Daily reminder

Imagine not buying the real bitcoin under $180.

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Imagine holding this piece of shit scam after so many nothing burgers hahahahha

Kys faggot worshipping pajeet

Literally bought 2 days ago and up 500% gains already.
Die poor faggot

I literally made a hundred grand in a week
stay poor corekeks

imagine not buying real xmr under 1$

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I did buy though


> imagine not buying the real bitcoin under $350
Fags were posting this one month ago

I know BSV will win in the end and I'm sitting on a 1k stack.

But fuck if I'm not nervous that when BTC shit the bed its gonna bring BSV down with it. I struggle to decide if I should attempt a swing trade or just accept the fate and buy a little more at the bottom.

>But fuck if I'm not nervous that when BTC shit the bed its gonna bring BSV down with it
but dude are you not following calvin, river and the gang?
if BTC tanks it will be a flippening and BSV will soar to the moooon

I do follow them. I think Calvin helped keep us from falling too far below $100. With my stack every $100 price change is $100k for me. I didn't sell any at $400+ (I don't like to swing trade much, I've rekt myself before), but seeing it drop from $400+ to sub $100 had me kicking myself for not swinging anything.

I'm basically so balls deep in already that I'm not buying anymore unless we see sub $50 prices.

i was kidding Im actually deebly gonserned about a BTC crash and BSV going down with it
and I have less than 1/10 of your stack I would be shitting myself if I was down 300 grand
keep in mind if BTC tanks the entire market will be dead and it coudl take a long time to recover. youll be sitting on very heavy bags potentially for years

what is going on with BSV anyway? its gotten awfully quiet around it lately, what is creg up to whats the next big thing on the horizon. when teranod? when will EHS start their health data thing?
I wish I could sit down with papa Calvin in Antigua and he could give me a full rundown he seems very confident on twitter. yesterday he posted about how a BSV stack could hand you generational wealth I think he deleted the tweet though.

The thing about BSV is that any random day CSW could post some shit that has us moon 50% in a day. Like when the whitepaper copyright happened or when a random whale bought and we went 200% in 2-3 days.

BSV follows BTC but also has a chance to move up on its own. Makes it hard as fuck to swing trade.

crashing this plane

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Imagine buying a scam at 180.

you will be able to buy it under $100 soon enough

BSVers can´t even calculate gains. total state of retards

>crashing this plane
problem is that craig already walked back on this and has been flip flopping numerous times. from giving phones to africa to slowly selling funds for BSV and blablabla I stpped paying attention at some point.
true I lost a bunch of BSV last time I tried to swing and out of nowhere it pumped like crazy I just wish Craig and the gang would give us some dates or timelines or sth but oh well. thing is everybody is waiting for muh flippening muh megamoon I think realistically the entire crypto space could get wiped out and be dead for years and then longterm BSV *might* soar from actual usage but were talking years here. most BSVers are over optimistic I think you gotta be prepared to be underwater and hold this for years to come and its still very hgih risk but yeah payoff could be insane.

yeah, too many pumps
literally lost count

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the biggest problem with BSV is its impossible to have a rational, nuanced discussion about it. you got braindead corecucks on the one side and deluded BSVtards on the other. Im all in on BSV but still Im skeptical and pessimistic about short- to midterm performance but nobody is willing to have a discussion outside of "durr fork of a fork" and "were going to the moon" I honestly hate getting into cryptos its the most retarded space ever

that was me too but only 143
i sold 16 at the previous high (like ~270?)
It's been my only sell trade for the last 3 years, other than BTC -> BCH -> BSV


what would you like to talk about re bsv

>what would you like to talk about re bsv
when is EHR coming online with their health care thing?
when teranode?
what has craig been up to he has been awfully quiet lately?
wouldnt the upcoming halving be catastrophic for BSV as theres barely any usage and BTC miners can stil make a lot more money just sticking to BTC?
how many transactions would be needed to decouple BSV from BTC and have a self-sustainable fee market?

don't know
I think 2021, can't remember it's either shadders of connollys presentation youtu.be/mm7WR_Qi9VE
>what's craig been up to
since london? I think there's been a few blog posts. I'm not in the slack but he posts in there.
bsv has more usage than btc, the daa is still there. Bsv incentivses miners more because there's no limit to the transactions they can be paid to process
>how many transactions
not sure but bsv transactions are growing while btc will never be more than 1mb/10min. I think they should've got rid of the daa with genesis, it allows miners to not commit

