How fucked are landlords?

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Not fucked at all

I hope very fucked. I hate that real state is such an easy business that even retards with no risk management can be profitable in it. I hope their mortgages all get fucked and their properties seized. Corona will shake off the weak hands.

seethe more, landie

>the chad property owner eviction vs the virgin broke tenant whine
enjoy being homeless

It's illegal to evict anyone in the US right now.

I hope all of the rent-seeking landlords fall behind on their mortgages and have to commit suicide

It’s the Chinese you should be after

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I think that'll let up in April, unfortunately. I was hoping for a genuine lethal pandemic that would collapse the system.

Kinda? There are going to be a ton of landlords with tenants who can no-longer pay rent, and if the landlords are running on thin margins they'll need loans to pay off the mortgage loans and it spirals.


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Depends on how landlords handle this situation. If they're reasonable, they'll permit grace periods and start setting up payment plans and ignore the void of actual business happening on a near-universal scale among tenants. If they're unreasonable and start trying to force tenants out over something they had zero control over and were federally placed into a situation they couldn't resolve, heads will roll. There's not enough cops in the US to continue forcing millions of tenants out of houses for not being able to pay for rent when the government literally caused a lockdown that got them potentially laid off.

>landlords BBBBRRRRRRRRRRR down commies in your lifetime

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>"I can't pay my rent or function in a soft, modern society in a time of relative affluence."
>So anyway, here's how society will be structured and run by me and my drug-addicted friends when civilization collapses and we take over."


Landlord scum gets no pass just cuz of muh white skin


I don't think tenants want to restructure society. They just want shelter in this devastating situation. If landlords think they can force millions onto the streets with zero repercussions, they need to wake up and smell the smoke.

Buying and owning a house is not labor that deserves to be compensated

Guess who will be evicted from his home by paid mercenaries, faggot.

The construction workers who built the houses gave them to us. The landlord is just a parasitic middleman extracting rent. Adam Smith knew this centuries ago.

all smart tenants need to do rn is sit tight on the rent, landlords can't do shit. WHEN evictions are allowed again, gonna be a glut of new rentals to pick from -OR, can just pay the due rent then, and good is. Sucks to be you landlord

>not living at home with your parents

landlords and tenantfags blown the fuck out. Now please excuse me, I'm going to go have mommy make me tendies.

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99% of tenants are mindless animals. The people here are part of the 1% who have some ability to think. Shame the 99% fuck them over and make it so money keeps flowing into my pocket lmao

I am due £2100 of rent for April and it makes up the vast majority of my income. Without it I will literally not have any money to live, lolz.

I know some of my tenants are likely to be cunts about it since everyone is telling them not to pay atm.

I will have to simply cancel all the direct debits for my various expenses and loan repayments, and pass the problem onto my bank(s).

would that gommies actually had the balls to try interesting stuff like this in 1st world countries. but they don't so nothing will happen unfortunately.

Not at all. I am a landlord, I own seven apartments and three retail strips.

I have so much cash reserves I can live without any income for the next five years and still pay my mortgages on time.

I am also heavily invested in bonds over the last year. Selling now and slowly pouring cash into equities, stocks are getting cheap.

If anything goes bad, I can always sell apartment or two.

Didn't say that. Just shitting on the delusion of doughy, low agency turds who think they'll become 5 star generals "when the revolution comes."

The "tenants" on here have always complained about rent, this is nothing new.

It's a business, there's capital and risk involved, even if "work" could be handed off to a management company. No one is forcing you to rent, and if it's so easy, what's stopping you from owning property or starting a business?

Have you tried getting some marketable skills so you can get a job?

>seething noguns /leftypol/ wagie

Guns are legal here. There is zero doubt in my mind that even maintenance are packing. No one is going to be that at my complex.

look at this commie on a business board

Jokes on you, I'm a landlord and I live with my parents.

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>what's stopping you from owning property

Faggot speculators pricing us out of the market looking for a free lunch off our labor.

If interest rates were higher, I woudn't object to landlords. Not everyone wants to own a home. But in the last 15 years, way too many people have looked at RE speculation as a free lunch and it's created massive inequality that really doesn't benefit society as a whole.

