Don’t be fooled we won’t see $15 or $10 oil. We are at bottom. Post your stack.
Calling all Oil bros post your oilfolio
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You're too smart to post here.
Also, oil will go down further.
That's a good one.
The expensive oil age is over grandpa
I'm only betting on the crude price. Cost average is around $21.50. I have limit orders in the teens just in case there's another good stiff panic sell.
you know whats going down tommorow?
oh no no no
He thinks after this fiasco governments will dump even more into solar wind powered hughug happy energy.
Global warming is canceled retard, it's survival mode and Dino juice burns real good.
Correct. Tree hugger energy push has just been set back several years. Nobody is going to want to use your alt feels energy when oil is practically give away cheap.
Speak, faggots. I have over 1k of this shit.
Just do what I'm doing and hold for at least a year. They're gonna start WW3 soon and it'll explode, just not until after they make the people suffer for several months.
I'm lucky enough to be uniquely positioned to not have to fret over whether my investments go up or down in the short term. So you bet your ass i'm HODL'ing for dear life.
hope you got iron hands
GUSH is getting a reverse split. Because of 3x decay, if oil keeps going down decay will compound and even if oil recovers you will only receive a small fraction of your investment. You made a mistake of not investing in normal ETF. At least you are lucky that it's not getting delisted like UWT.
USO long dated calls bitches
How am i doing?
Just tell me what etf to buy. FUCK
Been eyeing this too, thinking of buying in tomorrow
>He doesn't have a fully solar house
Sucks for you guys. Enjoy paying premiums for outdated power boomers
Haven't bought in because this shits going down even more. You're retarded if you think it's not. XOM and BP look nice though.
I also want to buy a $3 put on Gamestop
Consumption all across The West is about to fall through the fucking floor. We haven't even begun yet. Oil will be near worthless.
Have fun with your bags loser
Hodl faggot
Am I retarded or is this free money?
2022 is safe enough
Retarded. OILU is getting delisted. Sell out or get absolutely fucked on the 27th. Don't believe me? Google it, I just saved your dollars user.
So does it makes more sense to buy long calls on GUSH instead of holding it directly?
looks good
lmao @ oil boomers grow a fucking brain
looks good
I would say go ahead and buy puts for AMC. there going under imo
OUCH. thanks user
>OILU is getting delisted
Oh for god sakes. Yeah dump that call asap. Slide over to USO with the freed cash.
So which cheap muscle card should I buy?
Something easy to repair and with no damned computers.
2003 Toyota Echo sedan
No problem, saw it in an earlier thread a couple days ago and almost bought in myself. All of the +3x's are getting absolutely shrekt.
oil is still overpriced you retards
literally gazillions of barrels in the ground in russia, saudi arabia, iran and venezuela.
the only thing that kept the price artificially high was the cartel that is now in shambles.
Please tell us, user, what you believe the fair value of oil should be.
first time investing in my life. I started by cashing in 200€ into iShares Oil & Gas Exploration & Production UCITS ETF. Did I do right or did I fucked up? It seemed like a safe bet because it has a all time low.
Agreed, it seems like USA will stockpile oil if it goes below $20
Imagine buying ford
lol global oil demand is like 100 million barrel per day and GDP is going to contract around 25% this year, GDP is directly correlated to oil consumption
The entire US(mostly fracking) and Canadian oil industries are going to permanently be shuttered with some left nationalized for national defence purposes
The entire energy industry of north american could disappear tomorrow and STILL there will be an excess of oil
Look at the charts faggots there's a reason the energy companies look like fucking Enron
so I fucked up?
I mean you *are* asking for investing advice on a Kazakh motorcycle customization forum.
Tbh I’d invest in oil around the teens. Iran and KSA are going to eventually blow up in war cutting off millions of barrels. If u invest at the right now you could potentially become a millionaire.
true but I trust anons here more than my jewish "advisers" of my bank or elsewhere
Just fuck my shit up senpai, I bought WAY too early.
The point of falling knives is that what you buy might keep falling in price, even past what's reasonable because people are desperate and panicking. Waiting for that to end and the price to bottom out can save you heartache.
Oil might quickly recover if there's a literal war like mentioned, or a cure or really fast vaccine, but otherwise you're looking at depressed oil demand for months. You can wait a couple weeks for the price to stabilize.
Same here, I thought a 30% market crash was the bottom, little did i know we are going to drop the DOW to 12000.
Bought a bunch of Suncor at $16, its sitting at $11 now. What do you anons suggest? Hold for a year or cut my losses? Suncor is the largest oil manufacturer in Canada and have 60% institutional interest.
consumption is not going to pick up any time soon. Heavily tied to the price of oil. Anyone betting on oil right now is fucking retarded
Uh, see .
so he is a victim of a falling knife
Yes, so is . They shouldn't feel bad though, even Trump is polyanna-ish and thinks things will just "bounce back".
Price paid 16k, value 14k, somehow losses are 4k. How is this possible?
I’m a poorfag with only 1k to invest so I just bought $200 worth of XOM and RDS.A/B and will buy more doing DCA until the market hits the actual bottom
Yes I am. Honestly the smart move right now is sell it all at a loss, then buy back in to whatever's left in a month. But I'm a coward and would rather watch my money dribble away over a month than risk missing the recovery.
I'm covering myself in the meantime with lots of puts. If I take a few more risks I can probably make up what I lost, about $7k, just on puts. If I do exceptionally well I can dump more of it into oil companies and DCA some more. I might also say fuck it and dump it all on BTC again.
Neither the Iran and much less the Saudi's are in a position to fight a war.
Price paid 16k, value of the stocks is only about 11k, and I have 3k in cash. So I'm down almost 5k (16-11) and also have another 3k in cash so total value about 14k.
that is a productive line of thinking. perhaps you should think more along those lines...