>32 billion transaction annually

>I think they should've got rid of the daa with genesis, it allows miners to not commit
interesting can you elaborate?

miners know they don't have to put their money where their mouth is because bsv will not death spiral with the daa. Whereas without it you'll find out if they really believe all that money spent on mining equipment is worth a network that cannot do more than 144mb a day

Is BSV still listed on any exchanges? I don't think the network is even still running. This was just a scam fork that lost momentum and died in early 2019.


Imagine buying the fork of a con artist from a fork of a con artist

sponsored by a casino guy, what could go wrong?

buy a stack of BSV
forget about crypto for a few years and let the retards fight it out
come back to your fortune

>when moon?
>when sign?
>when business usage?
how about a question that doesnt exclusively seek validation for your investment decision? If you want a bedtime story go on youtube and look up some sv channels. otherwise try to make something cool/help others in that pursuit

Unironically this it’s that easy

>otherwise try to make something cool/help others in that pursuit
no thanks I already have a job

this mentality got us halfway to where we are now

things need to be built

Not everyone is a builder.

then spend, or just hold onto your pets.com investment and let the wind blow you through life

It’s literally not possible to build on any other chain than BSV
The insane price rise is inevitable the only question is how long is it gonna take

>profit bad
>expecting an ROI bad
ah the BSVcommies are back

>The insane price rise is inevitable the only question is how long is it gonna take
its really not inevitable theres a million things that could go wrong along the way

absolutely but things are being built at insane rate

If BSV fails then all other crypto will have failed and the point is moot
Unless you’re chasing daily/weekly swings there’s no smarter investment than BSV

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Crypto markets are very irrational right now, you have projects that haven’t delivered, don’t do anything just a token worth millions and billions
It’s inevitable people learn and research for themselves about what’s possible with BSV and the failures of SegWit and 0-conf is totally possible and Craig is the victim of a mainstream media/crypto cabal hit job and patents and law and money laundering shutdowns and regulations start coming
When that happens BSV can only get more scarce and rise in price
Might take a while though people are retarded

look at all those fucking toiletcoins lmao

>If BSV fails then all other crypto will have failed and the point is moot
its really not a moot point because theres a good chance this entire crypto space will just go belly up when BTC tanks. investors, companies etc. will lose interest and arguably a lot of people are already fed up with all the hype and nothing being delivered. Im not arguing the point that BSV is the only crypto that actually has a chance of being useful and valuable. all Im saying is that success is guaranteed and it kinda grinds my gears that BSVers pretend like this is a sure thing. its really not.

>ll Im saying is that success is guaranteed
NOT guaranteed

Ill buy at $10

>BSV is the only crypto that actually has a chance of being useful and valuable
not really, bsv is a weird kind of bloatware that is utterly useless in reality as it lacks all defining features that make bitcoin actually great and economically sound.

>it lacks all defining features that make bitcoin actually great and economically sound
like what? being unscaleable and essentially useless?

no. being a trustless permissionless and secure ledger that is a byzantine fault tolerant distributed system. none of the shitfork have this most important feature and without it crypto makes zero sense. you just introduce sever inefficiencies for negative gains with blockchain in general.

wait, when's BTC going to drop from 6k to under 180?

only bitshitv cultists talk like that. calling the OG real bitcoin core and refering to bitshitv as the "real" bitcoin. sad pathetic smol dicked cultists you cant just keep lying and make it reality it doesnt work that way. now shoo shooo little deranged culty you're smol penis and fake bitcoin annoy everyone

No swing trading. Unnecessary risk.

BTC is not BitCoin anymore retard. It is built to fail and fail it will. It is odd that BSV is still not 4-5 figures. The price has got to explode soon.

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beg if you want a buy

Can you please explain this? I only own BTC and have no idea what people mean when they say BSV is really BTC. What is the difference? And does it really matter?

Sirs bsv has been infused with immunity poo to prevent coronavirus virus and to begin golden cow run. Pls buy sirs and do the needful!

its not hard to build on eth or nervos, good god.