This is bigger than anything we have faced in our lifetime or our parents our our grand parents life.
Financal markets and banks are going to implode just like 2008. There is a huge bubble and overvalued stock market which was/ is leveraged to the maximum, just like 2000 We have an external supply shock only compareable to war times, maybe 2001 but just WAY bigger.
whoever thinks this is just a dip and everything will go to normal within months is delusional. On the other side the world is not going to end aswell.
i just want to buy a house, please make prices go down 30%
Michael Smith
You know how we all know you don't know shit? Because it's literally the common cold, albeit a new strain to which no one has immunity (thus why its novel). Which sounds way less intimidating than even saying, "Its just the flu.", as a way of dismissing it. But you don't even know that! You're just repeating political speaking points because you feel informed, when really you're either ignorant or being paid to spread bullshit.
Daniel Gonzalez
she looks slightly retarded
Jason Wilson
You're going to have to wait for quite awhile before the housing market bottoms out, but it's on the way, patience pays!
Imagine thinking it's about the symptoms and not the spread, who fucking cares about the morality rate if it infects half the earth. Even 1% causes unprecedented catastrophe
Connor Brown
lips is lips
Ryan Bennett
i've been around long enough to know that i could breed that little whore for years to come, but eventually, another one of her kind will come along, inciting these exact emotions and feelings, and it will just be another her all over again. the problem is me thinking that the next 'her' will be better. what if i'm wrong?
it's called mass hysteria people these days live in an average state of sickness from lifestyle, eating foods humans did not evolve to eat, and a toxic environment, all of that added to the psychological effects of nocebo and Munchausen syndrome (factitious disorder imposed on self) causes mass hysteria where people flood places like hospitals even Scrubs had an episode making fun of such phenomena way back, where they show the hordes of people showing up in the hospital the day after a huge public health scare was announced meanwhile, in reality, pathogenic viruses don't exist, and there's no such thing as contagious disease at all, it's not how disease works, and never was, any such model has always been a ploy used by snake oil salesmen and authoritarians seeking more power virus hoax starter pack
Hunter Peterson
>Financal markets and banks are going to implode just like 2008. Yeah, that already happened, dummy.
Won't bother with the rest of the drivel you posted, you have no insight or even anything interesting to say. You're too dumb to have anything like that.
How can coronavirus be caused by 5G if it spreads like a virus, in places taht don't even have 5G. You're retarded
Kevin Sanders
classic reaction when being confronted with truth which contradicts a lot of deeply ingrained beliefs which are not true
Jordan Phillips
read my post, the 5G radiation is just one environmental factor among many which cause such fragments to be secreted by cells >it's called mass hysteria >people these days live in an average state of sickness from lifestyle, eating foods humans did not evolve to eat, and a toxic environment, all of that added to the psychological effects of nocebo and Munchausen syndrome (factitious disorder imposed on self) causes mass hysteria where people flood places like hospitals >even Scrubs had an episode making fun of such phenomena way back, where they show the hordes of people showing up in the hospital the day after a huge public health scare was announced >meanwhile, in reality, pathogenic viruses don't exist, and there's no such thing as contagious disease at all, it's not how disease works, and never was, any such model has always been a ploy used by snake oil salesmen and authoritarians seeking more power
yes, exactly any testing is the same as for cancer, you can potentially find these fragments in literally anyone then just as with cancer you'll be labeled as diseased, in the case of cancer you'll be strongly convinced to allow yourself to get murdered through chemo/radio, while in this case you'll be counted as a statistic to perpetuate the scare, and possibly it will become mandatory to get toxic injections to "cure" you, which in reality will poison you and contribute to making it seem like a deadlier and more dangerous pathogen it's all about control, you have been warned, do with the information what you will
Elijah Roberts
Shitposting while in self-quarantine eh?
Ethan Morgan
>there's no such thing as contagious disease at all look at the iq on this brick
Easton Wilson
>our grand parents life. Don't know what fucked up family you come from but it sounds like its full of teenage moms, because my grandparents were in the underground during ww2.
Fucking idiot.
Parker Ross
I'm being 100% serious exactly hard to comprehend at first with all the propaganda you're fed growing up, but the medical system is essentially 99% hoax designed to slowly murder you and collect insurance from government through nationalized insurance programs the only legitimate part of modern medicine is emergency medicine, e.g. stitching up large wounds, performing surgery to remove extraneous objects, making sure broken bones heal correctly
Ryan Wood
my grand father fought in france and in russia, lost most of his toes but returned alive. that's not what i am talking about.
