eh whats a few hundred billion more. might as well do it while we have the printer going.
>tfw get to have more time to do my capstone, also for free
Yep, I tell yea whuat
This would top off 2020 as easily my most profitable year.
C'mon you fucks, throw the dosh at me not the s&p
Can I just get Neetbux
This bitch is gonna be bidens running mate and then first woman president isnt she.
>spend 3 years saving for full tuition and emergency cash
>work full time while attending Jr. College to keep the money up
>No loans, no payment plans, pay cash
I swear I'll fucking kill myself if they do this shit. Jesus fucking christ.
I don't have debt.
we can afford to let that bubble pop
they all just proposing shit they know someone else will block now. at least, I think they are. Cancelling student debt while 50%+ normal wagies are screwed, its ludicrous clickbait playing to the gallery
life's not fair kiddo
cry more
Buck up kiddo. Life ain’t fair.
Could be worth it just to see Hillary seethe.
We’re obviously pressing the reset button on our economy and starting a new save file. Might as well make everyone happy.
Anyone with savings are like people who play roleplaying video games and get to the end boss without consuming any items because “might need it later”.
Who the fuck cares.....I paid mine off years ago, I dont give a shit if the people after me get it for free. fuck it man.
Finally, someone who isn't a crab in a bucket piece of shit!
Debt jubilee NOW
It dillutes the value of the money in your savings
Kys bernie tranny
>Anyone with savings are like people who play roleplaying video games and get to the end boss without consuming any items because “might need it later”.
Best analogy ever, well done
Who cares? I did the same as you, but student debt is a boot on regular people's throats. You can't even declare bankruptcy on it like any thing else, nor can you sell the collateral of the loan.
The proposed plan ($10k in debt relief) pays it off for 30%+ of people.
ya fuck the companies that are the gears of this economy, as well as the markets.
The majority of student loan debt is held by women. It will be forgiven, one way or another.
You're a fucking faggot, what hasn't the fucking government consumed? This is the end boss and all you've got is the pistol with neverending ammo.
You do understand that this cloud will be over you for the rest of your days, don't you?
[spoiler]Pay up, faggot! [/spoiler]
normally I wouldn't be for socialization like this but fuck it, that's 40k off my back. fucking do it, fuck boomers, fuck the economy
>Anyone with savings are like people who play roleplaying video games and get to the end boss without consuming any items because “might need it later”.
i literally do this in every game I've ever played and I barely have savings
>Some people got sick
>Therefore we must cancel student debt
The fact you cant declare bankruptcy on sl makes it indentured servitude which is bullshit
It's just depressing that I worked for years of my life in a male dominated industry literally slaving for 4 hours out of 16 and getting paid 30% of what I was making my near-zero overhead company so they could expand into fucking Freightliner. This all in a rural asshole boomtown where men outnumber women by 10%. This as opposed to yoloing it and moving somewhere hospitable.
I'm not mad that somebody is getting the knife out of their back, I'm mad if something like this gets passed I can mark those years up as an ass fucking. And one I've got nothing to show for. Meanwhile the currency I accumulated is debased.
>some people
This pandemic is fucking based, please cancel my debt
It's a good plan. Frees anyone who lived under their means while 100k debt sociology majors stay down
eat shit roastie
I'll bet you were the one fag who didn't drink in middle school
Why not cancel mortgages or credit card debts while they are at it. What the fuck does a virus pandemic have to do with student loans.
I was thinking about this - maybe, they're bribing all the Millennial before they notice, its all their shit getting shut down, while they are at 0.1% risk. In which case, can assume it'll be a while before the bars be opening again. A long while
Retard. You're supposed to sell your shit and put all your money in the gold bank for newgame+
Colleges should largely go bankrupt
Stop issuing student loans for non-STEM fields
Tie funding to students' future earnings or this is will be bailing money into a volcano
Money is better spent on apprenticeship than academic wank
If Drumpf had proposed this all the insane bootlickers would be praising it. Oh wait they did when trumpbux were originally rolled out as a floated proposal. It's a good idea, it doesn't matter who says it.
this. their debt will be effectively cancelled anyway once the inflation hits.
This. What a weird boomer nigger way to evaluate the policy
>well I rolled up my sleeves and got my education
>better be gibing me reparations for my education
The point of society is to make it better for those who come after you. Yeah it sucks, but that's a shit excuse to let people be miserable. Hate the policy because student education is so fucked up that the institution should be torn down
git gud
fuckin based
blow it out your ass
Magapedes are cultists and quite literally will support any word that Trump says as gospel. These present policies are expressly socialistic, and the amount of mockery and seethe that they emitted when Yang proposed far, far less socialistic policies for the sake of a capitalist society's future is really telling when they now treat this plan like it was all Trump's concept from the bottom up.
maybe you should of moved somewhere else then fucking retard bitch
i don't even believe you did this. this is just your dumb impractical boomer fantasy of what young people should do, lol
>Anyone with savings are like people who play roleplaying video games and get to the end boss without consuming any items because “might need it later”.
top kek
extremely based
How is cancelling debt going to let people pay bills and buy food?
If they don't have savings they need cash.
Also shits over all the people who didn't go to college, most of these fags whining about student loan forgiveness are middle class fags that are just butthurt they have a "good" job but are stuck servicing debt instead of fucking off to travel the world.
You fucking kikes are doomed.
lol get fucked by gamergate bitch.
Indeed, and they are taking advantage of people under 18. Most people apply to college when they are 17.
>can't have good things because I had bad things
yup, I've seen this happen too. they should really try to get the contract voided for signing as a minor
US politics brainlet here
What's the downside for Trump if he publicly supports this and actually signs off on it?