
Attached: Screen Shot 2020-03-21 at 10.49.29 AM.png (462x276, 44.91K)

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elon is based

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Based daddy Musk. He knows (((who))) is behind this hysteria.


All my liberal friends are freaking out, tweeting stupid shit all day. My life hasn't changed at all. Besides the drive thru line for my tendies being slightly less busy.

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CEO of New Jersey hospital at coronavirus epicenter tests positive for virus
152 Detroit cops in coronavirus quarantine, 5 test positive
FOX Business staffer tests positive for coronavirus, Lou Dobbs in self-quarantine
LA County shifts from containing coronavirus, advises doctors to skip testing of some patients: report
Coronavirus killing more than a person an hour in NYC
Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirus, becoming first-known case of a White House employee
Andy Cohen tests positive for coronavirus, halts 'Watch What Happens Live' production
More than 50 NYPD officers test positive for coronavirus, but department 'well-resourced', commissioner says

all from the past 24 hours or so, most from 3 hours ago or less

Replace 'coronavirus' with 'common cold' and you would realize how ridiculous this all is

Now do influenza

hes a fucking retarded man-child who needs beaten with a stick

Yep. Funny how "CEO tested positive for the flu!" was never headline news in the past.

Is this the SHTF situation already?

Reminder that Elon almost got sent to jail for market manipulation

Buddy all the gun stores are fucking sold out in my county. If that isnt at least a minor SHTF I dont know what is

no, this is the "fecal particles are being detected on the fan" situation
the SHTF in a week or so

All the people running our countries are old as balls and would rather shut down fucking everything than take a 10-50% chance of dying. This is the issue.

The depression was going to happen anyways. The market was more over-valued than the dotcom mania of the 2000s. People were up the their eyeballs in debt and the only way they could keep buying shit was to go deeper into debt.

What we're seeing is a 1930s style debt deleveraging. It was delayed after the 2008 crash by the government bailouts and QE, essentially using debt to pay off other debt. That's not really possible anymore since the interest rates are at zero when the crisis began.

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In a week or two you'll be saying
>Funny how "CEO dies of the flu" was never headline news in the past

do you know what a novel virus is?

It is true tho
Food shortages?
Nope, not ever in the west, the entire supply chain is automated with disposable retail min wagers to stack a shelf till it becomes socially acceptable to replace them with AI stackers
Automated, maintained by a handful of engineers and disposable phajeets
Wow old and critically sick people die? You dont say! Everyone else gets on with living.

>world in quarantine over the common cold
they just need to pick themselves up by their bootstraps

What ceo died?

People with the flu aren't as contagious as coronavirus patients and don't overload hospital systems all at once.

>Imagine having a wrinkle brain and being able to understand there is always some shit trying to kill humans and then being able to go about your life without a closet of shitter paper

Im really not sure why the market cap being larger than our national GDP implies overvalued . Someone please explain.

Buy the dip bro

it took 3 months for 100k cases. 12 days to double to 200k. Imagine the next two weeks.

Economy itself is not tie to reason to be fair

We're already 10,000 away from hitting 300,000 confirmed cases.

No one knows the amount of cases there actually is because most people haven't been tested and the symptoms shows up much later after you get it.

Judging by how fast confirmed cases are being diagnosed we are nowhere near the bottom.


You'd think he'd be working to help find vaccines. Or maybe buy ventilators since he's a fucking billionaire. But no He's just being salty cause hes going to go out of business

How can one be so high iq yet so seemingly retarded

Add up what all of the stocks in the economy are worth (Total Market Cap). Add up everything your country produces in a year (GDP).

Then compare them.

If the total market cap to gdp is very high that means the companies stocks are worth a lot more than the total products they're producing.

Now the question of being "overvalued" is always a contentious one because it's the market and the buyers/sellers of the stocks that ultimately determine what they're worth. They may believe the company might produce more goods the following year which justifies the current valuation.

However a very high market cap to gdp is definitely a cause for concern. If there isn't a good reason for a high value (ie we're about to colonise mars or something), then it's important to exercise caution.

He's probably smarter then average but he's not a genius. He'd none nothing without his daddy's money and blind luck

So like the population of Pittsburgh.... Spread globally. You retards really can't conceptualize numbers bigger than 20 can you?

