/smg/ - Stock Market General

People really underestimate how strong entrenchment can be. properly built defenses and well thought out perimeters can be almost impervious to even medium sized raids. Defenders have much easier task than raiders.


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I genuinely want bulltards to kill themselves tomorrow.

I have calls but I also bought puts. My puts are most likely going to equal or even surpass the value of my calls. This game is fun


why? kill the cow straight up when you can milk it? you fucking dummy

me got bored and messed with chart tonight O_O

look at all pretty color

Attached: esf2-33.png (3563x1855, 483.87K)

i have a mix of puts and calls how far down do you think it will drop tomorrow? im hedging on a drop on open until about midday, then a quick snap up until close, then stimulus package passed on tuesday which will give market a nother quick boost up, then full crash on wednesday

I have call orders in my investopedia training account for 220 spy puts tomorrow. Am I going to make it?

>he protecc but he also attacc

Attached: 1583696012337.webm (320x444, 590.96K)

no one cares about your 4 figure account opinion tho

Thread additional notes:
Trading clock: See which markets are open:
Documentary on the trading floor of the CME:
And here is your look at the futures:
We've had 3 limit downs and the volume is heavy but keepign it in mixed. with the markets struggling to keep above -5%

Attached: futures 1126.png (1920x1080, 555.12K)

>Once in a 50 year market crash event
>is wasting his time on a training app

Number 1 you should have understood stocks years ago.

Loaded up on SDOW. She you on the moon, smallbrains.

SPX 2100 then 2500 then 1800

Attached: woj (3).png (1830x1004, 1.14M)

is any of this worth a goddamn?

best time is years ago
second best time is now!

>it just occurred to me
>has been posting this for weeks
go back to reddirt and discord you colossal faggot

ah shit
I have to get to bed so i can watch squawk. I can't afford to miss all the good shit again.

more booty plx

birbs are very important!!

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Hmm, 2 days ago we had 63 cases of the virus and just 2 dead. Today there's 103 and 4 dead. So that's 40 more and double the dead in 2 days. Wednesday we'll see 143 cases and 8 dead,etc. Can only imagine the rest of the world's numbers 3 days from now.

Just throw a flaming shitrag through a window or onto the roof. Unless you live in a stone castle or CMU bunker, you’re fucked.

Attached: D73EF5D8-2427-4300-B2BE-D06CC9D4BD63.jpg (1600x2133, 408.48K)

source on image?

red day tomorrow?

I understand stocks well enough to not gamble my stack away on puts when I can generate the money safer by buying back when it hits the bottom. But go ahead and lecture me about economy and risk assessment. While you make your business decisions based on what you read on biz or flip a coin.

What should I get to drink lads

Stay poor, fag. This is Bitcoin in 2017.


rEd DaY tOmOrRoW ???

it looks nice
but uhhh

What's going on with the Nikkei? Why are they the only green?

How fucking hard is a reverse image search?


*earns 30% tomorrow from buying a simple etf*
Nothing personal, optioncucks.

Saving that for the dow 1500 party

Link? i wanna see

Only Japan and SK have a flattening infection curve

The fact that you use bitcoin as an example only makes my belief you're using your gainz earned by pajeeting some shitcoins on here, to attempt a move towards the higher stratas of society. Let me just help you not waste your time, and inform you, you have no business trying to rise from the gutter.

Attached: aputheconqueror.jpg (1507x1221, 908.2K)

Japan was spared the worst of the impacts of the coronavirus by going strict isolation. Further the internal economy is enough that disruptions in trade does not result in it taking much of a hit. As it currently stands, the Nikkei is at correction territory and holding more or less flat.

Why are futures recovering?

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Level 2 circuit breaker is very likely. The day we had a 13% drop things were more optimistic than they are today

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what are the chances of oil dropping even further?

Lol that pic. Isnt that the pic for sleep paralysis?

My flaming car with a 5-gallon jug of diesel and a brick on the accelerator says you'll give me your preps or burn alive defending them. Makes no difference to me what you choose, because if you say no then it's not like I'm getting them anyway so might as well burn your house down out of spite.

this post is truth
learn your place, kids

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Puts are too expensive. Drop was too fast. This sort of buy pressure will continue for some time, snibbing up your trades, causing unpredictability. If you're a shorty short the general maneuver here is to cover and wait. Observe the bounce, short it if/when it runs out of juice.

