Even normies aren't falling for the government's tricks anymore. The stock market crashed over just a flu with mild symptoms.
Nothingburger confirmed
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I am really proud how many regular people are not falling over the elites lies. I am not going to stay in for a common fucking cold.
yeah dude its a nothingburger that's why 700+ people in Italy are dying a day
fucking retard I hope you get it and choke to death on your respirator
No one under 40 is falling for this unless they're a complete fucking cuck.
The stock market crashed because it was over leveraged and the oil price war triggered a massive sell off. Coronavirus is being used as a scapegoat.
it's just a nuffin boiga. who cares, mates. go enjoy the sun :^)
inb4 the schizoids enter the thread and start screeching about how we all need to stay inside for 2 months or we'll all die of this slightly stronger flu
they are attribuiting the death of all of their old people on the coronavirus to get gibs from the EU
because the economy is dependent on sick 60+ year old people...
Enjoy bat aids heathens
Wuhan quads confirmed
"just stay in your cuck sheds everyone, John Oliver will tell you what to do"
>Anonymous (ID: V1k4+fnN) 03/23/20(Mon)19:18:29 No.18031050▶
>yeah dude its a nothingburger that's why 700+ people in Italy are dying a day
>fucking retard I hope you get it and choke to death on your respirator
This. They better dump it seriously, or no one believes that shit.
Also why would this meme economy depend on a few billion dollars from faggots buying a few groceries, when Drumpf prints trillions overnight.
This is such bullshit.
Anyone who has ever been to a beach in their life knows that the wind is ALWAYS blowing.
So any respiratory transmittal of corona is extremely small compared to confined inside areas like offices, homes and hospitals.
Vitamin D is shown to mitigate corona complications and sunlight is good for you.
Most Californians are pussies and never go in the water anyway so water transmittal is minimal. Plus salt water is not ideal breeding grounds for viruses due to high bacteria counts.
To be honest, anyone who has actually looked at the Covid-19 reports would show that any of the normies in this picture are probably in the best possible position to avoid Covid over sitting at home with their neighbors on the balconies next door.
THis is just a shitty article by a bunch of little-ms-bossy pants journalists who love this big government covid response.
You do realise millions die from the regular flu every year and nothing is shut down, right? Thousands of old people with preexisting conditions is pocket change in disease terms.
>millions die from the regular flu every year
u can't be this retarded
Crash already happened. this virus is a coverup. they don't want people to know what happened. the system is insolvent and the dollar is already finished.
I love tinfoil hat stuff, but honestly this is legit. Death tolls are hardly extraordinary, but the amount of people needing intensive care absolutely is. The whole point is to avoid preventable death from collapsing the health system you fucking idiots.
Even if he was retarded a strong herd is not bad. If anything if enough of this dead weight is killed off taxes and inflation could get a little more breathing room. The economy is going to fall apart because all the shit that has happen since 1913.
He's absolutely correct though, so head on back to Twitter homo.
Faggot Alabama and Florida governors closed beaches near me threatening jail. But crowding in grocery store is ok
No one gives a shit about senior citizens dying. "Senior citizen" is literally unironically just a nice way of saying "you better get your shit together because you officially can now die for absolutely positively no reason whatsoever out of nowhere".
Exactly. Either way we will be eating our pets soon though so the Fed bankers can be a little richer. We need some 60's shit where everyone just "tuned out" and quit participating in the dead system. No one should ever pay taxes to these retards again. America is fucking OVER
>The whole point is to avoid preventable death from collapsing the health system you fucking idiots.
I'm aware. But what would happen if all the hospitals were full and respirators were taken is boomers would simply die 5 or 10 years before they would otherwise. And to prevent that, we're nuking the economy to such a degree it might take over a decade to recover, have more unemployment than the Great Depression, and the hopes and dreams of an entire generation will be lost as they are condemned to poverty and their last chance of advancing in the world is shot. In the utilitarian calculus, the lives of a few boomers are not worth the near society-ending suffering this "cure" will cause if we keep it up.
Boo hoo, old person has to die at home instead of a bed, BOO HOO
>And to prevent that, we're nuking the economy to such a degree it might take over a decade to recover, have more unemployment than the Great Depression, and the hopes and dreams of an entire generation will be lost as they are condemned to poverty and their last chance of advancing in the world is shot. In the utilitarian calculus, the lives of a few boomers are not worth the near society-ending suffering this "cure" will cause if we keep it up.
good point
HOLY FUCK that is dropping like a fucking rock. It was way over fucking priced to begin with. Should I be on /k/ getting read for the big igloo?
You're a retard
If there is one thing this virus has shown, it's that millennials and zoomers are just as selfish and irresponsible as boomers, no matter how dangerous the virus actually is.
It is to late the mushroom cloud has started to take shape.
Great refutation, champ.
exactly. they love showing they think rules dont apply to them and they can do whatever the fuck they want who gives a shit about anyone else but themselves. I'm gonna have a small party when the government sends its military to stop gunning down the retards that "cant follow the rules". it'll be glorious and hilarious and i'll laugh and laugh at all the people crying over the dumb retarded zoomy zooms and millenials that were so stupid they couldnt just stay inside for a month like they were told. dont like it oh well you arent that important now stay inside peasant class scum
Your country is 33% spic and 17% nigger and growing.
