Landlords are SCUM

and don't deserve income. Prove me wrong.

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What if you're a landlord and need to make ends meet from rent?

>make ends meet

You dont have to pay a mortgage anymore faggot. Stimulus is the only thing that will save your non-working ass

>Fuck these people that allow me to have a place free from the elements!

Yea also fuck farmers that feed me and anyone that provides clean water. Gypies are the future!

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>Fuck these people that allow me to have a place free from the elements!
>Implying landlords got their hands dirty during the building

Make ends meet on what, their mortgage that they don't have to pay?

No, because mortgage payments are suspended.

I'm a landlord and would still like to eat. Imagine that, retard.

Land whores can burn in hell

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So you're admitting that you live off the back of someone else's work, like a leech?

Maybe head to a food bank and get some perspective.

not all landlords outright own the buildings they rent out. Most are paying a mortgage on each. They need to suspend rent, but also you need to stop being a nigger

Why dont you buy your own property if you don't like it?

your average bongcuck

Can't wait until dotr when we can hang you leftypol fucks.

It'd be easier if landlords weren't jacking up prices so they can masturbate about their "portfolio" from home while crying boohoo tears about tenants having actual lives and not being money-spitting robots.

Yeah its great. I'm in my mid 20's too and never have to worry about a mortgage in my life. I let one girl rent a room for free but we have a special agreement.

Hope you can "special arrangement" some food into your pantry when you don't get any rent, user

I hear Sergio down at the discount market is very reasonable.

People are definitely gouging on housing, but I wouldn't blame the land lords on it. It's squarely the fault of the spineless politicians who are happy to take the bribes and let foreigners use the local property as an investment vehicle.

Sergio is a good man, he's helped me and my family in times of need before.

Absolute state of Yas Forums

Landlords insurance should cover 1-2 months if the worst happens. None of my tenants work in customer facing jobs and offices don't have to close yet. I'll be fine, i'm not pissing my money away the second I get it like some people.

I say no, don't suspend rents. Let them evict everyone into the streets. When no one can pay rent anymore the only logical result is market crash, landlordcucks will have no one but themselves to blame. Remember they're stopping mortgage, not housing tax.

It gets better. The upcoming hyperinflation is gonna erase their mortgages all together...

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Rent fags deserve to be poor. Prove me wrong

One is net positive (farming), one is net negative (landlords) on a macroeconomic scale. Learn numbers.

In the US, the gov is planning to pay people for missed income during this outbreak.

It *is* hard to keep all your cash when there's a leech attached to your neck whining about "muh gains", I'm glad you recognise that.

Ohh yeah, fuck carpenters too. We dont need to roof or furniture, we will live in caves and sit in the dirt.

Landlords provides a great option in the market, fuck off communists.

So you are farming your own food, building your own house and digging your own well. Thats pretty impressive bro. You got a youtube where you catalog all these frontiersmen traits you display on a regular basis?

Holy shit the replies to this tweet are insane. People are taking the side of the landlords in 70% of all comments. The world is not even worth saving. Just let everything burn already


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These negroes are driving up the housing prices by going into crippling debt in order to deny others a primary living need for profit. If they do it with their own money, I'm fine with it. If they build houses to rent out, even better. But they're using usury, which is a crime, to predate on their fellow man.

Reading this retards post reminds me of a youtube video I watched of two guys that live in China. Chinese people have no sense of ownership so they really dont give a shit about their things. He told a story about his wifes parents building, it has an elevator. The light burned out in the elevator and no one would replace it. They even had a meeting about it but no one would chip in the few cents to replace it. So it sat burned out for 7 years. The only time anything is new it when its built, because those are the only people making money off whatever thing is in question. After its built it just falls apart because no one does any maintenance. Communists are shitty people and live in shithole countries.

Do you even own that property or do you have a mortgage?

>Landlord: So I own this building but I will rent it to you because I need to pay bills and make a living.
>Tenent: Ok, I will pay rent and live here

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You don't own anything mortageboomer.

what other option does the tenant have in this scenario?

The amount of commies on here is staggering

if you're not retarded you almost always get a mortgage. you don't ever really """own""" anything anyway since you're always paying rent to the state.

Landlords are not jacking up the price, supply and demand is jacking up the price. You have two major movers involved and both are to do with Libtards. First is illegal immigration. Immigrants drive up houses costs by flooding the poorest neighborhoods and forcing out anyone who can afford to move up. This causes a reversed pyramid that causes housing prives to go up from the bottom up. Second is they do not allow anyone to build new homes. So you have a stagnant number of rooms and an ever increasing number of people.

