Bullion. Getting worried now

So I will be able to buy 12,000 cybertrucks?

How much TP rolls is that?

Stonks best day since 1933. It's over boys, your rocks are fucked.

Just got off the phone with kitco they said physical delivery of vault chain gold is suspended until further notice. Time to lawyer up fuck these kikes.

>cuck rock
>fedora nugget
>boomer boulder
>elemental so.y
>fool’s bitcoin

pink nigger gay

Any online shop in Europe that's not out of stock?

Guys, will he make it??

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Just got these today, ordered on 3/12. Especially relieved now that there's talk about shutting down the USPS. Hang in there fellas

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>only have ten oz silver laying around from way back when I had a dabbling interest in stacking
>pretty much impossible to get anything more at this point, everywhere is sold out

If only I had kept at it. Fuck me

I just picked up another 42 ozs for $11/oz shipped
Stacklets btfo

where faggot

only reason there is a shortage is because gold shops and manufacturers are closed due to corona

I'm not letting you faggots in on my hustle


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Holy shit.

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what does this even mean though

i think it would be better to just use $100,000,000,000,000,000 as toiler paper. You wouldnt swap a truck full of paper for 5 rolls of toiler paper right?

where going to the moon baby

All together now:

Based on historical price ratio to gold, platinum has potentially far more gains than silver or gold itself.

It means faith in the fractional reserve precious metal system is about to dry up because there is no precious metal printer to go brrr.

My birthday's in a couple of weeks. Overheard my girlfriend on the phone with her sister explaining how lucky she was to get a bunch of silver for me as my present. Absolutely love that woman.

Help me pls. I have some shares of GLD, SPDR Gold Shares. Is it actually worthless? Or am I rich?


Shit, so I should sell and buy puts?

Hodl on to her desu, sounds like an amazing woman

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Sell and buy physical you retard, or mining stocks

I'll give you a hint. The (((custodian))) for the GLD is none other than HSBC. The (((custodian))) and primary authorized dealer for the SLV is JP fucking Morgan.

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Also happy early birthday

R8 my stack?

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not a bad start, dude. love the look on those chunky bois