Any Australians;
How fucked are we?
Any Australians;
How fucked are we?
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literally no one cares about your continent
im fine just cracked another tinny. pretty warm though
Scotty from marketing won’t close schools, we’re the next Italy mate
Everyone in the western world is fucked.
Not NEARLY as fucked as we in the U.S. are gonna be mind you, but things really are about to take a turn for the worse.
Yep. We’ll cop it hard.
>great artesian basin
>massive gold deposits
we're sweet. Australian millenium when. Birthplace of satoshi nakamoto
idk mate all my fanties have lost all their value and im on neetbux so im probs done
we're literally an impenetrable island, we'll be sweet
We are such a complacent country. The average person is going to have their life flipped upside down sooner rather than later
yeaaaa naaa yeaaa she'll be roight moit
just hold
yeah nah if the city gets to shit ill head back home where there isnt a single asian .simple as
yes, but we want run away money
are those fires still happening?
Based on what ?
We've had it good for so long. It wasn't ever going to last forever
Pretty fucked:
- The dollaridoo is going to absolute shit. QE will start soon as well which is further bad news for it.
- Half the people are panic buying toilet paper and the other half have a "she'll be right mate" attitude, which are the two ends of the spectrum. We need a balanced pragmatic approach which we aren't doing.
- Medical professionals are telling us to practice social distancing then we get pictures of politicians shaking hands, all standing together and talking about going to the "FOOOOTTTYYYYY". People are fucking confused.
- Heaps of boomers have lost a fuckton of money from super and won't be able to retire.
- People can't get tested unless they've flown in from overseas, or have been in contact with some other person that has already tested positive, even though we have a number of confirmed cases of community transmission.
- Lowish number of hospital beds per capita compared to South Korea
- Stimulus the libs announced is all for trickle down style, and won't get to the people who will be out of work soon.
- Tourism and small business was already doing it tough before the bushfires.
- Consumer confidence at an all time low, mortgage stress at an all time high.
- Construction bracing for huge downturn
- Many people casually employed, or are contractors (sole traders) and won't be working in a week or two.
One good thing is that the people who survive shouldn't starve. We have plenty of food. Mining will be profitable because of a decling currency. But there's a high chance we go from a first world to a second world country over this.
just put another dingo on the barbie
What a joke, none of those has any relevance to our sustainability. 80% of all food products sold in supermarkets here are Australian grown and made. We have a VERY large abundance of rare earth materials and underground water storages. Whilst other countries are begging for our food and mineral exports we will be enjoying the fruits. Long term, we are absolutely in good shape. Many asian countries rely on us for coal, iron ore and food.
>Social distancing is something every country is doing, not a result of our Australia's economy.
>Less hospital beds per capita. Yes but extremely less densely populated. Resulting in much fewer infections.
We won't turn into a second world country you absolute retard.
>just put another dingo on the baby
fixed it for you
that big spike when moot said Australians are the worst shitposters
Just gotta get rid of the rba and ato and get a government represents the people who elected then not the bis, imf, world bank, bilderberg, world economic forum
>Whilst other countries are begging for our food and mineral exports we will be enjoying the fruits
Because we have so much to show for the holes in the ground so far hey hey
We haven't acted as quickly as South Korea or China on this issue, and so we are going to be feeling the pain for a long time to come. You can't tell me people are going to go out to restaurants or cafes or travel anytime soon. Construction was already slowing before the bushfires, and who are we going to sell our minerals to when the world economy has grinded to a halt?
We aren't america and can't print our way out of this. Farming will always be good but that employs hardly anyone (327,300) and even if mining exports stay strong they only employ 255,800. What else do we have?
that user said we will be fine in terms of food and resources, our downfall is across the other aspects of life like having work or being able to afford the odd non-essentials. which even though they aren't essential still cripple peoples confidence and standard of living.
I'm getting 750 dollarydoos for free so I'm pretty happy
Fuck off poofter you are clearly a worst korean expat ,South koreas population is almost double Australia and it is spread out over 100032km2, for perspective my families cattle station is 10000km2 and it covers and insignificant tiny red dot on a map of Australia.
waiting for my 750 boys
Any latrobe peons here?
Density doesn't matter when people are still encouraged to go to office buildings for work and send their kids to school dickhead. Worst Korea found during MERS that the majority of community spread was people driving to hospitals and different doctors trying to get tested but kept getting refused. Look what's happening in Australia right now. No one can get tested.
When do the banks start closing down? I want to take all my money and put it in btc and xrp.
Banks are highly leveraged in real estate. If real estate starts dropping, start worrying. There are rumours that some people have been started to get thoroughly questioned and even refused from taking money out of the banks now though.
We where the third country with confirmed cases and still maintain a nothing body count, the men aged 95,78,83 all of which are asian anyway (iran is asia)
where old enough to die of the common flu .