It is biologically impossible for the US to recover.
This is the final departing fuck you from the boomers to subsequent generations. They have officially made the lives of their children impossible to be better than the lives the boomers had.
The boomers are the scummiest generation of humans to ever exist. I can't even look at one without getting a sick feeling. They're like a fucking living slime that destroys lives and dreams.
Checked nigger
millions do not die from the flu every year, not even during the worst flu years have one million people died from it, none the less millions.
don't use twitter
Boomers are gatekeeping, hypocritical human trash. They refuse to train newer hires because they're incapable of doing anything outside of the same thing they've done for the past 20-30 years. And then when they get laid off it's "boo hoo age discrimination". Stupid idiots you're fucking 60+ years old and lived through the greatest economic boom in human history and you don't have any money to retire. What the fuck is wrong with these people?
slightly newer version
you also have to realize though that boomers would be panic selling all at once in 6 months instead of right now without business shutdowns anyways, as they're the most at risk and make up a much larger portion of stock holders and business owners than any other single generation.
even disregarding coronavirus, this economic collapse was bound to happen, with massive overvaluation for the past 10 years, a growing corporate debt bubble, QE becoming a norm instead of a solution, and now an oil price war. boomers will do the obvious, which is freak out when their life is on the line. what isn't obvious is why the set up such a shitty economy in the first place.
Nah the dollar will be fine and society will survive albeit much much more fiscally unequal.
As someone that loves chaos, you "just a flu" posters are based retards. I love idiots like you. Keep telling people to go an socialize and infect as many people as possible. You're doing keks work, I want this divine wrecking ball to come swinging with fury
>im going to party when my tyrannical government guns down unarmed civilians that acted like free people
The corona virus is just a convenient excuse to get people to stay in doors and keep them from protesting or gathering BECAUSE of the market crashing. They knew this shit was going down weeks ago and the smart money/insider traders start liquidating then. After they were safe, they dialed up the hype on corona virus and now all the dumb asses are locked in doors because of a sub 1.0% fatality rate cold/flu while the market melts down. But hey, at least there won't be any Occupy Wall Street marches or other economic protests because no one wants to get the sniffles. Amazing that people don't see the scam here.
The West has yet to appreciate Chink measures.
All is filled with demented senile boomers overlooking every fucking aspect of society.
China > Mandatory GTFO after 65 years of age.
That's it.
Get the fuck out boomer.
Well and let's be honest the boomers shipped any and all actual production overseas so if the dollar crashes were are completely helpless to start up manufacturing and heavy industry without years and possibly decades of ramping up.
this is the weirdest part about this whole ordeal because, Yas Forums has really gone so far to convince themselves that normies make the right decisions in the face of adversity and they should be more like them
oh spotted the zoomy zoom or millenial that thinks he can just do whatever the fuck he wants who gives a damn about others. I hope your in great pain and suffer for a long time after the bullets rip thru you. die retarded queer die
This. The Italian 8% fatality rate isnt even that bad, and clearly trump planned to nuke his own economy, inflate fiat with endless printing and tarnish his upcoming election.
>boomer that types like a 14 year old
Why am I not surprised
we got a cool guy over here. pic related.
And corona is 10x more deadly than the flu idiot
This. These people live in literal pods and the only reason they haven't gone completely insane is because they get to spend their day at work. No one is going to stay inside. People have dogs and shit. They also read through the media lies. Why are they grouping ages 20-44 into a single category and then saying "omg young people are lining up at the ICU?".
It really is a boomer remover and young people don't give a shit about boomers
>hates younger generation for holding different values
>wants the world to end after him
Typical boomer
Yas Forums is the only board doing this retardation right now. I think many just desperately dont want their bags to get heavier, so retards are lying to themselves and rallying with normies and niggers to cope with their desires.
I am sorry to inform you that there will never be a happening doomer.
There literally already is a happening. It's happening right now. The market has dumped 50% of all value, I cant travel anywhere, theres mass layoffs.
What the fuck constitutes a happening you moron? What possible metric do you use?
The average age of an Italian is 45 and 1/3 of them smoke. They have elevated mortality rates every year all 365 days.
Based virus poster
>Californians are pussies and never go in the water anyway
Can confirm. Unless you’re a surfer bro, people only put their feet in. That shit is cold
Haha epic meme my Yas Forums brother
Did you come here last summer too
it's not some masterful plan just a crisis and very early in the process. We have 42k cases currently in the US. It will double in a week or two if people don't take this seriously will result needless deaths that are going to hit the U.S. When doctors have to pick who gets beds/ventilators.
>crash your economy to recieve a few bux
I will miss american posters
outsourcing is a major disaster that boomers fucked us with and the US absolutely has to address that, but I sincerely doubt the dollar will crash.
during every major recession, people expect hyperinflation, and what ends up happening is deflation
I think it's obvious to everyone that this doesn't kill people in their 20s, at most it gives them pink mouth foam and lung damage, and it barely kills people in their 30s. The people in their 20s that are staying indoors are avoiding hurting their parents or indirectly killing someone else's parents. Young people hate boomers as a category, but love their boomers.