>Dies of Covid-19
Good or bad?
Dies of Covid-19
very good
we can have Hitler back soon
Heil hoecke sounds better anyway
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did Angela "Refugees Welcome" Merkel fuck up Germany?
10, seriously
The fact that some refugees are running around here weren´t propaply the biggest threat. (Even though it was bad for some people and for our system)
However, I know a lot of people and families and friendships, which were destroyed.
Reason? The brainwashed Globohomos thought everybody who was not with them, is a nazi. Because in Germany it is a bad thing if you want to be a proud Nationalist
She fucked up Europe, not just Germany.
I that Merkel? She now looks more tired. And just wasted. She knows she made huge mistakes. She will never admit it it.
But fear not, she is done. DONE.
And she knows it.
>Because in Germany it is a bad thing if you want to be a proud Nationalist
Yes, it is a bad thing. You call others brainwashed when your mind is so rotted by Yas Forums that you say "Globohomos" unironically?