How much wealth have you lost because of the Chinese virus?

How much wealth have you lost because of the Chinese virus?

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At this point nearly 3K

my aunts husband has lost 35K+



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400+ and counting

Imagine not being in the black during the most obvious market movement of your life.



Almost nothing since I only started putting into my 403b a year ago

It began in China.

You have lost no wealth if you don't sell.

None, because I have the same number of assets. The price going down isn't the same as losing wealth.

Only thing in the market is my 401k and we are only allowed to make changes to it once a year in the fall. So I'm just riding along.

up like 5k or so from playing SPXU/SPXL

I’m down 10k so far

Hurts as a 23 year old

I was talking to a coworker that has lost 58K since the beginning of February. She was planning on retiring in 4 years but now is unable to do so.

Down zero. I moved to cash last year because the market bubble was just too insane.

Die slit eyed bat eater

20 million

$240,867 down from ATH

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up 10k :^)

at this point 200 dollars. lmao. gonna go buy some silver, 19fag here

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sorry to hear it fellow boomer. we will rebuild

Thanks fren. I haven't sold most of it, so it can come back, but it was in (mostly) stock and some shitcoins so that was basically everything I had. Live and learn though, I hope.

zoomer fug

Easily $50k

My net worth has dipped by about $8000 so far. But I'm not selling anything except for some belongings that I don't need.

Crypto value cut in half. Stock portfolio is down 36%. And a pretty good hit to my 401k. But my risk tolerance is massive, my hands are iron, my job is secure and I have no bills. I'll be a whale by eoy

So far $1.6M.
20 years of gains all gone

60k or so, none of it realized. Offset some of it with puts.

Was it crypto?

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Damn, sorry user

6 gorillion

You know it

the fuck were you doing.

I was:
5% Government / Investment grade bonds
10% REIT
15% Total International Equity
65% Total US stock market
1% cash
4% crypto

The caveat is that included positions taken with margin, leverage, and options. So uh, moral of the story is, don't be me.

Dang. How much left?

absolutely justed

None because I just started. Hopefully I make out like a bandit after this is over.

Only 1k thank god i kept most of my money in cash

>margin, leverage, and options

only about 35K

Bought puts, made almost four million

I put another 7% of it into puts today, will see what happens. I don't think anyone prices in the bottom just falling out but maybe the fed won't let it get that bad, so I might stop after this bet regardless of how it turns out.

I haven’t lost jack shit. Waiting for everything to tank even further so I can buy in cheap.

About 30k in Bitcoin and just 600 dollars in stocks. If either goes back to ATH though I'll be fucking loaded so I'm not too worried.

I am down 8k on money that i took out on a loan trying to profit and pay back before interest...

I was so close on doing what u did except something told me not to

about 40k
feels bad man

Tesla is a disaster.
How many of you are buying back under 300?

Roughly the same

Same dudes

Got 4k loan down $1,600 last 2 days

My stock portfolio shrinked from 125k to 88k


I was mostly sitting in cash waiting for a crash and still managed to lose a few thousand jumping the gun on buying the dip. Also somehow lost money on 30 year bonds & silver, my cash has lost a ton in exchange rate (fuck Canada) and my retirement fund and company stock is in the toilet.


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So much unrealized gains up in this bitch.

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Down 35k, will probably be down another 5k at market open tomorrow with the way things are going

i have a 20k credit limit and i borrowed against it... not only was i up 3k, but i didn't sell and i dragged 5 of my colleagues with me down... im a marked man

do gym gains count? 5 entire fucking months bulking down the shitter

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