/smg/ - Stock Market General

only chumps watch CNBC edition


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I got fucked really hard by that pump. I knew today would be green, but god damn.

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I'm a chump

i hope he gets fired, turns whistleblower and reveals a whole heap of shit from that taskforce

Best Crypto stocks to buy rn?

Who loaded svxy today?

Watch this pump

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>dude this is totally a crab market like every index down between -3 and -5%? Totally not bearish

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nothing tanking after hours... tomorrow's looking, dare i say... bullish?

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Would a nuclear bomb being detonated even surprise you at this point?

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crab is a meme, nothing more

no O_O
am actually scared of something like this happened

china virus clearly man made virus
it some sort of bioweapon
countries gonna want settle score with china but china being childish manchildren they are will never take resonabalitea

nukes only option

yes, however the market being green the day after would not surprise me

Nukes are priced in.

>DAX falls/rallies until S&P hits limit down or up and proceeds to crab until said market opens
is DAX the only european index that literally follows the american market 1:1?

No, I'd probably welcome it at this point.

Didn't russia accidentally a nuclear bomb last year?

It's priced in at this point

>someone died because they took chloronique

how much did they take though? was it prescribed or did they just buy a bunch of shit off the internet and YOLO?

it's times like this that i'm truly fucking pissed that the liberlols control the mainstream media. people are fucking retarded on average and believe this stuff without actually looking into it more deeply.

> "I'm sort of exhausted," Fauci said in the interview. "But other than that, I'm good. I mean, I'm not, to my knowledge, coronavirus infected. To my knowledge, I haven't been fired."

How will the market react when Fauci is inevitably fired?

> As the President spoke of the "Deep State Department," Fauci was caught on camera putting his hand over his face in apparent frustration.
>"Have you been criticized for what you did?" Cohen asked.
>"No comment," Fauci said.

I'm honestly kind of expecting a major war to happen soon in order to jumpstart the economies and pretty much give us a "new world order" again. With "new world order" I mean more alliances (systems) like NATO/EU/UN, etc etc... to ensure even more control. There's no way in hell they will just let an opportunity like this go to waste

plot them over a 15yr time period and it will give you a clue

let's settle this the old fashioned way, shall we? i got the 666 on "we're all fucked" recently, so here we go.

dubs or better, china is getting nuked within the next 2 years max. otherwise, we'll be overcoming nCoV early, probably in the summer some time, and peace will return with lessons learned. millenials will be riding high like the nu-boomers, cheap stocks and housing and good jobs abound.

good luck to all.

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most severe market downturns in history have either preceded or led to a war

Only surprised if a single nuclear bomb was detonated

God damned Feds actually dared to pull the infinite QE trick out of their hat. But they're running out of options now aren't they? So far the QE only sort of helped but markets still tanked. It only saved the markets being 2 breakers down today.

Everyone is in shorts now desu, the time has passed.


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you mean NSRGY?
Yeah buy it why not. And Unilever

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you know how I know the worst has passed?

meme stocks are mooning again. tsla, spce etc

How will Thursday's unemployment numbers impact the market? DOW 16k?

Also can an user explain to me SDOW and SPXS? I know SQQQ has a range of 25-30ish but when are the buy and sell times for SDOW and SPXS?

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went long silver this morning.
50k in an ETF, feels good.
Bought SwissRe too though, not looking great. Just waiting for that sweet sweet stimulus and dividends. This whole thing is totally overblown; any stable dividend paying stocks or investment metals are gonna come back up quick once the weather gets warmer and the don gets to work.
Anyone else here long or are you still all buying puts?

Welp getting fucked by TVIX can't wait for it to drain to zero

Was fun playing around with money guys

war would not surprise me, but a proxy war like US/gulf states vs Iran/China

trump needs to nuke iran to save my oil stocks desu. call your congressman pls hurry

tomorrow's green

A big fear that I believe people are not paying enough close attention to are securities in the form of housing and how they were being used in lieu of their current plummet right now.

>realtor companies amass thousands of housing, renting units via purchasing as securities
>said investment is propagated into purchasing even more real estate
>securities have crashed and plummeted with everything else
>most real estate and boomers usually do not have enough income to stay afloat as most of that was used to continue their investment cycle, will likely try to force rent and mortgage payments ASAP
>a moratorium will likely make all of these go belly-up and a lot will forcibly shutter even with bailouts
>housing market tanks harder than in 2008

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>ACE2 expressing cells in human lungs are found more frequent in asian males as opposed to huwhites and even less in niggies
>previous asian SARS outbreak pretty much only targeted asians as well

Would not be surprised one bit if this was engineered.

yeah look at chips m8

short when it's going down, long when it's going up, what's the difficulty? why would you want to hold overnight? look at AMD today, there are both downtrends and uptrends intraday. even with the market collapsing, intraday there are multiple opportunities if you know how to read a fucking chart.

