Guys is Ford going to go bankrupt?

Guys is Ford going to go bankrupt?

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again? how many times before they just fuck off?

They really know how to hold a grudge

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That's not even one of the more based things Ford had to say about the tribe

Did they ever get bailout dollars a few years back?

Give that Co. a loan
You know, you want to

I'm long on Ford. With gas prices so low, I think we are back in 2001 again. Auto company are going to sell alot of SUVs in the coming years then go bankrupt like in 2008.

France is using ford factories to manufacture medical supplies for its war on the virus. I'm sure they will get kickbacks for it or something

Agree. Got 100 shares for $5.06 per share not bad

Auto companies are going to get fucked because no one buys new cars in a recession. Toyota seems to be the only one with their shit together

Did Ford have the auto union shut down factories so they could get Trumpbux and save themselves??

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Also I forgot to mention this article is a few months old, Fords rating was downgraded to junk for some reason

Probably not user.
They've never gone bankrupt.
Nope. They restructured ahead of the crisis and had to put the Ford logo itself in hock to do it.

By (((Moody's))) the same agency that said mortgage derivatives were 100% A++ gold standard no matter what!

Good, hopefully they dont go bankrupt, I want to makes lots of money off them

You sure about that?
Cheap gas+Easy Credit=Tyrones in Ford Expedition with 22" bladez

$5 looked cheap, almost tempted
but they've got huge Chink exposure

How’s Tyrone getting a brand new car without a job?


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>before a recession
So it already went bankrupt?

You must be new to this. So, there's a local buy sell Facebook group where I live and people are buying and selling check stubs/fake proof of insurance, etc on there all the time.

The same way he got last year's model.

This is kind of depressing desu. Ford holds so much symbolic value. Bailing them out would only make it more pathetic.

Ford took an at interest private loan during the recession. As such they needed an acceptable plan on how to turn their company around in order for the bank to approve their loan.

Their plan worked and they paid their loan off early. And not like GM and Chrysler which waited until they got their second installment of tax payer money to pay their first installment "early".

Since the recession Ford has made quite a few smart moves and been very profitable. Not to mention that Ford makes a ton of commercial chassis and the majority of the chassis for most motorhomes in America. Motorhomes, which prior to this Coronachan madness had been selling like hotcakes.

Ford is only in trouble if fuckery is involved. And being they didnt whore out like GM and Chrysler its quite possible the corrupt banks have an axe to grind.

>sell a truck with a sticker price greater than the yearly average income
>why isn't anyone buying our vehicles

Bankruptcy is part of their business strategy.
Just rack up a few hundred billion in debt then oops we can't pay it back.

This. Banks hate the Fords going all the way back to a scheme Henry and Edsel ran to corner the market on their own companies stocks and make it a private company after crowd funding on the public stock market. I love Ford desu. A truly kino history as far as businesses are concerned.

i need to stop coming to this board

I’ll ask again, how’s Tyrone going to get credit to buy anything without a job?

Lol why do you say that?

Based Elmo.

That's funny coming from a cunt that gave all his American jobs to spics for some more shekels

Dumb boomer company stopped making small affordable cars in favor of gaudy boomer boxes literally learning nothing from the last recession and will now finally go under

GM is just as guilty of spending all their free cash flows on stock buybacks and will go down with them

Why is the american Auto industry so inept?

>implying Catholicism isn't 1000× more based than Judaism

Tyrone has a strong 850 credit score and I'm gonna need for you to calm down, sir.

Ford Focus' were literally some of the greatest compacts on the market through out the 21st century.

Based on raping kids, maybe. Back to the boy pile, papist.


Retard, he gave the jobs to people in Detroit, AKA Europeans who were also Catholic. The number of pedo school teachers, the number of pedo prottie ministers, and Rabbis is just as high if not higher than among priests.

American cars are shit. This is why they are going bankrupt, not even americans want to drive them.

