Generate new btc address at dnm

>generate new btc address at dnm
>send money from coinbase to dnm
>coinbase blocked my account and emailed requested more information about the withdrawal


I thought Bitcoin was anonymous?
How can they even get away with this?
What the fuck do I reply?
Why should it matter who I send MY money to?


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Other urls found in this thread:

>I thought Bitcoin was anonymous?
You are a fucking retard.

bitcoin kinda is, coinbase however, is not

Wouldnt you want them to do this if someone hacked ur account and tried to send bitcoins bro?
Its for ur own safety

Stay safe user

you are clearly new to this. it's in their user agreement and has been known and happening for years. that's how they stay legal.

also lol at you

You need to send to electrum adress, then open TOR browser and open another electrum browser going trough proxy, then DNM.

Coinbase > Electrum normal > Electrum with TOR oppened > DNM.

you dumb man.. thats not how any of this works

>I thought bitcoin was anonymous
Coinbase is not bitcoin

>I thought Bitcoin was anonymous?
Not at all
>How can they even get away with this?
KYC/AML laws
>What the fuck do I reply?
"oops, I'm an autistic retard, my b"
>Why should it matter who I send MY money to?
Because buying drugs is illegal, dumbass

what's dnm? How much BTC were you trying to send?

>Using Con-base
Holy retard.

Imagine being dumb enough to send directly from CB to DNM
Hope the FBI shows up at your place tonight

What's DNM?

oh darknet market nevermind. Yeah you cant deposit straight from coinbase dude what are you fucking retarded? That's how you go to jail


He was trying to deposit to a multisig darknet market account straight from coinbase

This is the best thread since Corona break out. Is there a Yas Forums talking about drugs?

Thank you and sorry for being a brainlet

Ok so how do I get btc to dnm safely? I can't be bothered to install tails and all that shite for a few grams

I'm extremely bored in quarantine need to take the edge off

I wrote it in the thread! Read a little bit up!

coinbase > binance
binance > monero
monero > monero wallet #2
monero wallet #2 > binance account #2
binance account #2 > new mycelium wallet
new mycelium wallet > darknet wallet

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Use dollars you fag. Crypto is not for illegal shit

Duuude, Crypto is a lot about that. Markets close, crypto down, markets trade - crypto up.

Coin-mixers scandals - crypto down.

You living in a cave or something? There is a whole psychedelic revolution going around in the world, by people recieveng drugs by the post. ....

jeez how retarded.

coinbase -> zatomicdex btc wallet
swap btc > pirate chain
swap pirate chain > btc
btc > darknet

what do you use?

Not a tiresome process at all

Some people use mixers they're so paranoid their btc address will be associated with the DNM. Then you have retard OP sending straight from Coinbase lmao

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Hey fren, can you help me? I've been out of the dnm for 2/3 years. Last time I was on I was using all of the correct opsec, but it looks like all of my sources of info are shut down now. Should I still use Tails on USB to access the dnm's through Tor? And will I need XMR to buy stuff or do they accept other forms of payment?

Also, if you have a place I can go to see all this info. I used to go to DarkNetMarketsForNoobs or some shit on reddit, but it was shut down.


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claim it was unauthorised/hack if you ever want to see that money again

2 years ago there was a major bust and all the big names like Alphabay were seized by the gov. /dnm/ was the only place on the clearnet to discuss these things and it was the only good subreddit to ever exist on that forsaken site. A lot has changed these past few years.

Yeah.. I had some BTC sitting in AB that I lost when it was shut down and never got back into it. So do people accept BTC or do I have to figure out how XMR wallets work?

>public ledger
>wtf bros i thought i was super sekrit anonymoose

They ask question about you sending it to a tumblr and electrum now

Wait, no tumblers, mixing is not good, also there are a lot of fake tumblers and your coins are gone. I can give answers, is giving skype a good idea?

Fuck, do they really?

So what are my options for getting money in a dnm account? Mail cash to some localbitcoin seller?

Dude, no, it's doable.

But don't you have local delaers? Just download electrum and us it. Even one step from coinbase to electrum to darknet, then they go to Escrow (Third party holder, before release), is not that tracable, it's a lot better. Escrow is another address in the chain...

BITCOIN ATM’s you pleb

Do you know how hard it is to find a quality local dealer as a neet with zero social skills? I have a guy I buy direct from on wickr

I live in middle of nowhere America anons. No dealers, atm's within 3 hours of me. lmao

Maybe Coinbase>Uniswap>Electrum>DN?

Without Uniswap, make 2 Electrums, 1st from coinbase, 2nd OPEN TOR, then OPEN 2nd Electrum and then it will make a proxxy, the 2nd electrum connects to TOR and this way it becomes DARKNET WALLET, then DNM, understand?

You're a fucking idiot

Gotcha. Thanks user!

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TOR and Electrum work together to hide the adress and coinbase doesn't flag it as bad, it's just UKNOWN, somewhere, then when you trade on DNM Escrow, depends on the trader, Escrow is another step up and makes it hard to trace.

Just never put two orders, order to home post box - to your own adress by name, i know it sounds sketchy, but it will work. Put a small order first.

Which market is Up? I know Empire has a lot of DDoS's?


There are algorithms scanning the ledger daily and coins like XMR are being beaten into submission in their infancy. Crypto is for speculation ONLY at this point. Not for dumb criminal shit.

youre welcome

Move to personal bitcoin core wallet, from there move to coinjoin, done

Is this bait?
Everyone and their grandmother know that bitcoin is a surveillance tool.

15% fees?

Biz is full glowniggers like The only option with bitcoin is swaping it for a private currency.

That’s the price you pay for real anonymity, best advice? Don’t be poor. If you are poor, why are you buying drugs in the first place.

There is no real anonymity with bitcoin, you glowie.

Using a public ledger, which is visible to everyone and cannot be deleted for illigal purchases is pretty naive, isn't it?

There’s no anonymity with anything anymore, being able to buy BTC in fiat and shuffle around wallets is as good as you goyim are gonna get. I’m sure it could be tracked if you’re a terrorist or narco warlord but the ZOG isn’t tracking the average anons crypto purchases from ATM’s.

Not at this time but they will do reanalyse it in 10 years and knock on your door, you pleb. Just use a real private crypto.

Use a paper wallet or buy a hardware wallet. Send your btc there from coinbase before sending it wherever you want. Are you fucking retarded?

yes, but instead of a 4 it's the number you'd expect and it's completely dead. still useful for information though.

zcash literally fixes this

buy zcash
send to transparent address
send to shielded address
trip balls

On the other hand. You should be going for BTC right FUCKING NOW.

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Trusted setup.
'member zookos tweet?
How is that private?

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