The coronavirus is the end of capitalism. We've finally all made it. It's only been roughly 1 month and the US economy has almost buckled under the absence of global trade, The white house is currently considering sending many Americans free money as a last ditch effort to keep the ponzi scheme afloat. It won't last. This is the end of the fiat tax serf system. The virus can be slowed down but it cannot be stopped. This virus will chip away at the economy until it is no more.
The coronavirus is the end of capitalism. We've finally all made it...
I kinda doubt this is the end but it may lead to the USA adopting a system similar to China.
Central banks aren't capitalism. It's socialism for the asset class. On the expense of the working class.
You realize that we have stockpiles of resources. We trade with other countries so we have our own to use in case this shit happens. We have our own oil, our own agriculture. Our logistics suck. But we e still have it. And at the end of the day Americans are so fucking fat. They can live from
the food stored in their fat bodies for up to 3-6 months.
Capitalism cannot survive without endless growth. Kind of like a virus. The irony is that it took a virus to defeat a bigger virus.
The stimulus packages being prepared by major world economies will fix all of this. Within the week, it'll just be another bump in the road.
Stop panicking and calm the fuck down retards. This isn't a 2nd great depression.
>It's socialism for the asset class.
Or in other words...capitalism.
What are you talking about.
wont be possible cause western society values mean citizens won't fall in line for the greater prosperity, like they do in China.
>The coronavirus is the end of capitalism
Nope, now people with money are getting richer KEK