I'm sorry, but did the economy already collapse? Oh, that's right. The decision hasn't even been made yet. In fact, it's only midweek. Does not 20% unemployment count as a collapse? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the market is still open? The traders are in NYC right now and they have been the best stock market people for how long now? They're fighting one of the worst virii of all time and they're feeding off the lack of support from the Mainstream media. But you know what? They're still fucking trading. America is one of the best fucking nations on earth, we dropped 2 more and would have dropped 2 more if Japan hadn't surrendered. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the Dow hits 30k and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the Fed just pumped 2 trillion dollars into the economy and cut us all a check. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-Dow topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like America because its free. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to trun the Fed, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
Xavier Ortiz
>all these doomer threads in /biz
LMAO YOU AMERIFATS FINALLY REALIZED HOW SERIOUS IS THIS? usa and uk are going to battle for the italy place for most dead,this shit is going to get insane in the next 2 weeks
Connor Cox
I bet you can't even use properly a microscope in order to see onion cells. Geopolitical and economic consequencies due to collective infections begin with the later egyptian dynasties, then we've a good record of the several plagues in europe during middle age. Panic and hysteria are a part of the pandemy, not the cause, and this is described over and over again. You know what ? Some people knew that a pandemy would eventually happen and hurt our thermo industrial realm. You really think that people bought bunkers out of pure anxiety and fear ?
You know that we trace asteroids ? You know that the sun, somewhere during his 8 BY lifespan is going to show his true power ? We live in a society, but the society lives on a rock covered with water, flying in a big empty space, and you, your models will never win your fight against chaos. Any attempt at shitting on your pair because "panic" reveals one thing, your lack of wisdom.
Owen Parker
m8, you're a nonce yeah. an absolute fookin nonce doyouknowwhatimean yeah?
you're great at parroting the propaganda fed to you in the government indoctrination camps, but none of that is remotely true and yes, people buy bunkers and do lots of other things out of pure anxiety and fear, not to mention their perpetual state of disease from lifestyle, consuming "foods" which are poisonous to human physiology, being exposed to an increasingly toxic environment, etc. I've provided a starter pack for you to educate yourself, here it is again virus hoax starter pack
Thomas Wilson
>our grand parents life. Underage b&. My grand-parents were alive during WWII.
Elijah Hill
Something about her face makes me want to bash it with a baseball bat
Dylan Foster
The hapenning is NOT corona chan. The hapenning is debt crisis, market correcting years of zombie compani buybacking their own stock on free Fed money + oil war tanking the price of a barel below 20 USD.
ikr just buy fuking shitcoins ya boomer. ogn and wrx is my bag.
Andrew King
I stoped at your first sentence. I was pointing out government frauds already in january when they told that the chink flu will remain chink. You're assblasted because you thought that everything was supposed to roll like a train on its rails, that's not how the terrestrial life worked so far. We've invented lightbulbs in a fraction of percentage of the holocene. What is happening in bergamo ? Why are they selecting ? A panic ? People over stressing and dying from cortisol ? Are you sure that your informations aren't flawed anywhere, I mean I believe a zetetician stance, but have you challenged your point of view already or you keep sperging accoeding to your system of belief ? Genuine question . Thank you for your information links nonetheless, when I've had enough of my virology books and biochemistry I'll look after it.
>you thought that everything was supposed to roll like a train on its rails, that's not how the terrestrial life worked so far I didn't think that at all, which is why humans are in such perpetually toxic conditions, due to the factors I mentioned previously still no pathogenic viruses, they simply do not exist >What is happening in bergamo ? Why are they selecting ? A panic ? People over stressing and dying from cortisol ? testing based on what are essentially random number generators and based on fragments which can be found in virtually anyone if you look hard enough, they then count this as part of the statistic, including if you die during this process stress is a part of it, but always accompanied by underlying causes, which is why you see that the people dying from it are all old or already sick there is also the added psychological effect of nocebo and Munchausen >have you challenged your point of view already or you keep sperging accoeding to your system of belief ? Genuine question . I continuously challenge all my beliefs as to better ascertain the truth I was, like most people, brainwashed through many years to believe in the notion of pathogenic viruses and the idea of contagion in general, as well as myriad other erroneous beliefs, and it takes a lot of critical thinking and objective judgments to be able to go back and discern the actual truth >when I've had enough of my virology books and biochemistry I'll look after it Stefan Lanka from two of the links I've provided is a PhD virologist himself, and he initially couldn't believe the scope of the hoax being perpetuated, but in his studies he ultimately had to make the conclusions I'm talking about
Thomas King
So do you think this virus is serious?
