As for today, you can't buy silver online in UK.
All major websites stopped sending orders and are out of stock.
UK silver gone
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Yeah man, fucking crazy. What's next do you think?
Its okay us no coiners can just buy the israeli shekel.
Its the second currency with the lowest inflation.
Chicken kebab
I know mate, crazy. I wonder if they just stopped selling because of the price dump or they genuinely ran out of stock.
If supply is running low why are prices dropping
The cheapest ounce of silver available in 129 euros. The cheapest ounce of gold is 2600.
Banks selling gold backed paper redeemable for gold
Paper metals. Physical metals go 4x to 10x of the spot price.
What kind of retard would actually buy silver from within the UK and pay VAT when you do not even need to?
Where can a burger get silver?
The Silver price is a market selling theoretical silver, which is not backed and the supply is dwindling.
Why indeed
Why would you want to?
>I just called 6 shops, no Silver or delivery in 30days. Yet some how price droped from 1.88 to 1.63 since yesterday, WTF IS GOING ON?
My metal dealers just upped their premiums to the roof and were buying for the paper value.
This is how this paper ponzi shitshow dies, brutally crashing with reality. I tip my hat to you, ShiffWillWin
silver is insane right now. i'm wondering when industrial silver will start hitting the market.
> user pls buy my 10lbs of 80% silver
that would have been used to make solar panels lol
Im fucking brainlet, I stock food and shit 3 weeks ago but was lazy to buy silver cuz I have some spending coming this spring and wanted to gather some its fucking dream, I got some but no were near level I wanted. FUCK THIS EARTH.
Gold/silver ratio at 120:1. Never before in history. Buying silver now is once in a lifetime opportunity
How do they keep silver price so low?
why is that a thing?
why isn't there just one price
>bought 9oz yday because poorfag
>fuck VAT bruv
wonder when price will moon
How do I get my hands on silver, what is the likelihood sellers will restock before society collapses?
Brainlet here.
Why are you buying silver?
Do you think your shiny brick will stop mad max bandits from fucking your shit?
i hope
It's a rare metal that has a monetary value derived from its scarcity and application.
The chink at my mint locked in the price for me and said I'll get it in 3-4 weeks
If you see silver coin on a ground, would you pick it up?
What if it was in drain, would you reach for it?
Very good explaination for us apes
you can buy 1oz silver coins from pamp at $17.59
Am I a loser if I just buy silver on eToro? Found a place to buy 32.15oz bars for 540 Eur but 32.15oz coins are for 465. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around? brainlet here...
Not sure myslef but bigger pices are going by more $$
depends on the type of coins and bars - purity is a factor obviously
Never seen bars/coins from big shops with less than .999 or .925. One seller had coins with random dates but same patern and they were 1/10 lower than current year ones. Baffling to me since its the same fucking silver.
I know an online shop in EU where you can still buy silver ounces for €17.5.
7 day delivery though, and most of their coins are sold out.
Im not sure if this will work since we have closed border but its worth a try
Because they are two different products.
Because there is much much more paper PMs than there are real PMs. Once everyone realizes the PMs aren't there and their paper is worthless PMs will do a 10x.
If it gets that bad you might as well just go fucking rob someone who bought worthless silver instead of bullets and beans
Silver and gold are worth their weight and the market price for it s irrelevant if there is an economic reset.
so much people willing to remain bagholders
that's true dedication from our bongs' autists cousins
Trusted German online retailer, there's a 7% differential tax within the EU (kinda like VAT I think)
But I guess if you are in the UK you won't have free exchange of goods and need to pay heavy import taxes? Idk how it works now with Brexit.
Thanks captain, topic was: silver is out of stock.
how does it moon if people cant buy it?
>As for today, you can't buy silver online in UK.
>All major websites stopped sending orders and are out of stock.
Same for France, looked everywhere for 2 days and nothing is left. Not even the overpriced commemorative coins or the 70% purity old shit. Nothing.
Im in Polen mate, people are freaking out here but its not even the begining, we have 210 confirmed 50 more than yesterday. Its gonna be rough, thx for the tip.
Because Silver ETF determine the price.
In reality the paper price of silver is more likely accurate and the physical is sold out for the same reason as toilet paper.
Any info on mints production? When will silver be back on sale?
Did anyone contact mints?
We need some good info.
I hope next week will be back to normal.
i just ordered 30 Austrian Silver Philharmonics feelsgoodman
>Paying 20% tax on top of a huge premium
No one buys silver in the UK retard
Absolutely no one but the stupidest of cretins. The sites never hold any stock because of the huge taxes repelling humans with brains
Gold is tax exempt, that's what people buy domestically
They order silver from EU dealers who flaunt tax laws to avoid VAT
They buy silver contracts on the comex and then dump them to keep the price low. No physical metal ever actually moves.
Well someone was buying it, its all out of stock.
I am Canadian and spot price is $18 down for $23 a year ago but the dealers online are selling at high prices still. Do not they have to sell at spot price. Also 30 business day wait due to lots of people buying. Why does it just continue to crash. I thought more demand less supply means price go up?
What is better? 1oz silver bars closest to spot price or branded 1oz coins for which there is more of a premium? Thanks.
I went with bars. I couldn't justify the premium of coins.
anyone else here /waitingonthesupplytoreturnaftertheviruspanic/ gang?
I'm losing my mind with all of the premiums above spot
Shit's wack
Shut the fuck up idiot
>$2.50/oz premium on the shittiest of the bars
When silver was $16+, it was a $0.20 premium.
Honestly I think it's cause most of these companies are trying to recoup the loss from when they bought the silver at the higher prices.
How long until it filters out?