Look at this insanity.
Practically 100% of the market growth during the last decade has been composed of stock buybacks. No fundamentals whatsoever playing a part.
This is why the market is dropping so violently during this Corona craziness.
There's nothing here but hot air and corporations pumping their own stocks up with the help of cheap money and hopes of always getting bailed out.
What do you think is going to happen once this debt based system goes tits up as it turns out that they can't reinflate the bubble by printing anymore?
We're going to be looking at a total collapse of this shitshow in the coming year or two and then it's going to be a long ass bear market from that point on.
Which in turn will take down pensions and completely change the pension system forever and we'll also see a total collapse of the real estate market.
Then there's the fact that people are absolutely saturated with debt too.
Don't think for a second that some bounce up or few weeks of green that we'll eventually see is an actual recovery of this clusterfuck. This is going to dive deep in the long run and it won't bounce in a matter of few years like it has done before.