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Last time he tried to help nobody appreciated the submarine.

If I had to guess Elon is on the high scale of "The Spectrum''

Imagine what you are compared to him. Nothing.

Replace "corona virus" with "fucking your mom" and you would realize how ridiculous this all is

His IQ is estimated in the 140-50s. It doesnt make sense. Either that or IQ is too narrow and overrated as a way to determine overall life problem solving skills .

That's only like the top 1 out of 100 people. It isn't that significant.

>maybe buy ventilators
You are a fucking idiot.

I dont even know anymore man, seems pretty intelligent to me to be best out of 100.

Thanks for the links, I appreciate the effort.
That's a lot of links from a single news source.
Are other news organizations reporting similar stories?

He looks like a angry brainlet on Twitter I dont know what makes you think he's so smart. People like Bill Gates were preparing for this, this retard was busy smoking weed and trying to go to mars

>Replace 'coronavirus' with 'common cold' and you would realize how ridiculous this all is

From the poster above your post:
>Coronavirus killing more than a person an hour in NYC

Yes, that would be completely ridiculous if the common cold was killing more than a person an hour. Because the common cold isn't deadly. COVID is. Get your head out of your ass.

>It's a nothingburger, think about the economy

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Elon Musk is a dumb as a rock. It's not gonna be long before SpaceX and Hyperloop investors come for him when they realize they've been duped.

It's interesting how such a smart guy doesn't understand exponential growth or history. The Spanish Flu was underestimated when it first came on the scene and it ended up leading to the deaths of 5-10% of the world population at the time.

Diseases mutate, we don't want to just freely allow a highly contagious, easily mutatable virus spreading around our population

People going full retard and ransacking stores for toilet paper is dumb, but staying inside and trying to stop the spread is not.

>brainlet doesn't understand exponential growth

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Thanks for taking the time to explain user.

Based and tendypilled

>gf is a Yas Forumstant who is into loli hentai

haha it's like Willem Defoe's character in Platoon actually had sex with a vietnamese prostitute and they had a kid.

grimes sucks though, elon has shit taste in waifus.

A certain panic till mid February was healthy as much was unknown do to Chinese state failure, but since about the 15. and more reliable data from Europe and SK everything is clear and any panic now is just crooks and idiots. In short trade the rumors ignore the news

There are 300,000,000 people in America though. It isn't that special.


Noooooo I want my Martian Technocracy

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It's just a flu bro. It's a nothingburger, bro. It's just the cold,bro. Everyone is lying. From cahirman Xi to Trump, to every single (((doctor))). Everyone is on it except (((you))) and me. It's just the flu, bro. Viruses don't even exist, they are created by toxins in 5G networs, bro. It's a nothing burger, bro.

I'm glad short sellers are funding their retirement off this, but Elon is correct. The hysteria so far has no basis in reality. It's panic.

Look at what we know so far. The virus has been 'in the wild' for four (4) months now (December 2019), there are slightly more than 100 US deaths. Half of those were from a single eldercare facility in Washington state (51) that was exposed to the virus. We know that risk of transmission becoming fatal goes up exponentially starting at age 50, and could be devastating to the age bracket nearing end-of-life.

That said, even in the worst case projection on the numbers, there will be 335,000,000 americans that need to get on with their lives after the virus has concluded the un-vaccinated portion of it's run. Yes, we should be deeply concerned about our older family members, but we must also prepare for when life and commerce resume after the virus.

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>Assumes it's exponential. Line always go moon.
K Dr.


>slightly more than 100 US deaths.

The actual number, at the moment you posted is 276 deaths. That's way more than slightly

what ceo *will* die, probably the older ones, if jobs was alive today he would've died probably

Being autistic typically means higher creativity unless it's full blown down syndrome which means severe cognitive impairement.

Schizhoprenics, tourette's and ocd are all autism spectrum disorders, they run in same families with down syndrome, and are linked to abnormally high creativity compared to 'normal' people. For example, schizhoprenia increases creativity (basal ganglia volume and activity) but typically impairs visual spatial cognition (working memory) and causes other memory problems

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He's right.
Superflu isn't crashing the economy and trapping people in their homes, ((((they)))) are

>citing US figures
Yeah just ignore Italy because reasons

Italy is all old people

Yeah no.

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And the US is all fat people. Basically the same organic age.