Females are getting their salad fucking T O S S E D here in this Chinkbat Recession thus far

Females are getting their salad fucking T O S S E D here in this Chinkbat Recession thus far.

>bars closed [NO TIPS]
>restaurants closed [NO TIPS]
>airlines getting shitcanned meaning stacy flight attendant is grounded almost indefinitely [NO HOURS]
>all non-essential businesses are going offline [NO HOURS]
>faggot simps have no money for shit like onlyfans, plebbit pics, premium snapchat [NO LEECH]

Am I missing anything? The 21st Century Female in all her uselessness, only able to make money by parasiting off men has come to a screeching fucking halt. Remember when roasties would say shit like "if you don't tip you're too poor to eat out" LMFAO now who is the one getting toasty, roastie?

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you sounds like a fucking loser.


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t. roast

salty fem user detected.

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Roasties getting tossed with the exception of LPNs and other thot healthcare professionals.

I'm a woman and I've made more money just shorting markets over the last 4 weeks than you have in the past 5 years.

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OP was not a faggot today

But they'll get theirs too when the medical field shrinks from all the boomers dying off.

the price of sex must be at all time lows

Ya but are you trad?

They're breathing in Boomer Randy's assgas AND his corona burps, though. They're making money but they might die

Getting a little toasty over there? SHOW THE TITS BABY WHIP EM OUT

Only for my boyfriend and eventual husband.

Sell your post to salon or jezebel.
We need to make this world collapsing disease outbreak all about young upwardly mobile urban women.

show me your cunt

Are we going back to women as property?

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woman (male)

Show boipussi:3

>I'm a woman
You know the drill. Show us your tits, bitch

The fucking flu destroyed women's rights!!!

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>women are getting their salad tossed
>women are getting their ass eaten (analingus)
Wouldn’t that mean they’re doing well?

>implying women are smart enough or risk-tolerant enough to short sell
tranny detected

at least youre not one of the communist ones i guess

You wish. Most guys my age are too broke to even own their own home. They couldn't afford someone like me.

Then g4u you are a high quality woman deserving of a high quality man but as is customary tits or gtfo.

ya but are you trad?

Value of vagina has plummeted

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incel cope


show eggs

but are you trad?

that is an interesting perspective femanon
but my friends are not so polite
if tits are not shown soon you are going to have to go back before things get too routy

>i might not be able to attract a woman right now but i'll have the last laugh when they're 40 and their eggs dry up
this is the biggest form of incel cope

most of the girls you unrequitedly pine over will be married in their 30s while you spent your youth writing angry diatribes on the internet

Lmao you sound salty.


Married in their 30s with no kids because their eggs will be totally L A M B L A S T E D

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In all seriousness, the market value of pussy is about to plummet. Female jobs eg. the service sector are being decimated

Ahhh... that’s more like it :3

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It's just pure cope. IVT gets better every year and incels tell themselves this revenge fantasy. You see it all over this website of rejected, lovelorn men under the sad pathetic coping delusion that most women wom't reproduce when historical statistics say that 90% of women reproduce, but only 40% of men reproduce.

It's really pathetic behavior. And possibly a form of projection and cope on your part.

Please have sex.

idk why but you sound really gross


t. assblasted incel

i can smell your cunt

>"The 21st Century female in all her uselessness"
hahaha yes

lay your impotent rage at me baby.

>seething roastie

>IVT gets better every year
LMAO are you putting us on? 9/10 if trolling, otherwise enjoy your expensive miscarriage / Down syndrome hellspawn!

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i take it back. please do not show nudes.
only nasty women talk like you do. I can smell your nasty clit from here.

women work white collar jobs too dummy

only impotent rage is yours, getting angry at women you'll never touch and concocting fantasies where they never have children

May I remind you that the vast majority of women starting from a young age are prescribed birth control on regular basis simply to "keep their hormones in check".
If you don't think this has any longterm damage on a girls hormones, fertility, and mental health you're in for a rude awakening.
Are most guys these days complete dogs? Yes
Does that mean the average girl is an angel who won't cheat, take adavantage, or hurt a man? no


every reply is 1 post by this ID
this retard is just hitting airplane mode on his phone for a sec

don't try to talk to her from an intellectual level. as a roastie she is incapable of doing her own thinking.

this post was me, please disregard

Poop colored ID

I'm very happy to hear this.

Wtf I hate women now

You're still an annoying cunt. I bet a 10/10 clearing six figures per year with a 8'' dong will still not be enough because you deserve better.

I don’t think overpriced clothing, coffee drinks, and knickknacks from Amazon count as investments user

Aight roastie since you can't admit if you are trad or not you're probably a roastie. It doesn't matter how much money you have or what you do. If things get better and the economy is smoothed out after the pandemic dies down you can return for business as usual for you. Performing your menial soulless unfulfilled roastie wagie job and then filling the hole of living a purposeless life with casual sex/drugs/alcohol or a combination of the three. Once you become older and you are not as good looking you will either die alone without children because you are too self centered and irresponsible to raise them and actually figure that out. Or you latch yourself on to a weak man, as only weak men will want you at this point, who you do not respect and have children with the poor bastard. Your children will grow up in a broken family with parents that hate each other and will most likely become degenerates like you, further degenerating the people and culture of the west. Or maybe you do end up with a high quality man somehow. He will catch on to who you are eventually and not respect you and the same situation happens to your children.

If we are at the dawn of the global economic collapse then your money is worthless. Your skills are absolutely worthless. You will only be worth the children you can bear but depending on how old you are you may not even be good for that. You will be a comfort woman to a raider gang.

You lose in every scenario.

>retards actually believing women post on this cesspool of a board
its literally all trannies and people baiting you for fun, retards

>not buying puts
You are not going to make it. Papa jpow going to pump this bitch and liquidate you so fucking hard.

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She will never get that because a man that high quality would choose trad.


yeah just realized this. got taken for a ride myself. that thing definitely talks like either a tranny or a larping man

>my entire view of women is based on an Yas Forums carciature
Lmao imagine actually typing out that angry little screed you typed and thinking it was insightful

You sounds like a nigga!

I am one of the trannies literally trolling you for laughs

incels are so easy to wind up

post feminine penis

I've never been to Yas Forums. I've only been here /sci/, /sp/, and Yas Forums for happenings only. My post is the actual summation of what a roasties endgame is in various scenarios and denying it is cope.