No Limit Stimulus


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So like, what's even the point of money if the feds can just do whatever they want without actually having it there and then?

china shill. the USD is king, deal with it. the FED could print 100 trillion per hour and it'd still be king. buy bonds or die.

>"""""Smooth market functioning""""


THis is brilliant




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Apparently they're going to give everyone thousands of dollars a month to spend and are also going to buy up all stocks so they don't ever go down again
This is bullish


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This is unreal, how does anyone see this as a positive? The Federal Reserve is controlled by various banking corporations from various cities and they're basically saying they'll just print as much money as needed so they dont default and crash. How is this good?

It's the beginning of Hyperinflation. Were finished

It’s not buddy. This is very bullish for crypto though, if you’ve been paying attention this is exactly what we’ve been saying will happen and everything is basically right on track

>Good and competent people are saved
>Poor and incompetent people are purged
How is that not good?

you clearly don't have the mental capability to see the bigger picture. go read some books then maybe you will see. until then just don't write because you're not as smart as you think. this is all working out perfectly. put faith in the dollar, in bonds, and in stocks.

Well user the great comedy known as post WW2 America is finally ending, and I'm kind of glad

>Good and competent people are saved
>people who borrowed money at 0 interest rate to inflate their own stocks and make a quick buck while leaving their big companies on the brink of a crash and then asking for the gov to bail out their retardness.
fuck you, they are not good nor competetent, just psychopathic.

Wall street traders are the most productive people in America. Minwage workers are parasites.

looks like FED going full Zimbabwe of money printing

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Bears always lose in the long run

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>you’re wrong
>i could tell you why but i wont ill just tell you to go read books haha check mate
Fuck off pseudointellectual boomer your 401k is fucked

Buy my bags filthy tax payers


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Ok? Just stating my thoughts mega-brain. Care to elaborate?

Germans know where unlimited money printing leads

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Learn to play the game moron.

thats a guy

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Okay, how the fuck they are getting away with this ?

biggest military in the world
nobody to stop them

Are you sure about that?

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>tfw still expected to pay taxes

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yeah that's how they got away with it so far

>nobody to stop them


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>futures surge
>freefalling again
we need to go beyond brrr

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Money is used in exchange for goods and services.

Everyone knows this is going to hyperinflate though... Do we all just pretend it won't happen?

Bears are predators. They seize the highly-nutritious prey, eat it and wait for a new one.

Bulls have to eat low-nutrition grass all the time.

Thank god we have debit cards now, no more wheelbarrows!

When do I retire?

If it works in Zimbabwe then it works for America and the rest of the world too.

No. Learn modern monetary theory. The US dollar is king.

What if I told you analog systems are hackable through digital transmissions?

And you’re an ancap retard who think the Austrian School is legitimate.

When u start buying smart things like zano

US Dollar won’t be king when it’s worthless, and it WILL be worthless if trillions can be magicked out of the air whenever the FED chooses.

1922-1929 Weimar Republik was the golden age of German history, both economically and culturally. If that austrian moustache idiot did not rise to power, Germany would be a sole european superpower by 1950s.

Nope. Literally will never happen.

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ok, so you clearly lack all background knowledge on economy and couldn't even run a household let alone a country.

these 3 books are the BARE MINIMUM anyone who wants to argue about economics has to read and ACCEPT. until you can accept these as the holy bible of how finance works, you do NOT understand economics. once you have processed and understood them, you can come back and we can have an argument.
these are like axioms therefore cannot be explained. once you have accepted them you will see how the economy is going on a perfect track right now and we're all going to be fine and the fed is doing absolutely great.

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In theory this is completely stupid and a bad thing, but in this current kike clown world it’s unironically bullish , facts and logic do not make sense here

ok Jerome

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Emperor's New Clothes bullshit

time to invest in forex and crypto

Thats exactly the point of it

>buy bonds or die.
Are you fucking retarded?
How is now the time to buy bonds, either you use dollars to buy stocks you deem cheap or you buy pms
Dollar will lose in this, atm it might still gain but you dont want bonds in some months

grow some braincells.

Tbh this is a fucking good comparison

looks like people are awake and realize what scam whole FED is

and when you look markets, this unlimited money printing isnt working, people know that its destroy US dollar, Gold and Silver is up, stock markets down

It could not print that much


Save my 409k!

>read book
>book has only truth
>dont think
>accept book
You compare it even to the bible ffs
Grow some braincells and think for yourself instead of pretending to not be a brainlet by copying stuff others thought

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There's no way the FED is going to make up for the gdp deficit this year. Nuh uh. 0 chance.

Destroying the dollar is the point
Destroying the dollar erases debth, this will make stonks go up as soon as inflation is hitting

>Gold and Silver is up
>can finally sell my precious metals
>money no longer has any value
ayy lmao

> to save the economy we must destroy the economy

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He's trolling. You can tell from the books he posted and the language he used that he's being 7-layers of ironic on you

Is this good or bad

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Trump sees it as a positive because he still thinks he can get the numbers up, claim he was better than Obama, and pass the hot potato down the road. He doesn't actually care or know how to govern or handle the needs of the people. His supporters also aren't the brightest - they are literally mathematically illiterate and cannot comprehend the concepts of exponential growth or hospitals being overwhelmed. They really cannot envision the economy grinding into a more permanent halt if the consumer base with the most liquid on hand is dying and having their financial corpses picked by the state, nor can they envision the average wagie no longer getting easy hospital access for regular health problems causing monkey wrench problems for all businesses in random areas.
Because they cannot envision the magnitude to which tomorrow's suffering can reach, it makes having to choose a responsible decision today seem like pointless suffering. They can only react, like animals. With each passing day, they prove their lack of IQ and their lack of humanity. They may be worse than the plague itself.

you have activated my trap card

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Kys kike

new subprime bubble in the making

>We are going to issue unlimited bonds

This is the thing singularity-tinfoil-hat-meth-eaters have been waiting for. Beyond the more obvious consequences of melting the dollar and causing hyperinflation, we're looking into a more subtle, underlying problem of the complete erosion of trust in creditors and contracts. Buybacks were outrageous enough but this is a whole new level in recklessness. If they really do start issuing 3 trillion, 5 trillion, etc. to signal the market it will be just like Enron but on a global scale. I hope they turn off the switch in time but if not we're looking into a world war scenario even when and if the pandemic is removed.

Imagine believing this AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH