What is your purpose in life Yas Forums?

what is your purpose in life Yas Forums?

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Making money and catgirls

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to coom

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How do you make catgirls?


to sex asian cuties

To find love bro

make babies with cats

Self control and self mastery. To overcome carnal distractions and achieve control over all thoughts and impulses. You are not free if you are a cumbrain.

It's a work in progress, but we'll get there.

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To exist

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Hello e-thot my old friend
I've come to fap to you again
to a vision of you nude, streaming
I dump my seed watching you sleeping
and the feelings of regret and coomer shame,
still remains.

After the sound of cooming.

In restless nights I coom alone
with eight porn tabs on my cellphone.
'Neath the pale-glow of my phone screen
Traps and trannies, cuckolds, B-B-C
until my eyes are red from the six hour pornofest --
I return to rest.

Soothed by the sound of cooming.

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for what reason? do you have ego problems?

Bitcoin unironically

To suffer I suspect. I'm trying real hard, but nothing seems to work and the weight just gets heavier as the years go by. I'm starting to make out what the little voice in my head is saying more and more. It sounds like it's saying "survivorship bias" in between laughter.

To squeeze dem titties. Jk, to provide for my senpai.

I'll let you know once I find out

To waste space and resources until I die.

As the weight gets heavier, you get stronger user. I think you would benefit from visiting if you don't already. It helps me to manifest these feelings into something tangible.


save more than I earn while fighting off the hoards of babys mamas that want my money

I want to learn the truth about the ancient astronauts and the hidden intergalactic civilization.
I want to contact them..

Get some of that BRAP

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You are not ready.

She’s Beautiful


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I thought it was to make money and get a gf but I did both and the existential anxiety hasn't gone away one bit.

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99.9% of the people living on this planet will never be ready for the truth.
I still want to learn it.

Then become one of the 0.1%.

I technically have been since my birth even if I only found out a few years ago..
How do I obtain the truth then ?

The best I can think of right now is to read books and try to find some experts.
Maybe visit some older ruins to look for some hidden information.
If I make it I will have more time to pursue this.

The hard way would be to use my time to develop a new technology which would be detected on their communication system.
But I would need an enormous amount of time and probably a few billions for this.

I'll drink from the skull user, just pass it to me

I saw a documentary that said when our first spaceship travels at light speed they'll come make first contact

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To get people saved

I don't know.

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What in His name are you talking about?
A symbolic ritual is not transference of knowledge.

Unfortunately that's not possible without cheating.
You may be faster but only because you don't follow the rules of this universe..
It's a lot easier to develop the same communication technology than this cheating warp drive.

get the bread, pusy nigga

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whats here name

Boozing up
Blazing up
Bingeing drugs and shitty food
Being a shitty lefty journo nuisance
Banging your mom

based and trapist monk pilled

ayyyy anotha nigga wit class !

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lmao tweddys

Nut into a catgirl without a condom

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i spent my childhood fucking around on computers playing games, coding, etc, in highschool freshman year i installed a worm on about 400 school computers, destroyed them entirely.
got banned from computers until my 21st birthday
i spent my 20s doing drugs and living like hunter thompson, wrote 16 books that barely earn me $2k/mo in royalties - gave it all up and the whoring around with countless druggie bitches too
i was 27yo when i got back into computers and immediately went all in on crypto.
mid 30s now and have more money than ive ever had.

i used to think life was about getting women but after having more than 60gfs i have to admit they only made me miserable after being with them long enough.
now, im more of the mindset life is about prudent long term value investing and little more than that besides being prepared for shtf situations which having money really helps u prepare for.
life is an equation where the function is your survival rate multiplied by how much money you have, beyond that theres little more to it than that.
after doing enough DMT and spending time in the space between spaces, i have determined that death is just the beginning of an eternal adventure.

thats my 2 cents but dont cap it.
also buy obscene amounts of RSR right now.

You’re dumb as fuck. I’ve surpassed each of your achievements and have started a family. You are sad.

To turn perfectly good food into shit.

Overall, it’s to build a life that is as close as possible to perfect. Figured out health, social, women, and mindset years ago.

Currently taking my entrepreneurial income from $6 a month to more like $15K. After that, travel, enjoy being semi-wealthy and location independent, then settle down and start a family.

Life good, future bright.

shorting big company stocks in the era of the C O R O N A and living like a baws in a couple of weeks wassup

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>ERROR does not compute
t. NPC

Spend money on gachashit and breed jap pussy every once in a while.



To usurp the elite.

diamond rank on league

hell yea

Eating pussy till I die

I live my life, not for honor, but for you snake eater

I've been laughing at this gif and your post for a minute now, maybe it's because of my mental state

that's a man

To seek virtue. I will come up with an answer once I am virtuous enough.

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seek mental help you pathetic seething incel faggots.

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