I'm holding out hope that it will adjust back in line with wages.

based mommy poster

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>not being a landlord and living at home

How do people not have enough money saved to pay rent for a month or two? I legitimately don't understand this, if I didn't have a rainy day fund of at least 6 months I'd feel broke and destitute as fuck. How do people max out their lifestyles and live on a razor's edge without life crippling fear and anxiety?

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glad I own stocks, they're stealthier than real estate so the peasants won't go after me

well owning stocks doesn't cause the price of housing to go up like private equity buying houses does

If they fall behind on their mortgages, does the bank become your landlord ?
Have fun with that.

who paid the builder retard

Landoids get the rope too



>Have you tried getting some marketable skills so you can get a job?

Yea I don't need to work these days, you peasant. I used my skills to get enough money to get passive income, and now my "work" is just stuff I enjoy and find fulfilling.

t. better than you

They don't understand personal finance. They bought the meme of taking a personal finance class in HS and then thought that the credit card, car loan, and/or mortgage was a good idea. They bitch and moan about not having enough money and "muh inequality" but they would never consider owning up to their own shortcomings by cutting down on their own expenses or taking a second job to try to knock out debt.

My renter's paid 3 months in advance.
They are smart and prepared unlike everyone else.

Landlords, including AirBnB hipster scum, should be hung. Even in a capitalistic society, their existence is purely exploitative. Hanging is the only solution.
If water was a limited resource, but middle class retards could take a mortgage out on a hot spring and sell the water for $5.00 a cup, that would be the equivalent of a "land lord". These fuckers don't even own, they just have the cash for a down payment and a lust for power. They are trash retards, including you 20-somethinh redpilled landlords. You will get fucked, hard. If not by an underwater mortgage then by something else. And it will be deserved. We hate you. Sell now if you can (unlikely) ... :)

Learn market cycles and leverage. Live with your parents, live cheap, save hard. There's generally an opportunity about once a decade. Start small, rent goes to cover mortgage, HOA, maintenance, & taxes, then 1031 exchange. There are tons of YouTube vids on this, though the detailsaof actual practice is up to you to figure out.

How do these faggots expect to kill their landlords when none of them own guns and they're too scared to order a pizza on the phone?

Keep seething. How's your car payment coming along?


I have enough money to pay my rent, but I'm not going to because landlord can't do a damn thing about it.

Just stopped rent payments. Going to throw it all at stonks and crypto instead.
Wish me luck frens.

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The idea that construction workers just give you is hilarious. Did you pay those construction workers for their labor? Of course not, you can’t even pay your rent, let alone a full construction crew.
You only support fair compensation of labor when it props you and your finances up at the expense of others. This is why communism always has and always will be a failed religion of those too weak and too stupid to support themselves, and it is why, when the time comes, you will be dragged out into the street and shot by your betters, all the while screaming and crying about how they can’t do this to you because you supported the proper ideology, never once stopping to recognize that you’re just another parasite that needs to be exterminated.

>actively promoting leverage
your accelerationism is showing

Do you think the landlord paid the construction crew?

>actively promoting the consolidation of capital
your oligarchism is showing

why are you so bitter? youre such a loser man please kill yourself. youre an absolute jealous piece of shit fucking useless coward.

>get a second job to pay my mortgage on the overvalued shithole I bought

can't wait for you fags to lose everything

When the game is rigged you either game the rules, break the rules, or you lose.
Educate yourself, the rules are not as complex as you are led to believe, but then again, the rules are about to change once again.



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The landlord paid the developer which paid the construction company which paid the construction crew.
Nothing is for free unless you are one of the elites of (((the tribe))).

contradiction. if 2100 pounds is the difference between being 'fulfilled' and the poorhouse then you've failed hard at managing your resources.

>landlardies think people would fight for them

More like the landlord was indiscriminate in buying an overvalued cuckshhed with low interest loan and just figured there'd always be some sap to pay his mortgage for him

now that there's not he comes to biz to seethe

Then he made a poor business decision just like many seething tenants made poor life decisions, and only has himself to blame

Jesus Christ