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Preppers always have the upper hand. If you do raid them, then they could equally raid them back.

By nature, peppers are far better armed than raiders

even thots are playing vidya
buy ESPO

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Attached: stonkdance.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Really want an updated version of this

It's barely moving in context.
The limit down breaker already happened 3 times tonight and the S&P futures are BARELY keeping above the limit down even now.

Attached: flat down.png (1920x1080, 593.06K)

We will see the military/police on the streets of NYC shoot people who leave their house within 3-5 days.

There is no reason for optimism in the markets

Nah. By nature preppers are static targets. Gotta take your trash out, or shit in the outhouse, or get water from down at the creek. I'll be laying on the ground under a bush just waiting to pick you off in the morning when you step out to take a breath of fresh air. When will I swing by with a molotov cocktail? Tomorrow? Next week? In the afternoon or at night?

You'll never know.

very, very high. nobody has even started pumping at the increased rates yet.

You'd have a lot easier time raiding a non prepper

Think of a group of folk what trade with a eye towards trimming their losses in a downturn. The ones who make up the majority of the selling during a crash. At some point almost all of these people have sold. When that happens you get a brief scenario where price isn't moving down because no one is selling, but news isn't good enough to draw buyers back in. On a single stock this usually results in the low flat line after the fall. On the index and index futures it sometimes produces a doji candle on the daily chart. If sellers are truly tapped out and the short percentage is massive, buyers can flood in for the squeezy squeeze maneuver. This is your dead cat bounce or legit reversal but you won't know which until later on. If news still bad enough to prevent buyers from continuing to buy at higher prices it'll produce a lower high followed by a second wave of aggressive sell offs and potential fresh low for the crash.

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what plataform is that?

market would probably like that desu, means the government is in control

what would really hurt the markets is mass looting and anarchy

Well sure, but they probably have little to steal. By the time people start raiding most pantries for non-preppers will be empty. I suppose you could cook their flesh, eat their young or their pets. Maybe get some raping in, but that'll get old.

Makes sense. Im expecting a relief rally, a bull trap and bear cuck rally soon. Gotta draw in all that "waiting for bottom" cash buyers before executing them before the bears might.

It's thinkorswim by td ameritrade. I also use oanda and a number of other platforms.
It'd be nice to gain access to a bloomberg terminal though.

Tomorrow's market prediction

Gui Mei – Marrying Maiden

Zhen (Thunder) above Dui (Lake) below

Through advancing and developing, surely one needs to a home to return to. Thus, after Developing Gradually, Marry Maiden follows.

Marry Maiden.
Moving forward: misfortune.
Nothing is favorable

Commentary on the Decision:
Marry Maiden
Exposes the relation between Heaven and Earth.

If Heaven and Earth do not unite,
all beings fail to flourish.
Marrying Maiden
Represents the end and beginning of human relations.

Joy with movement,
Marrying off a young maiden.
Moving forward: misfortune;
Places are not correct.
Nothing is favorable:
Yieldings are mounted on the firms.

Moving line is Second Nine
Blind in one eye,
Still able to see.
Favorable to be steadfast and upright.
A solitary person.

The second line is still in a lower place. The bottom line is a lame person who is still able to walk. This one is blind in one eye but still able to see. They are in a similar situation. But this line is a yang element in the center symbolizing a firm and strong character. Although he is in a gloomy situation, he remains steadfast. It is advisable to keep one's self-confidence and to look forward positively.

Attached: I Ching.jpg (939x1390, 157.65K)

>buying back when it hits the bottom
>I can time the bottom guys!

Wisdom here.

Selling can and will be exhausted soon. We will then see true volatility in that one day the djia is down 5% one day, then up 8% the next day. It won't seem logical because the market is now full of sharks trading just on movement alone.

>throws a bottle filled with petrol and a flaming rag onto your roof
nothing personnel, mate

I'm rewatching now, I need to have my bank increase my ATM limit so I can go take out more cash.
