627 deaths in the LAST 24 HOURS in Italy, a new record high

627 deaths in the LAST 24 HOURS in Italy, a new record high.
At USA population levels this is 3417 deaths in 24 hours and that's assuming linear growth instead of exponential growth that is more typical for infections.
Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA and the number still hasn't stopped growing.
Lombardy's urban population and density is NOTHING compared to most urbanized areas in USA.

If you think what happened the past month is a bear market, you have no idea what's coming.

Attached: c0481846-wuhan_novel_coronavirus_illustration-spl.jpg (1200x800, 68.21K)

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>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA
Nice cope europoor

>a large portion of people won’t accept this because it means the lord and savior Trump will not be re-elected

wow its nothing

Attached: ittstats.gif (1106x564, 61.76K)

italy was forced to cut costs by their german superiors.

if the virus doesnt kill italy, the euro will and they know it. italy will exit euro zone within the next 12 month

Adjusted for percentages and not total numbers the fatality rate has been similar everywhere the US included

>Italy has BETTER healthcare than USA

all countries are following their chart, it's just italy is 2-3 weeks ahead of everyone

How the fuck are people still getting sick there with such a strict quarantine?