Lol how are peoples’ jobs going to be suspended but not rent and mortgages etc?

Lol how are peoples’ jobs going to be suspended but not rent and mortgages etc?

All these crises expose how much of the US is glorified 3rd world bullshit country

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something like 50%+ of people in the US live paycheck to paycheck. Economic ramifications are going to be much bigger than the virus itself

Yes. This will really fuck a lot of people over. Especially this unfortunate majority

You rent is your landlords income. If you don't pay him, now he has no money and he might as well sell your property

Oh boo hoo my landlord won't be able to afford gas and utilities this month because the dozen or so tenants he has literally can't afford to pay him his overpriced rent that he's grown comfortable on. Why does he only need to pay gas and utilities? Oh shit because he already owns all his properties and is essentially just raking in thousands of dollars every month for doing literally nothing 98% of the time.

Fuck you people who don't think landlords are fucking shit up for the rest of us.

I mean good luck with that; who do you think is going to buy in a market where most renters live paycheck to paycheck; they'll struggle to make rent from anywhere. It's also not their income, stop being retarded, small time landlords make property investments by getting mortgages; the rent pays that off with some pocket change left over, meanwhile big time landlords who own large portfolios of property aren't going to be able to do shit if none of their tenants can pay rent. Landlords are unproductive anyways, even Smith hated landlords. Stop being a cuck.

>Russia spends tens of years trying to subvert the US and start a commie revolution
>China just makes a virus and does it in less than 6 months

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>dozen or so tenants he has
Maybe your landlord is super rich but a lot of them are just dudes with an extra apartment. They rely on this income. Apply the same logic to yourself and i can go
>oh boo hoo OP doesn't have a job anymore and he has to rely on his massive savings to live how can he survive
See how I assuming that you're rich for no special reason

There is functionally no difference between people who buy up massive amounts of stock in a crisis to price gouge and landlords because the very foundation of the income they derive from rents increasing is wholly based on the housing markets supply being artificially restricted. Landlords have always been parasites, its incredibly simple to see if you just go back a few hundred years.

Crazy, isn't it?

Hopefully we'll at least get a national socialist movement to counterbalance the red globalist transsexuals.

>Oh boo hoo my landlord won't be able to afford gas and utilities this month because the dozen or so tenants he has literally can't afford to pay him his overpriced rent that he's grown comfortable on. Why does he only need to pay gas and utilities? Oh shit because he already owns all his properties and is essentially just raking in thousands of dollars every month for doing literally nothing 98% of the time.

lmfao, seething poor starbucks barista detected

>tfw DCfag

Try moving somewhere where the law favors tenants over landlords, brah.

>Landlords are unproductive
What does that mean? They've invested in property and they're getting money from their investment. It's no different from buying stock.

My landlord, specifically, does have about a dozen or so properties that he rents out. Prices are average, but that means they're still overinflated. He has owned the properties now for years, so the rent is almost entirely profit. ~12 properties x an average of ~$1k/month = ~$12k/month that he just rakes in. If a landlord is generating this amount of money all the time, he can comfortably afford to give his tenants some relief.

Also, relying on rent as your income is fucking stupid. This is why.

Lol temporarily embarrassed millionaire detected

Go ahead, try and justify the miserly behavior of landlords

>Maybe your landlord is super rich but a lot of them are just dudes with an extra apartment. They rely on this income. Apply the same logic to yourself and i can go
Are you really going to pretend that the dude who can afford to have someone else pay for a house for him is the same as the person paying for his house? It's not a moral judgment it's simple economic fact, rents derived from landlordism is parasitism. People do what they gotta do to make a buck, but you for some reason seem to think it has to be virtuous just by association.

Tell me, do you think people who get vulnerable individuals addicted to drugs that will likely kill them like idk, street dealers are virtuous? I doubt it, at best you can displace the blame onto the person who bought them totally to avoid having to do so. Yet, in reality, it's pharma companies that are killing thousands of people right now in the US, but people don't have the same qualms with that where they need to distance do they? Stop associating all aspects of a thing that you believe in as inherently good

>relying on rent as your income is fucking stupid
And yet you're the one who lost all of your income because of a flu and now you want him to pay for your stupidity.


