Crashing this stock with no survivors.
Crashing this stock with no survivors
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I'm really thinking about buying, I don't see the US letting Boeing fail.
If they're forced to bail them out they'll still wipe out shareholders like they did to GM.
>Capitalism is fine until we bail out companies because "too big to fail"
Yeah fuck this. Let is crash and burn. It is part of capitalism.
t.classic liberal
im thinking of buying sub $50.
but i still say let them fail.
>I don't see the US letting Boeing fail.
i don't see Trump letting this US Flagship go bankrupt.. but i am not certain, Boeing has been borrowing money to buy back its own stock, literally borrowing money to inflate its own value, which only benefited share holders and the people in the top that got bonus' based on its stock price.
If Boeing gets bailed out, what about Ford or Exon? or any of the hundred other companies that may face bankruptcy in the coming month..
can you link to some readings on the GM bailout?
is right
Saving Boeing ≠ Blessing the Bagholders
shit aint hitting 50
I'm afraid they will bail them out. There are 2 major companies that build planes, and China is just creating the third. If the Chinese "market" alone starts using Chinese planes, western aviation is trouble. The western countries won't be the ones setting the regulations, standards, etc.
Plus the US military is a large customer of Boeing I have heard. They will survive.
While the US government will not let the company disappear, the stock can most certainly go to zero. The company is then restructured and new equity is floated.
That said, I do not believe the equity is going to zero.
>The western countries won't be the ones setting the regulations, standards, etc.
you blew that already by subverting the FAA to the point of fucking uselessness:
>Boeing is safe to Fly!
>Boeing is safe to Fly!
>Chinks: Enough
>. If the Chinese "market" alone starts using Chinese planes, western aviation is trouble.
>Literal state funded airline manufacturer
>Not being blocked by the WTO for illegal state support
In addition
>People trusting a Chinese plane.
>people trusting an FAA approved murican plane
I am a euro, but people will trust even the 737 more than the first CCP plane.
or buy Airbus, it just werks.
as user above noted, chinks only need to win the trust of other chinks for Boeing to be in trouble. And given a dangerously corrupt FAA and Donald 'Chinese Virus' as President, who would blame chink airlines for shopping at home instead
I will buy the dip of Boeing anyway
Europoor here
it's not a dip, the company is literally going bankrupt. it will go below 100$ today
>or buy Airbus, it just werks.
It unironically does. The safest planes of all time compared to other manufactures.
For the rest, The WTO and other nations are not just going to pass le epic fully state funded CCP plane
Is this bullish for Suterusu and China in general?
Who /puts/ here
what is this pattern called?
No, invest in Airbus. Their stock is holding up better despite a worse situation in Europe because they have much better fundamentals. And whatever happens to Boeing, bailout or not, it will emerge weaker and Airbus stronger from it.
premined shitcoin
it was 30$ in 2008
i dont want this shit for 100$
Can you explain?
Isn't a bailout basically the government buying a shitload of shares on a loan? Which Boeing then buys back with interest when they're in clearer weather?
>b-b-but muh superior white technology
>bring manufacturing away from china!
>bring manufacturing back to America
yes. in 2008 the govt bought securities
So how does that not bless the shareholder?
If they buy a lot of shares, their price goes up?
>Le epic CCP state funded plane
Yeah, there is still Airbus chink.
>bail out Boeing
>take it back in fines
>$20 million
Is this really massive to a company who is too busy out sourcing vital code to pajeets and removes redundant systems to save costs on putting an extra sensor in, causing hundreds of deaths?
I doubt is $1000 dollars per death desu
idk why they even bother
So Boeing will churn out billions of new shares thereby making the 100 shares Johnny from the bar holds worthless..
>and the governemnt pay the fines with the bailout!
fucking ludicrous
or similar, yup
I propose instead of fines, we just line up their top execs against a wall and shoot them (before throwing them out of a plane) to be desu, should help them think twice about safety.
Or put them on a 737 with complicit pilots not informed about MCAS
>their top execs
oh, them boys already jumped
with GOLDEN parachutes, of course
Boeing's near poster child for everything fucked up in America. As such, bailout and business as usual almost guaranteed
I never said that even those who left aren't also eligible for rapid onset lead poisoning :^)
>Western planes
>Built by Pajeets to save costs.
it will close at 92 today
This is what should happen. Also civil asset forfeiture.
At this point you can say that about every western company.
Airbus doesn't hire pajeets
A speculative bubble being challenged and collapsing to proper valuation is not the end of the world.
Worse, it hires eastern europeans.
This. Boeing just seems mismanaged from top to bottom.
>eastern europeans.
>legacy: Soviet Union
>Legacy: being colonized
Kek, Eastern Euro's are 10 times better, albeit still shite
a plane crash
Airbus literally doesn't have plants in eastern Europe. Most of their manufacturing is based in France, Germany and Spain.
You guys are fucking clueless when it comes to airplanes but you're making financial decisions like you work in the aerospace industry. Boeing, mismanagement aside, was not the reason the Ethiopian and Indonesian 737s crashed. Those pilots were fucking stupid and the airlines were corrupt.
But nah you guys seem to know what you're talking about. Forget about those stabilizer trim cutout switches and decades old standard procedures.
You don't need to have a clue about airplanes to understand how the market reacts to a bunch of Boeing planes going down. Because the market is just as clueless about the inner workings of aerospace engineering.
>Those pilots were fucking stupid and the airlines were corrupt.
>Looks at any mainstream or industry reporting on Boeing's failing internal safety culture and even internal emails talking about the MCAS and design flaws
Fuck off shill
Nice try JIDF
We airbus noaw
Nah you're still wrong. You literally can't tell me that the pilots did the right thing. The planes they were supposed to be in charge of started doing something unexpected and they didn't even pull the throttle back from the takeoff thrust setting. That's like you driving down the highway when your tire bursts and you don't take your foot off the gas.
Do you even know what the MCAS was designed to do or under what configuration it was intended to activate? Do you know about the stab trim cutout switches? Stay mad
>bunch of planes
>two complex modern airliners piloted by undertrained crews flying for corrupt foreign airlines
lol k
>boeing shill calling their unfortunate customers corrupt
shoo cunt
You're missing the point. Boeing isn't on trial in the market. That doesn't mean people won't dump their shit - which they are doing.
>MCAS was designed to do or under what configuration it was intended to activate? Do you know about the stab trim cutout switches? Stay mad
>Bruv do you even know these irrelavant details that does not absolve Boeing of shitty coding, not training pilots appropriately, miscommunication, failing internal safety protocols and mismanagement by the top leaders
Fuck off shill
>Can't build an airliner
>Can't build a tanker
>Let's give them tens of billions of free money
If the Boeing 737 is safe and it was entirely down to the pilots, why is it still grounded? If the plane was 100% safe and it was ONLY due to the pilots, then why is it grounded in every country?