Is Bitcoin going up or down?

Is Bitcoin going up or down?

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Cool. Havent seen that one before. Thanks

hard being a teacher these days lads


are those jeggings?

yeah what are those?

islam is right about women. whores would wear absolutely nothing if they could


that girl is in highschool and is underage. you pedos make me sick

Probably college. No way high school would let a girl dress like that.

Yes they do, it's peak degeneracy and if you complain you must be sexualizing them shitlord teeheee

nah she's college at least
if she was high school and her father lets her dress like that damn what a shitty father

Top kek are you joking? My high school was like a softcore porno

you have no idea
>was 23 dealing with 16-20 yr olds

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go on

>her father
exactly, she doesn't have one. single mother households


Real question here. How do thots get their leggings to stick in their ass crack? If they were really tight, would they not stretch across the crack? If they were loose, wouldnt the natural tendency be to fall out of the ass crack? Are these pants sewn so they have pockets for each cheek with a seem along the ass crack so it specifically does this? I don't get it

Wow. Is there anything women are allowed to do that men won’t film and jerk off too?

ass pockets brah

They don't mind. Women check out dude's bulges all the time but the difference is men are completely unaware of this fact

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What is she writing on the board? Stupid fucking faggot cameraman

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This 10000%


why the fuck is this being recorded? why is the "person" not in jail? this fucking society


Don't leave us hanging bro.

America is the next Weimar? Who's the next Hitler?

joe biden

Alright faggots. Grew up/went to school in California, which for some reason accelerates the rate girls turn into turbo sluts. By middle school girls were wearing leggings with g strings pulled up and over the waistline, pushup bras, the whole shebang.

Anyway by high school girls had matured and did everything possible to flaunt it. Leggings like OP's vid, short shorts where the last half of their bare asses are hanging out, g strings pulled higher than ever. It was a young coomers paradise.

The girls were obviously loving this and the bolder ones would make a show of pulling their leggings all the way up their buttcrack any time they stood up. This would turn the heads of every guy in class. I've seen some great asses in my time, and a lot of them were just my virgin high school days walking across the quad.



Did you sniff or did FUD kick it and got the better of your FOMO?

If a man dressed up like that I would jerk off to it as well. One of my favorite olympic events is the 100m dash because all those African muscular asses are in tight clothes. One of the items in my "made it" bucket list is to fuck a big muscular African guy in the ass.

>Grew up/went to school in California
Yeah, makes sense. Hoes at UCLA were smokin hot/teasing sluts, but that's college not middle/high school.

>Anyway by high school girls had matured and did everything possible to flaunt it. Leggings like OP's vid, short shorts where the last half of their bare asses are hanging out, g strings pulled higher than ever. It was a young coomers paradise.

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>not high school
are you a boomer? this is how high school girls dress. But people here should stop sexualizing them. wearing clothing or skimpy clothing doesn't give men right to look or sleep with them yikes


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Based degenerate

Lol, STFU roastie bitch

>One of the items in my "made it" bucket list is to fuck a big muscular African guy in the ass.
user, I don't want to alarm you, but you may be a homosexual.

Your comment is bigoted and encourages bi-erasure.

>wearing clothing or skimpy clothing doesn't give men right to look or sleep with them

Attached: dont_bust_that nut_just_yet_well_be_right_back.jpg (656x612, 24.24K)

>doesn't give men right to look or sleep with them
I get why the 'entitlement to sex just because she's wearing skimpy clothing' is wrong but I'll be damned if I can't look at a woman that clearly put in the time and effort for attention

the funny thing is if she was dressed modestly, no one would know what this video was about

checkmate whores


I have no idea why their parents let them out like that

Haha roastie, coed schooling was a mistake. No, women's education was a mistake

Went to HS north of Chicago. Bitches are the same everywhere, and through all time. We’ve lost our taste for parenting. So great is this threat that they will only be brought to heel through our fists, and orbiter thot-enablers must be made to pay for the havoc they unleashed during our sabbatical.

D-do you think she gets nervous up there walking like that?

It turns her on that guys will take photo and video of her and then jackoff to it later.

Based. I could never imagine having a daughter. I respect protective fathers 100%. One of the few respectable women I ever met went to private school and a mix of homeschooling. She's kinda getting brainwashed at college though.

Dave is a National Treasure. If something is funny, search behind it for a hidden truth.

Fucking based, and fucking checked.

Based and checked

> yikes
t. redditfag

its another virgin posts a female for his shitty boring vapid thread episode. what a sad pathetic small penis'd boy you are OP.

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Bidesk is going up, BTC is going to $2K or worse.

Ironically there are men too scared to stop there daughters because their wife. I've never even had a gf but I sure as hell would stand up to my wife, if I had one. That stuff isn't going to happen under my roof.

>Ironically there are men too scared to stop there daughters because their wife.
True, men must reclaim their spot as the cornerstone of family health and wealth.

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>Women check out dude's bulges
Ive seen this. I think ive caught older women looking there before too. I think i had a boner once as well and didnt bother hiding it lmao

They're naturals at doing it, better than us actually especially if the guy is wearing sweats. They also check out guys' asses all the time too