American intellectuals

American intellectuals

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OP. you can't use american and intellectuals in the same sentence that is simply not possible burgers are dump as fuck.

>dow number go up good

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What is your fucking argument OP? They're right. You think otherwise? Why?

so deadly, so dangerous

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>we aren't getting out usual fix of w.e. makes us feel relevant in our artificial cogscrew society

>we want to get back to slow suicide and self-debasement for status and ''bread''

last I checked trees give food for free and fish and stuff comes in abundance if you don't hoard and over-breed things

Reads like a bunch of shitcoin shills who longed the top lmao COPEronavirus.

Cool bait bro

Except they're right.
90% of deaths are over age 70. Can't shut down and entire economy and ruin millions of lives because some dead old folks.

>None of the doctors advising on this thing are experts on what makes a society work
This is so rich

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>all these retards..

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What part of permanent lung damage and month long hospitalization do you not understand?

The correct thing to do is to do all these supresison measures ONLY ON OLD PEOPLE and those who are in contact with them. But boomers are a strong voting base, so you can't bully them.

>Instead of slowing the virus by shutting down the country for a little which (which will indeed fuck up the economy for a little), we'll destroy our healthcare systems, have people dying off all over the place (some of which won't be COVID patients and instead will just be other sick people who can't get proper care) and fuck up the economy anyways

Except they're fucking retarded because the markets crashing doesn't affect 99% of people, because the people that are being laid off right now are getting full pay unemployment for months.

All of these politicians and "intellectuals" are primarily concerned about their own bottom line.
I live in PA and I've spoken to dozens of people who are out of work due to the shutdown and they're all treating it like a fucking vacation.

literally who

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>guys, we need to stay quarantined forever and never go outside ever again.
>If you go outside, you are LITERALLY KILLING PEOPLE.

get fucked you fucking faggots. I'll cough all over you and you'll fucking piss your pants.

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>guys we need to never work again, or you're literally killing people and you're worse than hitler.
>Drumfpt invented this disease and didn't tell us about it until 2 days ago.
>Dobalb Dwomp l i t e r a l l y keeps lying to us about the disease and it is making me hyperventilate. We MUST stop him by electing bag o' bones Joe and the shadow council that props up his dead body.

2020 is shaping up to be my favorite year. This shit is so fucking hilarious to me.

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Yeah bro it's only everyone over 60 and people with heart and lung conditions and smokers and the obese who are at risk. That's like 60% of the population tops, relax

wild how trump supporters were the first to overreact, then once people on the left became concerned, they ripped the hardest 180 degree turn they possibly could to prove to the world that they're rational-minded

which makes me wonder, what scared boris johnson so much that he switched parties and ripped his dick off to join labour before straight up joining the communist party?

>if you go within 10 yards of someone you deserve death.
>I want to literally KILL those spring breakers for going outside when 94 year old's in Italy are dying of corona virus [and cancer]
>how am I going to pay my $2,000 rent when I'm not allowed to go to work? Sorry landlord scum, I will not pay. It's unsafe to go outside and I just spent my last $50 on UberEats'ing a Wendy's combo meal.

you slowly realize why some people want to drag this china flu out as long as they possibly fucking can. They finally can benefit from being the piece of shit they always were.

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user are you okay?

Now post the death rate without hospitalisation

>>Instead of slowing the virus by shutting down the country for a little which (which will indeed fuck up the economy for a little), we'll destroy our healthcare systems, have people dying off all over the place (some of which won't be COVID patients and instead will just be other sick people who can't get proper care) and fuck up the economy anyways
>user are you okay?

I'm thinking you have to go back, Mr. Redditor. *coughs in your direction*

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>have people dying off all over the place
>Dude, if we don't shut down the country for 4 months, literally everyone will die, all over the place!

you are so fucking stupid lol

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dont tell me there are people that actually like trump still

This kind of reaction would be correct if we had any semblance of a economy worth saving.

>COVID-19 hits people hardest who have comorbidities like obesity, high blood pressure and respiratory issues
Let me tell you about the average US citizen (and it still will be mostly boomers dying off, but that still will not result in the market not shitting itself)

don't like anything about the man

They’re just neoliberal retards.

yes user, I've already ceded the point to you that we need to stay inside for 7 months or literally everyone will die.

