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Will Biden win?

If they manage to have this crisis under control by June, probably not.

>sustainable growth
when will you retards realize this is all manipulation?

>calls others retards
>refuses to criticize the clearly retarded person who is president

amazing by the way

fixed it for you

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Its Blumpft fault reeee. Its just a coincidence that there's a global pandemic happening, shutting down entire industries while every other G20 country is also crashing,

fooking kek

Kek, some bot needs to spam tweet this at him

> Its just a coincidence
it wouldn't have been so bad if Trump didn't press FED to overheat the market

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why are there so many unironic faggots from reddit here?

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low iq trumptards, back to your echo chamber incel

Gov response is unprecedented with this pandemic. Meaningless chart

hurrr squiggly line go down, orange man bad

Bailing out banks during the housing market crash by printing trillions of dollars is not sustainable growth.


The denial is a hell of a drug, we know.

is the vaccine coming in June? if not, the crisis will not be in control

we could shut the country down like they did in China.

I thought at first that Trump was handling the situation horribly, but looking at what the left has been cooking up recently I hope you're all getting locked up.

I like the orange man, but damn this is good

That was Bush in 2008. Bush did all the bailouts.

China has a deep culture of listening to gov, Murica has a deep culture of not listening to gov
The level of quarantine that chinks did is simply not possible in America. No doubt most of the people in administrative offices around the States still think "its waaaaay overblown".

>Murica has a deep culture of not listening to gov
They will listen once the military takes the streets

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"The Obama Bubble" ftfy

Most military higher officers are likely the Republican cuck types who are in denial mode atm still. Yes, eventually they will wake up, but it will take some time until they are called into action. By then the spread is all over the country and difficult to oversee. You can't order 10 soldiers in front of every home of America.

This would have happened to Obama also if he was president now. Good that we have Trump. It would have been more severe.

>open firing on US citizens
Please let it happen, dear Lord above please.

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Remember to blame all the left-wing leaders in Europe for their markets crashing as well

Actually trump growth was organic without printing the first two years then he got too cocky and attacked the fed to lower rates when the economy was doing great.

That's when things started to become unstable.


If the USA becomes the next Italy anyone not named Trump is guaranteed to win, this crisis immediately invalidates the first 3 years of office

If the uemployment rate is in the double digits in November, Trump is doomed and literally anything could beat him.

If we manage to turn into South Korea and reopen everything and August-November have good job growth, Trump is probably still an underdog unless he can sell himself as the Corona Slayer.

no, i'm not coping because i like low stock price so i can buy cheap stocks. Overinflated stock price only benefit rich boomers.

Hey guys look who was right again!


It was 13k when Obama took office. Trump erased his own gains, but can he erase Obama's, too?

what's with the influx of trump deranged reddit posters lately? can you all go back please

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Everyone will love a day off idk what ur sayin

US unemployment went from a quarter of a million into two million in about a month. They could run Hilary again and have her do nothing but stand up on the debate stage playing with her cunt and she would win.

Large financial institutions were getting literally free money 0% interest rate loans the entire time Obama was president. They tried to stop QE at one point and the market started to die again. Everyone I know is basically financially illterate and I'm starting to think this is by design.

alll you racist whitey just got BTFO'ed


Trump n' Dump

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how do i upvote this

Reality somehow manages to be worse

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This index bubble started under obongo. The enthusiasm for Trump ironically accelerated the inevitible burst.


My dude


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Holy kek

This. We were in year 10 of one of the best bull runs in history and trump pulled too many strings to keep it going. He premature ejaculated all over the market

you are right, but it's actually the opposite, he should have came earlier, instead of nofapping for 4 years and blowing a gigantic load

>sustainable growth
Are you a fucking retard? since ever the Fed cut rates in Bush times after 9/11 that it kick started all this shit.
Obongo was QE after QE while the Fed rubbed their hands together.

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Eat shit, Trumpshills

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Wait a minute this graph is bad, its means we are going to have a huge moon mission because of corona.

The US won't make it to november