10% of working households have less than $90 in the bank in australia

>10% of working households have less than $90 in the bank in australia
>bottom 40% of working households have the equivalent of three weeks' income or less in the bank
>25% of all working households have less than a week's salary put aside for a rainy day - or a pandemic


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God people are pathetic with money

Not for decades if ever. Stats show time and time again that the majority of people, when forced between the two options, would rather send non workers to jail.

stats show no such thing.

do you think rich boomers are going to let impoverished looting gangs drag them out of their houses? UBI is the best solution to the pandemic problem
aus government just increased our NEETbux twice what it was, and reduced the requirements... only a matter of time

no way dude we'll just imprison everyone who isn't working.

Our generation is the weakest one in history, this couldn't have happened at a better time. absolutely JUST.

> muh i want to leech the benefits of civilised society but don't want to put any effort into it


Here in Canada I see immigrants workers all the time. Working in places teenagers could easily work instead there unemployed or homeless. There's lots of low still jobs homeless people could easily work despite what people say instead immigrants mostly Philippinos take those jobs.

you realize we're talking about people who work right...what do you mean not put any effort into it

neoliberalism, globalism, open borders, etc all things that fuck the working class in the west