So who hires and pays the roofers, carpet cleaners, plumbers, and the painters? Hint, it’s not the rent fags.

imagine believing you can own an area of the earth

"but it must suspend rents too"
what didnt you get here faggots?

Funnily enough, the commies here are more successful than the “capitalists”

Who would you prefer to pay? The bank?

Not when theres a deadly virus outside and the government warns people to stay at home and is on the brink of shooting them for going out

>I, a young working male, would like a place to live
>Oh, I'd like to use my hard earned savings to buy this hou-
>So I'm still paying for a house and have to deal with a mortgage but I don't own the house? Why would I do that
>Fuck this, I'll just buy a different house

Well if they all start evicting people in large numbers they'll cause rental prices to crash because they're will be a surplus of vacancy.

no one, land can not be owned

Why do commies get butthurt at not being able to own a home when they believe people shouldn't be allowed to own anything?

How is that the landlords problem? If the government wants to pay the rent then it can pay it. Otherwise its the tenants job to come up with the rent. Its called "responsibility". If I lived in a roach infested building I would have my rent payed 3 months in advance minimum because as an adult I know I cant see the future so I prepare for it best that I can.

They're just here because of the crash. They think this is going to be the catalyst for "muh utopia". They aren't yet aware that being an overweight tranny with no skills or education has been their issue the whole time, not capitalistism.

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Go to Zillow, enter your zip code and sort cheapest to highest. Buying a home is not that hard.

Death camps for communists and their family members too.

pretty sure the mortgage suspension would only apply to conforming loans, not private rental loans

Listen bud, I won't deny there's supply and demand in play but you're flying high on your own fumes if you think the people objecting and trying to stop new building are illegal immigrants and not landlords/home owners fucking shaking at the idea of their property prices going down.

>ban evictions
Free housing for everyone! What a progressive and wonderful world we live in.

Im sorry all the millions of renters in the world didnt have your amazing foresight to know there would be a virus outbreak that would halt all economic activity for god knows how long

Some one is still going to blame this on trump.

Can you fucking read? Mortgages were suspended

they are forced to pay rent

Fuck off, yea it can.

No, I would not call environmentalists "people" but there are walking bags of meat that do everything in their power to make sure there are no new housing developments. They see this and it sends them in to a catatonic state.

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Why don't you try getting a job?

whats your plan? Have millions without a house and spread the virus further? The government would never do that. There wont be enough bailiffs to run around so youre gonna have to come and take me out of your house personally bitch. I might be infected by the way.

You get an actual job.

>Body: I need calories to survive, so you will need to purchase food to maintain consciousness
>Person: I understand. I will purchase food by working

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I love all this measures that leftards are proposing, they are destroying the faith in the market and setting an awful precedent, at the very least it will make insurance much more expensive than it is today.

This is great for the crypto space, it will pave the way for automated smart contracts, where insurance will be much cheaper, and you won't have dumb short sighted politicians deciding which contracts are enforced and which aren't.

really? because a piece of paper says so?
what kind of authority is that

Based as fuck, pay your fucking rent faggot.

you can grow your own food without owning land
i can not build a shelter without owning the land

Based. Not my responsibility to house somebody for free. Get angry at the Jews in goverment if you need a place to stay not your fellow citizens. We don’t owe you anything.

Buy a house in a shithole and commute 4 hours total a day. I live in the countryside of the north of (((Israel))) and I know people who drive 1 hour to the nearest train station and another hour by train to Tel Aviv, work 8 hours, take the train back to the station where they have their car parked, and another 1 hour back home. They waste 12 hours of their lives 5 days a week.
I am a hard leftie myself, but even in a commie society, only the most skilled people would be getting houses inside the city, while the rest will have to commute like the plebs they are.

the options are either own your own home or pay rent
not a lot of choice here

But also devalue their home to the same price as a crack house

Contribute to society instead of being a parasite

>land can not be owned
Yes it can you retarded commie bootlicker.

>bro, just buy a house in the middle of a virus epidemic lmao
>oh, whats that? You've been sent home from work because of the virus? Sorry, you've been refused

Even plants and animals don't believe that.

>Contribute to society instead of being a parasite

Giving people a place to live if they can’t afford or aren’t eligible for a mortgage is a service. People are just making do with what they can in economic conditions. If you want to be angry at something, be angry at the government and local councils for now allowing any new homes to be built while flooding your nation with cheap Eastern European workers who also need places to squat.
