Stimulus bill will prohibit stock buybacks

>stimulus bill will prohibit stock buybacks

Yeah, I'm thinking he's based.

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Twitter and Reddit are telling me that Orange Man Bad

bailouts aren't going to work this time, unless the bailouts are for the people. I know that sounds cringe, but if this money goes to the top again it's going to burn up instantly as operating costs are covered for a few months tops, while people literally lose their jobs, houses, and income. Fucking airlines and banks will go fucking broke again by the end of the summer because no one is flying, taking out loans, or putting money into their account. Once that happens, the economic mess will be 10x greater than it already is.

whoever came up with that idea is a real genius. The companies had no choice but to do stock buybacks or put the money towards expanding the company. They legally couldn't save it for a rainy day.

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>bill gives $500 billion to corporations
>but doesn’t require public disclosure of which ones until 6 months later
What the fuck?

Giving money to the plebs is last ditch effort to kickstart. There is no other option , it won’t work so I hope you’re ready

It was AOC, not even kidding. At least she was the one talking about it a month ago.

The have a teams of like lawyers to figure out how to get around and if they can’t they will just well boiing tokenize stocks and we will have ico bubble again

it's so only insiders can speculate on stock price and get in early. in 6 months there will be no more middle class, just a 0.1% elite and masses of slaves with no property or wealth of any kind

The stimulus plan is absolute proof that institutional racism is alive and well. Undocumented immigrants and various POC will receive virtually no benefit from the package. Many undocumented immigrants would gladly file an income tax return. However, they don’t, out of fear of being deported. Other POC are below the $2,500 income threshold. It’s sick that those who need it the most are coming out empty handed.

/OUR/ president

Bailouts make no sense. Why do we have to prop up failing corporations? Let them go bankrupt. Yes, it will hurt in the short term. But those workers will get jobs at successfully run companies and we will be better in the long run.

Companies need to be responsible for their own risk, and not rely on the public bailing them out every 4-8 years when a republican is elected and craters the economy, its ridiculous. When a republican is elected SAVE YOUR MONEY, you know a crash is about the hit, you should be prepared. Its not rocket science.

Everyone who was responsible and saved gets fucked by bailouts, and unprofitable zombie corporations continue to leech our money.

transparency is not part of us govt operations, neither is accountability to U.S. tax payers

same arguments we had in 2008

The nuclear option to restart the economy is literally to go to war. If you've watched the daily press releases, you'll have noticed Trump gradually express his frustration with China for their lack of transparency, even labelling it the Chinese Virus. When the deaths start reaching the thousands, that's when Trump will announce Covid-19 is a Chinese bioweapon. We'll be forced to go to war then. It will be a total war for our very existence. The yellow menace started WW3.

NEETbux got Pelosi/Schumer/Mitch'd hard, no way it's happening as anything more than one time.

because the people that owns the banks, airlines, auto companies, and other huge industries bankroll the politicians to shape the laws to benefit them. These assholes refuse to accept defeat and failure and will watch the world burn before they have to give up their millions and billions.

Thank the future Madame President of the United States.

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Do burgers just not know how to read bills? Or they just do not care?

I don't want a single dollar going to the types who use the word "cringe". I'd rather watch the world burn than carry a generation of emasculated, fear smiling faggots into the future.

I sense your redpill

Giving each American 10k would divert a massive economic and societal collapse at this point. It would ensure the people laid off because Corona could carry themselves until things reopen, and would also prevent companies from losing massive amounts of money due to their customers losing their income. It's 100% reciprocal and could literally mean the difference between us being in a recession or a deep, deep, decades long depression.

I want to marry her ;-;

>consoomers spending money is bad

dammit user, my erection can only get so hard!!

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Will stimulus work if it doesn't correspond with a return to production of some sort?

the more time we spend reading the less time we spend winning

And since most restaurants and retailers are closed, people can spend their money only on paying off debt, rent, groceries, etc. Now is the probably the best time to pull something like this off in America, ever.

das right why catch the socialism virus while trying not to catch the corona virus?

It is if it's just setting up the economy for the next bubble since most of the money consoomers spend ends up getting hoarded by the upper echelon of corporations

The only way to get a bill passed is to do it at the last minute with 700 pages so that it gets fisted through. We are an advanced society

How will the companies reduce the amount of their shares publicly owned?

>People who are not citizens and illegally came to america are not getting money= racism

Are you brain dead? Lay off the drugs

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Keep up with the news. They're not making it just for taxpayers anymore. If you're an illegal immigrant, you aren't entitled to this. They already get free testing

>stimulus bill

Yeah no. Unless they do it for everyone they are being unjust. Even then, if there's no return for the stimulus bill, it's another bailout.

That’s why I said get ready.

I want her to peg me while calling me a capitalist pig

The thing giving people $10k would do is empty the grocery store in a free all.

Government should provide food and necessities by protecting production and supply lines.

Direct cash payments makes no sense.

How many times do we have to learn just pumping shit full of fake money doesn't work long term? Bailouts don't work.

Bruh I’m trying to get squared away for the nigger and spic problem we’re about to have. Btw I think it’s awesome that you’re reading another countries laws kek.

She also wants everyone to get stimulus. Even rich people though.

This so much. I don't get a bailout for being the little guy. The government is so short sighted I'm surprised they can see 5 feet in front of them. So what if 50,000 people lose their jobs. Oh wait they might get unhappy and start something? Ohhhh I see.

I'm so sick of mutt hours and their incessant political partisan faggotry every waking moment of their petty worthless lives. Not even the spicest, chinkest or slavest drone is this bad.
Coronachan, please destroy this soulless bug race once and for all.

You can thank based AOC dabbin' on the corps for that one

(I genuinely expect her to run for president once she's eligible)

Most people don't even read rental agreements let alone government bills. Why do you think Americans are so cucked?

This is antisemetic

okay, this is based

Based and redpilled. If the corporations get it, we should too. In fact we probably pay more cumulative tax than the corps. But even if we didn't, we still neef organic economic practices.

And what have you contributed?

No bailouts. No Trump bux.

Can't pay rent? Then don't, no one is forcing you. You should have saved. But not being able to pay rent is not a serious issue that requires $4 trillion stimulus.

I don't get it. Is her boyfriend then the first lady, or the first gentleman of the USA?

I mean it wasn't particularly hard and I'm keeping up with the situation abroad since I went to school in the states.
>Bruh I’m trying to get squared away for the nigger and spic problem we’re about to have
what the fuck are you talking about?

>I'd rather watch the world burn than carry a generation of emasculated, fear smiling faggots into the future.
unequivocally baste

Shut the fuck up, retard. NEETS GET NOTHING!!!

would be neither

once they're married by God he'd be the First Gentleman

It is the government’s responsibility once they eliminate your industry, making you unemployed.

Government didn't eliminate anything, corona did. And society should have to prop up failing businesses anytime a minor crisis happens.

Orange man bad for neoliberalism and god hating commies.

that actually sucks tho, for those of us that buy at the bottom when dow hits 8,000 it wont inflate back up to 30,000 again till 2025


Yeah trump is a faggot.
Slowing the bubble won't be good for us.
We need a crash once in a while for every generation to get a safe entry to the stock market.