/smg/ - Stock Market General

Zoom out edition


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this morning required reading:
bit ly 3bmqvc8

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dump on opening, also fuck tripfags

Where do I buy Chainlink from?

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Jerome will cause the collapse of the USD with his infinite brrrrrrrrr and collapse the global economy.

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whats that, a fence?


Futures are near limit. It's probably going to end with over 20k.

Is this the most obvious bull trap in history?

Reminder that after DOW went up 1900 points, the next day it fell for 3000

Ah for fuck sake guys, who put CNBC in the pasta?

So what should I buy during the coronavirus sales for long term and when should I buy it?

should i sell my inverse ETFs at a minor loss now? the market should keep going down for a while, just a little slower than before right?

Afraid so.

Police officer stopped me in the street earlier. I showed him my receipt from the pharmacy and he let me go

I remember. Just talking about how it will end for today. It's always a red green pattern, barring Monday and Friday.

I warned all the idiots on here the market wasn't going to crash this week lmao

What trading platform do fellow ausfags use?

fuck off transfrog

>Activist investor Bill Ackman said he has made a “recovery bet” on the economy, investing $2.5 billion in equities
>“That’s about the most bullish thing we’ve done,” he said in a Bloomberg TV interview. “We are all long. No shorts, you know, betting on the country.”

Reminder that put options are literally unpatriotic and you should be deported to Mexico

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so do you believe the china numbers or not?
their death rate is likely much higher than reported, and they would absolutely hide the deaths of younger people

also why do you not care about anyone over 60?
>It OnLy KiLlS bOoMeRs
this has been the weird cope since the start of the outbreak, but almost everyone has family members over 60, do we just not care if they die now?

can someone explain what happened here to a retard

Attached: file.png (714x138, 26.39K)

Imagine believing this garbage.

>more quarantines
>less people working
>more businesses shutting down
>green numbers
Unlimited Printing Works can defy all realities

they bet on a made game, feds gonna pump it

no no no shorts/puts are rocket fuel for the pumps. let the clowns short, they will hold too long and get REKT. just look at the butthurt on the board this morning

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reverse split that hasn't properly adjusted the past numbers yet?

The only thing that bothers me is faggots like you pretending this is a normal market when it's being heavily manipulated

Price went up.
>you're welcome

Reverse split?

That save game file got corrupted. Just load up the autosave from before that.

fuck me, lets short it

1. Glitch
2. Reverse split
3. Gush fags being rich as fuck and mogging the entire thread for years to come

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Ten of Direxion Shares leveraged funds will now seek daily leveraged, or daily inverse leveraged, investment results, before fees and expenses, of 200% or -200%, instead of 300%/-300% previously.

Becomes effective May 19, 2020.

Tickers of the 10 leveraged funds are: BRZU, RUSL, NUGT, DUST, JNUG, JDST, ERX, ERY, GUSH, DRIP.

If jobless reports on Thursday turn out to be even higher than estimates, what do you think is going to happen? Clearly investors are already expecting a significant dip, but if it's even worse what reaction do you think there's going to be?

Attached: Hard thinking.png (516x440, 156.67K)

>investing $2.5 billion in equities
You don't throw around billions lightly. He bought the dip. The course has corrected and ship's back on target

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>so do you believe the china numbers or not? their death rate is likely much higher than reported, and they would absolutely hide the deaths of younger people
No, only an idiot would believe China. The reason why we know more about the disease now is because we have way more reliable countries researching it so we are finally going to get more realistic numbers. See >this has been the weird cope since the start of the outbreak, but almost everyone has family members over 60, do we just not care if they die now?
Literally people are having less kids and a larger older population, this is literally an economic crisis waiting to happen with programs like social security that could implode if there are less people paying in than recieving benefits. Plus you really expect people to give a shit about old people when they can't even be bothered to visit or talk to their own grandparents?

Numbers go up when more people aren't working. Market will go up

This disease would be WAY worse if it killed the very young instead of the old. Literally might have played out like that children of men movie.

Anyone got puts on zoom?


>>this has been the weird cope since the start of the outbreak, but almost everyone has family members over 60, do we just not care if they die now?

Ask the opposite question, do the over 60s not care if the global economy is destroyed for their children?

Hardware store. Try Home Depot or Lowe’s

Do people here actually believe this is all over? There is literally no reason for it to pump over the next month.

Uhhhhh......guys.......did I miss my chance to buy low?

>May 19

why? Tell me what exactly happened? virus will be gone in no time

the economy is in the toilet. jobless claims is just an indicator of the economy but we already know the bottom line so it's not going to be meaningful

Did you cough on him?

Yeah bong, still a few people out. Policeman was quite friendly and let me go immediately, but it's so fucking surreal

>Ask the opposite question, do the over 60s not care if the global economy is destroyed for their children?
US Boomers do not give a shit. The whole Fed dark magic was to make their retirement accounts solvent for a cashout and then die before the zombie economy takes hold for decades.

There is a reason. The fed lmao

So are my gush calls suddenly worth a lot or what?

>Ask the opposite question, do the over 60s not care if the global economy is destroyed for their children?
Too bad they can't take it with them to the afterlife. At least this frees up assets that were otherwise essentially frozen.

It's priced in. The doom and gloom is over.
We had a national spring break.
A few grannies will die. A few others will stay home for a day.

Such an obvious trap.
So is the plan get the economy running again just long enough for the well connected to get out relatively unscathed?

so is gush just going from 3x to 2x?

you know it's not a bad idea to hear from the normie/boomer community on "long term" "investig". In fact, it might even help you become a better speculator.

Bull trap

If I understand right it already did after the reverse split. Kind of sucks desu.

Ending red today.

>It's priced in. The doom and gloom is over.
>We had a national spring break.
>A few grannies will die. A few others will stay home for a day.
>there are retards who actually believe this
Trump, is that you?

Either 1 of 2 things have to happen

The old have to make massive sacrifices for the young

The young have to make massive sacrifices for the old

In any healthy society, older people, parents and grandparents, care more about their children than themselves. However now boomers care more about themselves than their children, and thus we will get a great depression

The US deaths haven't even started yet fool. ICUs are about to be overwhelmed and you think it's over lol.

They don’t have kids, beau

Check out Merkel and the Eurocuck politicians—they don’t have marriage or kinders

Only red-blooded American cowboys and truckers still know how to please a lady

Nah the well connected already cashed out, that was the massive dip and the little guys got screwed. Now they are going to crash in owning more of everything and rinse and repeat.

I like it, i appreciate the normie perspective no matter how wrong it is lol.

no they split too. badly.

Buy more puts then if you believe this all fake news.

At this point, the stock market's valuation is so divorced from real labor it probably wont matter. Lots of people will plummet into poverty, number line will go up.

it's still the best leveraged vehicle for crude price though right?
I'm still gonna try to sell my shares rq and make 34k :v

mate stake is the way to go, Has an app and website, no commision fee.

This. Boomer run the Fed an WH. Buy boomerstox while you can. T KO XOM MSFT DUK NEE LMT GD

There will be no death surge in the USA. Effective and cheap treatment is available for chink flu.

That was the bottom. Happening cancelled. Recovery will surge then slowly crawl back up to ATH by November, just in time for agent orange to win with a massive landslide.

Take a walk. People are done with this news cycle. They're tired of seeing the New York Governor soaking up all the limelight as if that shithole was the only thing that matters in America.
They're hamming it up for the Federal Emergency money and we were ready for a correction in the clown market. Mid-April and people won't remember this. They'll be back to the next "crisis".

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I’m 90% cash and staying that way. This isn’t over, we’re hitting 200 before 260.