Study economics

>study economics
>become libertarian
Anyone else?

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Austrian or Chicago school?

Nice picture. People who get excited over politics tend to be deranged. That's pretty much how I view them.

Good goy.

Nope, social leftists are cancer

lolbertarians being the worst offenders desu

Fucking based. Politifags are subhuman sheep.

>start out as a commie cause my poor people
>become nazi after discovering who really controls the economy
>randomly buy shitcoins in 2016
>oh boy
now i'm an ancap

So you got dumber???


>study economics
>become reactionary
Anyone else?

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No. A certain amount of regulation, as well as a specific kind, is needed to prevent the degeneracy of humans from destroying us.

Unfortunately we have too much freedom in some areas, too little in others, and the whole thing is quite frankly causing everything to go ever more tits up as the years go by.

>study economics
>realize that the STATE enforces private property law and is required to stabilize markets in the event of war or disease etc
>realize state policy matters
>become invested in politics
Ancap meme died in 2012.

>Jewish economics



Right now the state is destroying the economy with the excuse of protecting people from a disease.

I became a supply-side economist

>be a nationalist that hates jews and (((bankers)))
>study economics
>realize that the jews actually have a point
>become a neoliberal

People who believe in state-enforced regulations and defense of property should move to my country ASAP to see how that works well.

By the way, what the fuck happened? Yas Forums was mostly apolitical, with an Ancap minority. Now it's all /leftypol/ in every thread. When did we get raided?

>Study economics and politics
>Become Marxist-Leninist

austrian is based
chicago is cringe
keynesianism is dangerous
marxism is for drooling special individuals

You’re a fuckign retard. In ancap world, with no state intervention
>virus spreads at 100x the rate
>economy collapses
>riots and general anarchy

This is what public education is designed to do to you


The economy started crashing in the US in February, before any real steps were being taken to mitigate the effects of corona. the economy started tanking partially BECAUSE no real steps were being taken to mitigate the effects of corona.

BA in Econ. I became libertarian, for a while.

>be a painter
>become anti-semite

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>study niggers
>become ethnonationalist

Anyone else?

Do you actually believe this virus is that bad?
It is not just a flu, sure. But to what extent?

>study economics
>become keynesian

>marxism is for drooling special individuals

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based lolberts killing boomers

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The only right answer.

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I literally don't even vote lmao. Fuck niggers and kikes

>become nazi after discovering who really controls the economy
If you became a nazi after that then you don't know who actually controls it.

>study economics
>become rich

>Gives the best analysis of the Capitalist system
Heh, nothing personal
Anarcho-Capitalism is a fantasy. Capitalism requires a state to defend private property rights. In real anarchism there is no private property. Ancaps took the name for themselves.

Attached: Cultural Marxism.png (500x711, 336.82K)

a state is absolutely not required to defend private property rights at all
read The Law by Bastiat and study up on decentralized and polycentric law

Stop seeings things in terms of "only government can solve this". I am not even asking for you to become Ancap, just that this sort of thought is dangerous and makes you prone to manipulation.

As for your actual answer,
>virus spreads at 100x the rate
Anarchocapitalism is all about property rights, and consequently the right to exclude certain people from your property. Coronavirus is known for being abnormally infectious (albeit with lower mortality) when compared to other similar diseases, so why would a property owner allow a person with a highly infectious disease to fool around their property? Would you like to be forced to have someone with the Kung Flu (or any airborne disease really) anywhere near your house? It's what the government does.

>economy collapses
This collapse was not caused *only* by the virus. Some people like to say that this is all temporary because "fundamentals haven't changed", but that is pointless if the fundamentals are shit. And we (i.e western economies) have been living off extremely cheap credit and BRRRRRR for 10 years, this is the true cause for the undergoing economical collapse. Monetary policy is decided by the government (or people with very close ties with the government), so capitalism isn't to blame here.

Property rights require the means to protect property. I'm talking weapons.

>and general anarchy
That's the idea.

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Politicfags are incels, RealPolitik-GeopolitCHAD are bosses

examples of areas with excess & deficient freedom?

From what point do you go from, open borders and globalization is good for trade and increasing living standards, to I don't care about history, religion, ethnicity, culture, tradition and could not care less that my children become mutts while living in globohomo totalitarian hellhole?

>without a state I wouldn't be able to own my house or my toothbrush

Why don't you come by and I show you how I need no state to defend my private property tankie?

>Ancaps took the name for themselves.
Only after your people took "liberalism" to mean "social-democracy".

based pic but you know libertarian is literally the bottom side of that colorgraph right?

And what about when 200 niggers come?

Oh? You’ll form some kind of protective society with your neighbors? Sounds like a government to me...hahaha

You know Thunderdome is just a movie, right?

Not this bullshit again.
You do realize this is a term invented by the Left that means "anyone I dislike", right? It does not mean you support capitalism. And it also has nothing to do with the American concept of being a liberal (supporting post-birth abortion, arresting people for misgendering, etc).

If the virus spread was Trumps fault, then why is it spreading in other countries?

Checkmate, Dems. Trump just got reelected.

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>forming a voluntary, local protective society is the same as massive, obligatory state theft

capitalist jews don't care whether or not races mutt eachother, you could stay segregated by choice with open borders and traditional by choice surrounded by other cultures and we'd just find a way to make money off of it. it isn't the Jews necessarily but the political majority that wants to mutt themselves, and we just make money off of them.

>masters in econ

Neoliberals are easy to identify. They are the far right, “paying taxes is communism” trickle down retards who have crashed the West for the last 40 years after we enjoyed a golden age of capitalism regulated by the government and buffeted by programs like the New Deal. Neoliberalism is an attempt to return to the gilded age of the 1800s, a smash and grab power play by the rich.

Interesting. I would like to hear your reasoning.

>people who care about society at large are deranged
Lmao how do people like you exist?

>this overarching, collective body that enforces property rights TOTALLY isn’t a government guize

This is really the only take you need.

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>Neoliberals are easy to identify.
Okay. Name some neoliberal authors for me then, please.

t. leftypol retard

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It’s pretty standard for American conservatives and libertarians desu.

Libertarians, like Marxists, are only good at criticizing other people's ideas and systems.
great example:
>This collapse was not caused *only* by the virus. Some people like to say that this is all temporary because "fundamentals haven't changed", but that is pointless if the fundamentals are shit. And we (i.e western economies) have been living off extremely cheap credit and BRRRRRR for 10 years, this is the true cause for the undergoing economical collapse.
Which is correct
But ask a libertarian what to do to fix it and you'll get advice on how to get into a deep depression and stay there


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Milton Friedman
Paul Krugman
Thomas Sowell
Niall Ferguson

You realize that you have no idea what you’re talking about, right?
Neoliberalism = Corporate Democrat
Like Obama, Clinton, or 99% of democrats. Democrats are only considered “left” in the US.

If post birth abortions are a left wing position then is shooting up Walmart a right wing position?

>then is shooting up Walmart a right wing position
This appears to be a violation of property and life.
>post birth abortions are a left wing position
"Your body", your rules, right?