>he thinks the next generation automobiles will need gas

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Ever wondered what the at a mikveh is for?insider tip it is for ritual sodomy ,rebbe pops a off a few zavs in a kid recites the tevilath ezra and it is forgiven by g^d as normal keri and both a ritually pure after the fact.
>Ex jew

Nobody buys small cars from American brands, people are gonna complain about GM and Ford not making them then go out and buy a Civic/Camry/Hyundai anyway?

You guys are brainlets. The rest of the world LOVES the Ford Focus and Americans do to. Hell first gens are running all over the place at over 200k miles. Stop repeating dumb boomer memes from the 80s. Ford makes some of the best 4 and 3 cylinder aluminum engines on the market.

you are the retard, NOBODY BUYS THEM IN THE US. You can't keep producing something at a loss because 'you're buddy has one and he likes it'.

Yeah yeah and the world was gonna end in 2000, then 2020, now we have another 12 years to kill cows or it will end yada yada go smoke weed you delusional lefty

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>Ford makes some of the best 4 and 3 cylinder aluminum engines on the market.
>this is what m**ts ACTUALLY believe

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I don't even think he's a mutt, the Focus and Fiesta do pretty well in Europe but Americans only buy Toyota and Honda cars, they'll even buy a fucking Kia before they buy an American small car.

>nobody buys them in the U.S.
>therefore it's a loss
Even if your premise was true your conclusion is wrong Ford is a global company and is a leader in Europe and India. Chrysler and GM are basically non competitive in those markets. Ford has more in common with VW and Toyota in terms of global strategy than with GM or Chrysler.

>implying that electric cars are variable for logistical transport cross country that doesn't involve electrical infrastructure overhauls in order to sustain commerce so you can buy your shitty plastic anime wigs


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Put some calls on ford then pussy

Look, its not our fault mama merkel and other leaders charges you 100k for a 30k Mustang.
>Mfw europoors will never know the power of a V8 muscle car

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If only Fordlandia didn't flounder: it would serve as a shining triumph of Ford to this day.

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What the fuck is your point? The US Federal government should bail out Ford so they can sell shit boxes in India and Europe? Different regions of global carmakers have completely different operations. Ford and GM are giving up selling small cars in the US because nobody buys them and they are losing money trying. Indisputable.

Stock market hasn't hit bottom yet. I will tho. And I'll moon in 2030.

Ford doesn't need a bailout. Anyways no that wasn't my point at all. I was responding to
I realize the profit is in larger cars with nicer trim packages but Ford does make a helluva compact car. It's just not very profitable which is why they moved away from it all the way back in 2018. Long story short Ford ain't going anywhere and their quality of product is solid

This thread is about Ford going bankrupt.

But muh kang wranch pauerstroke

Go look at their 2019 10K. Ford Credit has as much debt as they have revenue. They cleared $47mil income AFTER tax BS, they would be heavily in the red otherwise.

These faggots made a 50k ford ranger, they deserve the auction block.

Ford isn't going bankrupt tho.

Do you have any financial reasons to back that up or is it because you love their bland, solid quality gay boxes?

It's because they already wrote down most of their bad loans and cut crazy amounts of costs by cutting work force and closing plants. They're literally already ahead of it just like in 2008 while GM and Chrysler spent the last two years pretending everything was fine and stoking their profits so they could stroke their share holders. The auto market is cyclical and Ford is already invested in a whole new lineup technologically and production wise.

Remember when Ford stock crashed to $2/share? Some people made a killing going long.

Posted in the other thread.


So Ford and the detroit car companies are officially working with the union to not shut down factories.

Decent news.

But. This opens them up to a severe risk for spreading the virus amongst their workforce. I'd bet that this workforce isn't the youngest and are a high risk for death. If a worker dies after this, factories will have to close and instead of getting ahead of the problem it will be a larger problem.

What does everyone think? I'm in on F puts.

I don't see Ford not hitting at least 4-4.25. At these levels they're buyable, which sounds crazy but is true. If they drop and cut their dividend they might fucking explode.

GM has been restructuring/cutting costs for years now and is literally on the verge of turning the majority of their lineup electric. Jesus, Ford fags are the worst.