$1,200 per person proposed by McConnell
This is all so tiring.
I can't believe they have the balls to fuck with millions of small business owners after they basically forced them to close. Are they just asking for riots at this point?
Why don't they just send 500 dollars until they agree on the actual price? That would be at least something
>Are they just asking for riots at this point?
they're going to be begging to not be sent to the guillotine soon
What the fuck this gonna do to stimulate the economy when everyone is gonna put it on debt?
If you bought crypto you are under 25k and leaking
I wonder if this is because McConell is stingy or if this is just a compromise so that at least something gets passed.
Amidst the chaos, there is peace. Amidst the confusion, there is solitude. When all things turn to dust, this too will be remembered no more.
Whites don't riot in America
So it's based on net taxable income? Or AGI?
Whites don't exist in America
It will give people a split second to buy much needed beans, silver, and TP.
The economy is crashing regardless. It's better for the tax payers to get a chunk of the change rather than having everything go to the banks and airlines
Guys I never filed a tax return because I’ve been a neet.
My wife and I combined make 127k. This is confusing as fuck. Do we get 2400 or 1200?
>The economy is crashing regardless.
This is all I am wanting to hear
>have 8 kids
>4k a month for free
Bet the immigrants with 20 kids will love this
>Based on 2018 tax return
so anyone who has started working in the last 2 years is completely fucked? KEK
probobly scales down from $2400 based on your income over $99k.
Scales down. R u retarded?
fuck faster
I never filed a tax return because I do not let people steal from me.
This is why contraception should have been banned a long time ago
Yup. It's over. Buy ammo, shit is gonna get bad
I wonder who are the eropoors and only told to herd while getting nothing ITT
Well, not in recent history.
what if you haven't had a job in the last few years
Zoomer who filed in 2019, but not 2018 here. Who gets my cut? My retarded boomer parents? What the fuck?
Wow, sorry Zoomies.
I guess McConnel just doesn't like you lol
Sorry but this is what NEETs deserve
Read the bill closer people. It's a tax credit. No cash.
honestly it's fair and this is coming from someone who hasn't filed taxes in 13 years. I'll just continue to keep all my money
2400, dont listen to these other retards. read the story, its 150k where married couples get watered down up to 198k
How can they do that if it's based on 2018 tax returns? How will someone with a low income benefit from a tax credit if they don't have high enough taxes for it to be a benefit?
>High iq post
so let me get this straight
it's relief bill for the pandemic crisis
that's not actually going to help anyone who needs help NOW
or the most needy period
just people who happened to file their taxes in 2018
>150k household income gets socialism bux
This is bullshit.
>People thought the GOP's neetbux plan was going to work in their favor
Big laff
>It's a tax credit.
Refundable or non-refundable?
you get NOTHING
how likely is neetbux actually gonna be?
like am i legit gonna receive money from trump or is this just political dancing?
sorry user , this is going to people who need it
I more confused about the claim that it's a tax credit. How is that going to do anything for anyone how hasn't made enough money to be charged that much in taxes?
I'm already writing off a tonne of personal expenses I put into a crappy short term sub contractor job. Any tax that I can get written off will already be written off, and I made less than 10,000$ in 2020.
There's no way this is a tax credit, and if it is, I'm going to be livid.
it's a one time payment and you'll be fucked for it when you file taxes next year, assuming there's a country left.
So if I’m a dependent of my parents do I still get money
there will be riots in the streets if this is a fucking tax credit and not a check. people have bills due right now, the unemployment rate in the united states is at 9% and rising every day. this is completely fucking insane.
I make 200k plus but already get raped on taxes. I get robbed by the Gov every way I turn. Now I don't get a cent of trumpbuxx???
A tax credit would be so retarded
This is some scary shit
get bent richfag
I was out of the country for the last few years and didn't file any tax returns. Just give me neet bux REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Is it based on taxable income?
i need $5000
mfw we made 140k and have a kid. 2900 coming. thank you mr. trump.
It's not going to pass because nothing new passes in America. It's probably going to end up as a $1000 tax cut.
are they going to send the checks to the address that they have on file at the dmv or the one you used to file taxes? ive moved alot and the two arent the same... I hope i actually get that check.
>phaseout then cap at $99k.
I bet this was put in to fuck Cali and NYCucks.
You get nothing since jointly you make over 99k