>bought TVIX at $700

If only I had sold during premarket today... it has to go up at least a little right? It’s at $305 now.


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It's because Asians smoke more than any other race and live in heavily polluted areas making their lungs extremely vulnerable to viruses.

Gentlemen, we bitch and moan about the market and all the new affecting it.
But what about software?
What's the best free and best paid charting software? For poorfags and for richfags?

It's not fucking fair man

This would have been a double breaker day if the Fed didn't pull off this INFINITE MONEY bullshit

Mark my words, they will start to buy stocks.
Go long anything with a strong dividend and silver

So you're saying I can finally purchase cheap bank foreclosed and seized housing again like in '09-'10 days when commercials ran on TV? Nice.

Hello when is crude oil going back down? Donald drump is not buying billions of $ yet of oil and tons of companies are starting to go under or stop operations

unemployment numbers don't mean much because everyone knows they are going to be shit.

I don't know if it'll go up to $700 for a long time. I just bought it at $480 and I'd be happy just to see $400.

vix is ded o_o

I have a newfag question: is there a way to get live data and a platform for trading for free? Like can you pirate this sort of stuff similar to pirating movies?

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Provided the US dollar holds any value after this inflationary period.

defense stocks?

I don't know much about housing. How much does it face "revolutions" like 3d printing and shit like that? Will it ever become a thing that building housing costs 30% less 5 years later?

Is it very market specific? I would be afraid of the boomer switch and getting stuck with high price homes that inheritors are not interested in (experiences spending over 2x more rooms)

Holy fuuuuuuuuuck

>A big fear
>implying a decimated housing market isn't exactly what I want right now

IEX or alphavantage.

What does my portfolio need to look like for me to get a tomboy gf?

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recessions off, sorry boys. shorts going to fall flat. puts expiring worthless. lets buy the dip.

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Yeah. The reason the world made it out of the great recession so fast was because of WW2 (and what came after) and I think if we actually enter a big recession that we will see some shit happen again. I wonder whom though, I guess we'll see

Yeah, I know $700 isn’t happening. I just hope it doesn’t just keep sliding down from here with no brakes.

>Yeah buy it why not. And Unilever
kek nice analysis thanks sempai
which unilever anyway?

>tfw live with parents who already paid off mortgage long ago, and will get the house in the inheritance

feels fucking good, man. my only real fear is grocery stores being kept stocked so i don't starve to death, and the electricity/internet staying on. as long as that's true, i say burn the bitch to the ground so we can start fresh.



FED can buy infinite QQQ/SPY


but they should let them by levered ETFs too, more bang for the buck

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housing market aint that hot yet. so it wont be that bad. but yeah it will be cheaper

I'll be honest. I'm a bear but everyone is bearish right now, which makes me think that we are heading towards a short term bull trap. Then again now with infinite QE the game has changed a bit.

30k in SPY puts

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you don't need a portfolio, all you need to do is be gay.

I think it'll spike back up. I just don't know for how long. Tomorrow could very well be green. Weds might be red? Thursday depends on the unemployment numbers. Who knows. I feel like an idiot honestly.

Fortunately for us usually the morning activity is super sporadic, so there might be a chance for us to get out.

secret subs are the best because they REAALLY sub when you get them there

If volatility is finally falling, now would be a good time to buy inverse volatility stuff like ZIV and SVXY, correct? Long SVXY?

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Its clear the fed is now the bitch of the whitehouse and trump is simply doing whatever he can to pump stocks back up. QE isnt going to get rid of a quarantine.

Why is SPY pumping

Jpowell can literally set the bottom wherever he wants kek

My man. Up 7 percent on silver today already, now Im just waiting on my stocks to be bought by the fed (they will do it). What are you going long on?

the fed is buying lol

Hopefully Trump can do his part tonight in helping this happen

no housing is expensive because of regulations. the actual building cost only matteres in rural areas

>more cases than ever
>US infection on rapid rise
>over anytime soon

any macro revolutions possible?
Self driving vehicles reducing traffic, driveways, parking?


>Harris County officials over the weekend began drafting an order to place further restrictions on public activity in order to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus, according to sources with direct knowledge of the discussions.

>Doctors and health experts across the country have said such orders are necessary to prevent COVID-19 from spreading so rapidly that it overwhelms the nation’s health care system. Texas Medical Center president and CEO William McKeon said Monday morning the presidents of TMC hospitals and other institutions were “unanimous in our strong recommendation to move to shelter in place.”
My city is so fucked

no. the old saying is still true. what matters is location, location and location

And just like that, we are back bullbros

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>Upregulation of ACE2 protein production correlated with higher incidence rates of covid-19 infection
You weren't far off. Maybe that's why it hits older men more than older women too. Anyone know of the smoking culture in Italy? Indonesia might be hit particularly hard too...