Turn the chat pink with us bros

They don't produce anything for the economy, all their profits are derived from interest & rent. There is no creation of new value going on. Stocks are the same thing, it's just speculation. It's not a moral judgment, it's just a factually accurate observation. Read Smith, Ricardo or hell even George if you want to get right into anti-landlordism

Are you guys lefty infiltrated? If so, pass.

Lol I didn't lose any income, nigtard. I've saved enough to ride this out, unlike most millennials. Again, go ahead and try to justify landlords acting like this.

>Are you really going to pretend that the dude who can afford to have someone else pay for a house for him is the same as the person paying for his house
A ton of people have a mortgage on their house/apartment and get a second house/apartment as inheritance. They don't want to sell it for sentimental reasons and they rent it out. They use that rent money to pay for their own mortgage and they themselves are still living paycheck to paycheck. Extremely common situation. I have a friend doing exactly that. Why should he get fucked because of you?

This is why i'm short boomer stocks and long future shit like ARPA

>I need a safespace
retard, you should be learning about marxism so that you can make a killing

>They don't produce anything for the economy
What? They've paid for the construction of the home you currently live in. If you don't think that's valuable, you're free to leave.
So why the fuck are you complaining?

Yeah. Fuck them

Property isn't free, and neither is food, healthcare, water, transportation, or anything else.

>It's no different from buying stock.
I get it, we're all doing that too, but do you honestly think buying stock is productive?

>They use that rent money to pay for their own mortgage and they themselves are still living paycheck to paycheck.

Your friend is seriously fucking retarded. So they took on a second mortgage even while they themselves live paycheck to paycheck, and you still fail to see why this is fucking retarded. Keep it up.

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*laughs in Deagel*

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Is giving your money to a business productive? What the fuck kind of question is this.

>buying a shitbrick house and then charging 4x the mortgage (if there even is one) is the same as paying for the construction of the house


I’m originally from the DC area, but I currently live in Denver

>learning about marxism
I've actually read Kapital. I don't need a gang of tranny undesirables screeching at me about things they don't understand.

>took on a second mortgage
Learn to read retard. He has one mortgage on his home, that's it. After he got this mortgage he inherited another home with no mortgage attached and he rents it out because he doesn't want to sell it. Seems pretty normal to me.

>buying a house is the same as paying for the construction of the house
Yes it is. What the fuck user, are you retarded?

Hilariously, now the banks have 0% liquidity & those banks need mortgage payments to provide liquidity.

This is going to get good

Again you're still thinking about things in terms of morality. It's not about morality, and if anything, your argument is completely arbitrary, why should I get fucked because of him? That's literally the point. MORALITY IS IRRELEVANT, it's about describing economic relations.

It's funny you can mention this word and not realise that's exactly the same kind of thing I'm talking about. Inheritance is something that you do absolutely nothing to receive. It's completely unproductive and is just about ensuring accumulation through paternal bloodlines.

I know a few people who do the same thing and even they're not this cognitively dissonant about the reality of what they're doing, they just don't care because that's what they have to do to make money. Simple profit motive.

Let me ask you this though, to ground this in reality: Do you think that regular people who have a 2nd property are going to be forced to pay mortgages when their tenants can't afford rent if such a thing is happening en masse? No, they're fucking not. IF ANYTHING, they are more likely to get given mortgage relief and then still try to extract rent from their tenants.

Please get some perspective if you're going to insist on arguing exclusively in terms of moralism. Landlords aren't poor victims who are getting fucked.

Fair, I misread how the second house was acquired. Either way, your friend is contributing to the housing bubble if he's charging above what the mortgage would be on that second property, and if you ask me he's a fucking retarded emotional ape if he would rather continue living paycheck to paycheck AND be a landlord than sell the other property to pay off his current investment.

>why should I get fucked because of him
You're getting fucked because you have nowhere to live and no job. He has absolutely nothing to do with it. You don't have a right to his property. Get the fuck out

Well build and finance the house yourself then if you are so capable.

>buying a house that already exists is the same as paying for the construction of it

Come on you aren't really this fucking dumb are you?