Hows everyones supermarket looking?
I went down at 7am this morning, and its 10x as bad as it was only a few days ago. If its long lasting, it's not on the shelves.
>old enough to die of the common flu
Of course. This is why it's such a big deal, because we can vaccinate against the flu. Many people are only scared of this because it may be the "Boomer remover". Our numbers so far are in line with South Korea at 454 confirmed cases, 5 deaths (1% death rate). But we've had a 10% rise in case numbers since yesterday and don't know where 1/3 of the positive patients got the coronavirus from.
You seem to have a she'll be right its just a flu mentallity which is very scary.
Should I get a forestry job in Aussie land or no? Job prospects are making me a bit depressed here in the US
Australia is fucked.
Chink inflated real estate market will crash.
Mining/energy is toast.
It will be bad bros.
Went down at 9am today to Coles. It was busy as fuck lots of people, lots of older people especially it seemed to me. There was no toilet paper or sanitising products plenty of everything else though.
When we got to the register the guy told us that coles had hired somebody to monitor the checkouts to make sure they were not letting anyone buy more than they were allowed to of the products with limits.
2 milk
2 eggs
1 toilet paper (regardless of how many is in the pack, so this means you can only have 1 of the single rolls or 1 of the 30 packs which there were none of)
oh also there was not a whole lot of meat, i'd imagine that would have sold out around 11am or 12pm
To add onto what I was saying, it was so busy that if you were someone working normal hours you would have a very, very hard time getting things. I think it would be a very different story if i'd gone down even an hour or two later. my town is around 20-30k people in SA
>huge downturn for construction
Already seeing it. Apprentices are getting sacked because of this. On the bright side boomers are fucked
Australia can be self sufficient, plenty of farming, which we export 65% of our farm. That can turn inwards if needed. We have plenty of resources, cole and uranium, so we'll never have a problem with electricity.
People are fucking retarded. Just go to the butcher you dumb cunt. I just walked past and theres heaps of meat.
Maybe in shitty southern states the Queensland government is footing the bill for all apprentices under 21 wages.
Most of Australia coal is from the bowen/surat basins both of which are still at full operating capacity . real estate is pretty cheap outside of the city because most landholders outright refuse to sell to asians argue all you want but less then 20% of Australia farms are chinese owned despite popular propagandist bs.
Exactly , this is a blessing in disguise for australia but the dole bludging schitzos round here want people to think it the end.
Wasn't there to get meat, was just an observation
>shitty southern states
Good thing im a queenslander then. My only worrk is that it could be a top down thing. I.e. the employers just take the money
VERY fucked. Scomo is a fucking muppet. Fucking libs man, this is a rich country sitting on tons of gold, plus a tourism mecca. This fuckers just keep driving down the economy but hey, the boats stopped and how good is the cricket amirite?
Inner city Melb fag here.
Supermarket shelves are basically empty. Our house is stocked up on dunny paper because my housemate orders Who Gives A Crap which is delivered once every few months - couldn't imagine what it'd be like if you actually needed some.
What's more - there's like this tension in the supermarkets too, like an underlying panic which is really unpleasant. It's bringing out the worst in people.
>cole and uranium, so we'll never have a problem with electricity.
we got no nuclear power plants, they take 10+ years to build and are the most expensive way to produce power period.
we're fucking doomed.
>literally no one cares about your continent
fuck off seppo
We are absolutely fucked. Entering a great depression, and just one of many steps down the ladder of descent into being a Brazil tier country.
Wait for schools to be closed when the inevitable Wu flu cases hit and shit will hit the absolute fan.
Just print money bro we'll be right
Isn't that what the 750$ is?
I have 72,000 AUD in the bank. 11,000 in crypto.
What should I do to prepare?
Put that 72000 into USD
print more brrrrrrr
lol the $750 is the tip of the iceberg and we're the titanic
I still find it hilarious that this was all set off by some guys lunch.
Your population is one of the most indebted peoples in the world and you're going to be fucked when the system starts to collapse. Your all going to have to start actually turning up to the office and working for a living instead of just lounging on the beach all day like a bunch of bums.
>usfags get $1000
>we get $750
>us dollar is far stronger
Wtf drumf
I would not be surprised if we get another one eventually, I don't think it will be enough and when they realise that they'll probably panic
lol dumb seppo go eat burger
already happening, they now stimulus 1 wasn't enough and are preparing stim 2.0
go sleep in the road, you filthy abo piece of shit.
>Many asian countries rely on us for coal, iron ore and food.
while most of our export is to asia, they don't rely on us at all.
in fact if they stop buying all our iron and coal, it's us thats fucked, not them.
i can't i'm quarantined :(
Exactly. We are entirely dependent on our Chinese overlords, and they know it.