Just got laid off.
Just got laid off.
Other urls found in this thread:
Why you still living
Who is your daddy and what does he do?
I did too, OP. I have about two months of savings and then I am fucked. The land lord is already talking about kicking me out.
are you a cute girl
What was your job?
you're not alone bros
i'm gonna have to move back home with mum
My parents are dead, so, it's between killing myself and getting shit faced so I violate my probation and end up in jail.
I've been made redundant twice in the last 3 months
>1 post by this ID
where did you work and why was your job not corona proof?
yes all the unemployment statistics are just that, statistics, they are not real people who can post on Yas Forums that have lost their jobs
I'm a cop you idiot!
Was it a one on one or group announcement?
Do you still have your anal virginity? Name a price.
Lel there's 'jizz' in my ID. Nice.
what are you going to do now?
civil engineer
will you downgrade to kneepads?
how am i supposed to survive during the pandemic?
Maybe get a real job
We lost projects because the client either folded or retracted.
my position is a bull job.
hey man at least you can say you got laid.
He's not an actual engineer.
Civil engineers are the joke of the STEM world, glorified concrete pourers
Civil engineer here. Working in power delivery though. Starting a new job Tuesday. Feels good knowing I got out of actual civil engineering work
>Keep job
>Boss cuts salaries by 25% because it's a hard time for business
>Remind him most places are giving hazard pay and we have a lot of staff who are in risk categories (We are a young group but we got some fatties, one is very fat but active and the other is very fat and needs to stop for air after walking)
>"Your hazard pay is making 25% more than unemployment, if you want more find another job"
Absolutely fuckin based
>almost all of the bussers got laid off today
we dishies are next
>company completely incompetent and doesn't enforce anything properly
>start working from home every day without permission since late february
>boomers who kept coming into the office until they ordered everyone to work from home this week probably got it
>i've been sitting here comfy while the rest of the state burns around me
based boss dabbing on fatties
I work for a cell tower company. Hoping that we’re good. Things seem to be going well based on our team call today.
>civil engineer
your company must be a small company then. how the fuck do they not have a pipeline of jobs lined up.
Sure am glad I went into computer science despite my parents constantly telling me its an over-saturated field.
Are evictions not frozen where you are
How do you plan to survive the coming nuclear winter?
Congratulations on your freedom and long term vacation.
Assuming, of course, that you are a responsible adult and have enough savings for six months or, dipping into your hedged investments, a year or two.
I might ride a dolphin into the sunset, or live in the abandon disney world.
yo based
>quit my shit tech job in late Jan because I had a much better one lined up
>then that one fell through
>then the fallback restaurant job fell through because they closed
>now NO ONE is even interviewing
>can't even get unemployment because I quit
>may very well be moving into grandparents' basement this summer if shit doesn't change
I just wanted a job that paid $5k more
All I see is puz
Why would you switch jobs *after* corona broke containment?
I work in a shitty dumpy factory for $15/hr. I hated my job always, and have been looking for a better opportunity for 2 years. Today I thanked God for this job, because I'm one of the few people I know who has almost 0 chance of being laid off. We sell to the military, medical field and farmers and today they told us that our jobs are not in danger.
One upside to it
Now that nothing matters I can't go any lower. Might just take up a MLM job to work from home so I can make a few bucks then drop it the second shit gets shady.
Same here. Being a NEET shut in is fucking boring, I want to kill myself
Because A) I'm and idiot and B) I was literally killing myself at the job
Hardly anyone there went to work sober and I was basically working 80 hours a week between the office, off-site jobs, and being on call. Finally went in one morning and told them if I worked anymore I'd die. Also they only offered 5 days PTO every 2 years.
From all the research I've read honestly other than the out of breath one the others will probably be fine (they don't drink or smoke or anything other than be fat) as they have youth on their side, and even with big comorbidities young people seem to be pulling through well.
It was well worth a shot though. If anything I hope the other big guy pulls through cause he seems to be (intentionally) losing weight, so maybe he is worth saving.
Every single Amazon FC is hiring right now
how do they keep them spreading the virus to other workers?
When all the tissue in your body is already dying there's hardly anything for the virus to grab on to
We can all be neets together and enjoy our Trumpbucks user
Well hopefully you'll learn to pay more attention to Yas Forums next time. And keep your chin up, work enough bad jobs for long enough and you'll land a good one before you know it.
The FCs have all items any human could ever need. They're self sufficient.
The wagies will self-quarantine and, soon driven mad, rebel, declaring their independence from Bezos and establishing fiefdoms amidst a collapsing America.
You can apply here: amazon.jobs
Are you a billioner yet?