>What? They've paid for the construction of the home you currently live in. If you don't think that's valuable, you're free to leave.

You're retarded my guy, Landlords are not property developers and even if they were, extracting RENT IS STILL UNPRODUCTIVE. If they took the rent money and then invested into developing new property, that would be productive because they are creating new value.


>but I currently live in Denver

Hard yikes, my dude.

With the rent I pay I literally COULD afford to take out a $100k+ mortgage and build a better house on more land, but since the world we live in prefers nonexistent funny money to real cash, I apparently have no credit so a bank probably wouldn't give me a loan. Not my fucking fault I don't want a personal credit card.

You do realise that this bullshit doesn't fly right? Nobody believes you when you pretend to read shit. Maybe that's why you can't make any fucking money so you post on an imageboard full of paid shills for crypto

So you are entitled to live in a house for free because someone else bought the property and is not using it for himself?

Get an FHA loan. They are for dumb people and niggers like you that don't pay their bills

All you can resort to is mantras huh? If your landlord doesn't pay then he's getting fucked because he doesn't have money to pay his mortgage. Neither me nor the bank have anything to do with it.



No one is saying "rent should be free" you fucking zero sum retard. Rent should be affordable compared to the actual property value and what a mortgage would be on the property, not set to "what the market will bear"

Literally where did I say that you fucking retard? You are seeing words and then adding ones that aren't there

pretty much, most of the faggots here are neets or naive college student, landlords tend to be massive arseholes for the most part

I've paid every single bill and rent payment on time for almost 4 years. I'm more reliable than a great deal of people that banks will loan money to, just not on paper.

I attempted to get in touch with the FHA about a loan a few years ago but there was literally one lady working in my regional office and she never returned my phone calls.

Yes. Private property is a neoliberal illusion. In a free market, I would be able to break into a house and barricade myself inside of it with a shitload of guns. If someone else wants that property, they should have to try to storm my defenses.

Because other user is bitter, user

Outside of the west coast and NYC, Denver has one of the most overinflated housing markets in the country

Oh yeah tell me about it. My uncle wants to buy a house there, but I keep telling him to wait until the bubble pops. I don’t think he’ll listen though.

I’m only renting, though I pay 1.2k/month

For $1.2k/month you could be paying off a mortgage on a quarter million dollar house, my bru

KEK, what the fuck are you doing here?
Pic related
Does the contract stipulate relief?
Simple, you want something, you agree to pay via a contract to receive the item. You can always get out of the contract, you agreed to the early exit terms.
>don't produce anything for the economy
How about buying a home that provided jobs & profit to others, Or creating new funds to expand the economy via the mortgage.

Why the fuck have you done? be specific

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This unironically. If you're relying on private property rights then what you're saying is that the state should guarantee things for you, which automatically precludes there being a free market.

I know m8. It kills me on the inside. At least my job pays decently well

Competent landlords should have cash reserves to last for years. Rent cucks will get shit on as they always do. If you're not a landlord in this country you hate money.

>How about buying a home that provided jobs & profit to others, Or creating new funds to expand the economy via the mortgage.

If they got a mortgage then they didn't buy the home did they? The Bank created the Loan, they own the Property de facto.

Who else are they providing profits for? If you mean that they're spending money then big whoop so does everyone else

Who are they creating jobs for? They haven't actually done anything unless they built the home themselves. That's the point.

>Why the fuck have you done? be specific
What are you saying here?

Great reasoning for why we should all be okay with landlords fleecing people. Ding dong.

>buying a home that provided jobs & profit to others
How is this your argument? Sure, buying the house provided a small handful of jobs and profit YEARS AGO. Since then, the landlord has set the mortgage to be as high as he can without losing tenants, and generated almost entirely profit for himself. He then spends this money on his own rental properties. It's an almost entirely closed system but you don't want to admit it and shatter your bullshit.

>Hehe look at this le temporarily embarrassed millionaire, he thinks he can le "work hard" and le "succeed"! What a fool, aspiring for something greater, aspiring for success! Does he not realize the game is rigged against him and he can never win? Give up! Just give up now and join the revolution, we'll kill the rich!

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