Aaron Lee
>I continuously challenge all my beliefs as to better ascertain the truth I bet you're fucking insufferable to be around
Anthony Fisher
>PhD virologist From where
Jacob Hill
You're mixing lies and truths, aside cherrypicking what is useful for your stance. I perfectly understand one of your key argument if not the most important : nocebo. I can answer that during hard periods, civil wars for instance, hospitals aren't filled with old people dying en masse because of pneumonia or heart stroke, but a wide spectrum of the population hit by conventional weapons or not. Yes, the panic is a sort of ecosystem which self fills its numbers, but as I said previously : the panic is induced by the sheer numbers, medias literally said for months that it was nothing. I can't believe that you don't ask yourself why the deep state said it was nothing but eventually explodes and discredited them. So the virus doesn't exist, there is no HIV, rabdoviridae, no rabbid dogs, hemorragic fevers are mainly Münchhausen, influenza is an anual hoax, papillomavirus are all frauds perpetrated by pharmas. Not even a caricature, it's your point.
Landon Rivera
>muh jewish merit
Just go away with that bullshit, guy has a PhD, doesnt fucking matter where he got it. Ivy league is a scheme meant to keep poor people in check and rich people ahead.
Ayden Bennett
No one who gets hiv tested is positive unless they had sex with someone positive or shared needles or something. They get the virus, it exists.
David Long
Ok schizo retard.
Brody Cox
>Dead piling up, entire economy shuttered for months and tanks in the street, better buy disney.
No wonder stawk trading and cocaine addiction has a strong correlation.
Jacob Rodriguez
When did they say it was nothing. Why would they want this
Austin Sanchez
Go to sleep, simpleton.
Ryan Martinez
Take your meds, retard.
Ryder Torres
nice copypasta retard
Nathaniel Walker
I generally find other people to be insufferable to be around, so they don't really get the chance to begin with Germany no, I'm not, you're merely projecting that onto me because it's hard for you to accept nocebo isn't even remotely the most important keyword of everything I mentioned, as I stated quite clearly it's just an additional psychological effect there is indeed no HIV, and the diseases you mention do exist, but they are not caused by pathogenic viruses >hemorragic fevers are mainly Münchhausen clearly you're just attempting to make a mockery of the truth by this point, as this is nothing I've actually posited Lanka himself has had to repeat again and again through his career that the symptoms commonly associated with and called measles are very real, but that they are not caused by any contagious pathogen incorrect, it does not exist at all this was in fact the first thing Lanka discovered as he researched it deeper, and he could hardly believe it himself to begin with >So for a long time I studied virology, from the end to the beginning, from the beginning to the end, to be absolutely sure that there was no such thing as HIV. And it was easy for me to be sure about this because I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to belong, the retroviruses -- as well as other viruses which are claimed to be very dangerous -- in fact do not exist at all.
Jack Diaz
Noooooooooooooooooooo how dare you be positive, the economy WILL completely collapse. We're all going to be eating our own shit soon nooooooooooooooooo how dare you think otherwise noooooooooooo all going to die as well as eating shit and stocks will be zero noooooooooooooooooooooooo you're a sheep a sheep
Cope more with the fact that you're stupid and not as intelligent as those you spite, it's all a Jewish conspiracy, you are actually really smart even though you have literally nothing to show for it,
Noah Anderson
Why don't they exist you stupid fuck. Posting a quote of some "PhD from Germany"(no name of institution when I asked) saying it doesn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't exist. You could at least quote why he thinks it doesn't exist at the very least, but you are a literal fucking retard who will probably die of diseases
Angel Nguyen
>no, I'm not, you're merely projecting that onto me because it's hard for you to accept I will accept it if you provide one strong evidence. What about pathogenic bacterias by the way ? >nocebo isn't even remotely the most important keyword of everything I mentioned, It is, that's the main factor of death currently in action according to your paradigm. Explain the growth of death in italy otherwise. >as I stated quite clearly it's just an additional psychological effect >there is indeed no HIV, and the diseases you mention do exist, but they are not caused by pathogenic viruses One strong evidence and I abandon my arguments. Not difficult, show me one chart where indeed the virus (and bacterias) don't exist/affect cells/organisms, any cultural description any pcr table or anything. Yet you just said a name, S. Lanka, and asumptions. >>hemorragic fevers are mainly Münchhausen >clearly you're just attempting to make a mockery of the truth by this point, as this is nothing I've actually posited Nocebo or Münchhausen that's your words. Autoimmune disease widely said. >Lanka himself has had to repeat again and again through his career that the symptoms commonly associated with and called measles are very real, but that they are not caused by any contagious pathogen Kepler repeted again and again that the solar system was based on a geometrical- platonician patron. Doesn't disprove his achievement in the mathematical field.