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trump is unironically becoming less popular and newsom/cuomo becoming more popular among trump supporters courtesy of coronachan

These are the same “muh free market” retards who think we have the best healthcare system in the world. What will they say when, following their demands, hospitals are absolutely inundated with coronavirus patients and we’re worse off than Italy?

Putting a quarantine on people 65+ seems like the most logical solution. Theyre already getting a pension, theyre the most at risk for the disease, lots of boomer still work so this will clear up a lot of the job market and increase demand which means higher wages for young people, and doing that will flatten the curve so the healthcare system isnt overwhelmed. This would last only 18 or so or until theres a drug which significantly helps, or a vaccine. WHeres the downside here?

Alright, well if we want to make the Corona virus situation political, which Americans love to do (because they're children), Democrats are running a rag doll with Alzheimer's against the weakest incumbent president in US history. They will lose and it will be funny, and it's all their fault (including everyone that voted for the man with literal dementia). I mean imagine thinking running a man with Alzheimer's for President of the USA is a solid strategic move. It's fucking baffling but it will definitely be funny.

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>Kill 5% of the Population for the holy GDP

cope faggot i'm just stating the truth


Choose one.

Cool, i'm stating the truth as well. Enjoy 4 more years of orange man.

i will dipshit. who the fuck do you think you're talking to?

Señor Dermpf?

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well, this will all end well. won't it
Goddammit murica, while you can be generally cretinous over many an issue - gun control comes to mind - rolling the fucking dice on the lives of what could be 5% of your population, JUST for the fucking Dow and the re-election of that fat fucking genocidal orange arsehole?
This is too mad, even for you. You have a choice - and the RIGHT thing to do here isn't even at issue - no, your choice is whether you are gonna sit back and let this happen.

tfw working from home and drinking whiskey all day erryday.
this is the best thing that has happened since sars and swineflu.

it's been fun larping with you comrade

don't forget to buy the dips

Does anyone have this image with the italian pizza dude?

If anyone suggests anything involving work, commerce, the economy it triggers them. They can't imagine that harm can be done if things stop moving for too long.

#Tachyon provider nodes can get bothstaking rewardsandsession rewards.

At this point I'm convinced that the Republicans actively WANT people dead.

200k per life-year (even for old boomers)
1 million deaths (do you really believe this?)
10 years of life lost on average (average age of death is about 80)
= 2 trillion dollars

Cost of shutting down the economy
= way more than 2 trillion

#Tachyon uses multiprotocol adaptive infiltration technology

Right, free healthcare solves overcrowding at hospitals. You are a genius.

That sounds like god sending us an eugenics cleaning tool said like that.

The absolute state of r*ddit

There's a word for that

I mean they're right.

we need to be testing people right now and over the next week. Test everyone. Then lock down people that actually have the thing. Sorry, you go to house arrest while the rest of the country carries on.

what we're doing right now isn't working and isn't sustainable. Half-assed quarantines that nobody follows. Only problem is the president is too stupid to do what needs done. So he'll just let it spread instead.

>muh republicans
If your dog died you'd blame them

The economy isn't sustainable so who cares. Let it die. Quarantine everyone for an entire year. The stock market is gay bullshit.

5 stages.

I mean if their policy consisted of "You are to not give your pet essential medical care and over work it to exhaustion and death" I certainly would.

fear mongering. your welcome to stay rot in your apartment faggot, us adults have work to do

Medical effects that can be observed and measured are not fear mongering. Even Asymptomatic cases demonstrate reduced lung functionality you absolute fucking imbecile.
Jesus fucking christ do the world favor and an hero

Which it isn't and couldn't be

American cuckservatives

That's not practical though. For one there aren't enough tests, and how the hell are they going to ensure that literally everyone has been tested? They could go to every house in the country but what about people who are homeless or indigent? All it takes is for them to miss 1 single person and the whole things starts again. Also the tests aren't 100% accurate and there can be false negatives. Double test? Over 330 million people statistically there will be double false negatives. So you'll need even MORE tests. Triple testing, quadruple testing...

>Asymptomatic cases demonstrate reduced lung functionality you absolute fucking imbecile.
You will provide no source for this.