This is just the beginning, capitalist scum. It’s your fault for putting trust in a system as chaotic and anarchic as a free market. We are about go through through the Great Depression x10.

The working class people will have it the worst. But the system must fail before people start searching for something better.

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Yes, I also oppose capitalism. How could you tell?

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Ok. Can you suggest something better?

Oh, Marxist theories are not better, just FYI


the marxist theories are only the starting point. Everyone must discover the truth by themselves.

you can literally transfer wealth from the wealthy to yourself by going short right now
but you are too retarded and deserve to be poor
which is why you will die in another failed revolution

>*does shady deals with big business*
>*sells out their own people to literal slavery and pseudo-slavery for the profit of said big business*
>*sells off national property so hard the "privatize" has to be added to the English dictionary to describe it*

>Yes, I also oppose capitalism

Attached: Privatization.jpg (2765x1308, 932.45K)

>people shouldnt be allowed to own things
Ok socialist

Fuck arrogant ideologist children
One day you'll learn that the ideological mind, which would destroy all societies if spread to everyone therein, is surrogate for actual integral purpose in life and is probably a symptom of cowardice
Or you won't


Anglo Americanism has failed us only one solution now lads, the final solution

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>free market

But its heavily regulated and manipulated.

>Oppose capitalism
Not very historically accurate

Unironically the Soviet Union

There is a literal bureau of central planning controlling the state buying stocks. Communism.

>I'm so retarded that I can only think in terms of four dialectically opposite pairs of terms

We are in late stage capitalism. Literally no one can refute this. Automation and AI will replace all jobs within the next decades.

let us first bring down the capitalist machine and then we can argue about what version of socialism works better.

>The National Socialist German Workers' Party was capitalist
Its crazy how obvious you shills are

>"Lend lease and selling cheap products to Americans is not the same thing!"

Based pseudo-accelerationist retard


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what the fuck do you call the bailouts, moneyprinting, fractional reserve reqs at zero, ZIRP and market manipulation if not socialism? Socialism for the rich is why we are here retard.

The absolute state of Yas Forums
>My national socialist views oppose capitalism
>My war economy beliefs oppose capitalism
The absolute state of you both

buffalo wings

Machines wipes you out because you're now useless

This crash was literally a ultimately a result of socialization of losses going back to 2008
Even soft CB socialism is ultimately a disaster, it's just taken reality some time to catch up.

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>implying we're losing money and pink wojaks aren't larps or genuine retards who deserved to lose everything anyway.
You have to be 18 to post here kid.
More puts tomorrow.

It's so obvious that these ideologues never receive any exposure to conflicting thought because they're incapable of suspending a single one of their own presuppositions in order to see why exactly every one of their conversations with "rightoids" (or "commies" for that matter) never even reaches the point of defining the terms in use and rather descends immediately into confused name-calling and feeling superior because the other person is clearly retarded or evil
absolutely based. Saving the world.

Nazi Germany had the German Labor Front, which was a collection of labor unions that was given state power. They also had paid vacations (Strength Through Joy), and tons of other gibs. Also the industrial CEOs didn't have an real power, because the Nazi Party could have them executed and seize their property whenever they wanted, and this actually happened to many Jewish and English businessmen. The main reason they didn't liquidate Krupp Steel or Mauser was because it would cause economic chaos and decrease Germany's military build-up speed; and Hitler talked about this in his personal writings about Strasser. Also the reason Nazis opposed Bolsheviks and anarchists was because those leftist factions were against the existence of the independent German state. Bolsheviks wanted to make it a Russian puppet, and anarchists wanted to destroy the state altogether. Being opposed to globalists doesn't mean you hate your own working class.

By your own standards, the Soviet Union wasn't "socialist" either, because production was controlled by party bureaucrats, not "the workers". The Soviets crushed several attempts to form anarchist communes in the USSR territory.

Attached: German Labor Front.png (1280x768, 57.92K)

Say it with me,

Attached: HueyPLongGesture[1].jpg (1024x1131, 218.94K)

Only a socialist could write national socialism is not opposed to capitalism.

>socialism isnt socialism

>they are socialist because they said so
lrn2read fag

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Of course it wasn't, nothing is a manifestation of my ideology unless it's good in which case it is until it does something bad in which case it becomes clear that the ideological opponent still runs the society

>But it's in the name!

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China has a very similar system to that and yet they'e still capitalist and not socialist.

Socialism is socialism regardless of how you want to define it.

Then why not nationalize Krupp Steel or Mauser? You keep acting like Nazi Germany was anti-capitalist when Opel was owned by General Motors and they had mass re-privatization programs.

lol hitler's gang killed every single true socialist nazi/commie on the Night of the Long Knives

Kinda like how tankies and ancoms try to portray Nazi Germany as ancap because they're still butthurt about Operation Barbarossa.

Don't worry bro, we don't have to eat sandwiches. Just short

National socialism is quite obviously a grand departure from strict "natural rights" private property absolutism as well as from egalitarian socialism. Stop reducing things to a ridiculous and artificial simplicity

>I cant be the gatekeeper for all the worlds commodities and finance

How horrible it would be for those poor poor billionaires and companies to lose that crucial and organic role in the world

So it has nothing to do with 90% of socialist movements, why is it still called socialism then?

Yeah I'm a fucking socialist. How on earth did you know? It's almost like you're so angry that someone on the internet didn't agree with your braindead beliefs that you just guessed or something. Bravo you fucking idiot kys

Keep doing those gymnastics, and you'll surely develop some kind of psychic powers.

Because there wouldn't be enough time to find new management for such a massive corporation.

Stalin was an autist obsessed with ideological purity to the point that he executed a bunch of his best generals just before invading the Baltics and Finland. This caused a lot of Soviet failures due to the new leadership being incompetent.

I may be a socialist, but free markets are the best you can get. The problem is most people don't have a trade and because of that we went from a strong labor economy to a weaker financial one. Trades, labor, and the ability to build is the great equalizer. Put trades back in school.

Okay well just admit that capitalism is superior to socialism because the countries with the highest HDI are capitalist Nordic welfare states, just like Nazi Germany was.


>China has a very similar system to that and yet they'e still capitalist and not socialist.

Many tankies would argue with you though.

Somewhat for appeal and the history of the party, somewhat as a catchall for the large role played by the state(-plutocratic conglomerate) vis-a-vis enlightenment pre 20th century traditional and/or laissez-faire societies, partially because the spirit of the movement, the meshing of "volk" with "worker", the fetishism of physical over intellectual labour and the hatred of high finance are distinctly inspired (though not solely inspired) by certain socialist notions

There has never been a remotely pure implementation of any ideology, ever, and there never will be. Relative descriptions are useful when all parties using them kr discussing them are aware of the perspective advanced.

>the meshing of "volk" with "worker", the fetishism of physical over intellectual labour and the hatred of high finance are distinctly inspired (though not solely inspired) by certain socialist notions

This is pretty evident in how they Khmer Rouge literally issued an order to genocide anybody who had glasses, because wanting to read means you're an "upper-class intellectual faggot", lol.

That's all pedantic bullshit that doesn't concern me one bit. What matters is policy over everything else.
But when your ideology departs completely from and is diametrically opposed to all other ideologies with the same name then acting like they're all part of the same group is wrong.

They opposed them in the most literal sense, historically, because the Captalist empire came to destroy them along with the Bolsheviks
Amazing how ignoran redditors are

We're not talking about the soviet union here bro

go back u fuckin fag

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>national socialist germany wasn't socialist
it's just unbelievable.
confirms he is a moron

le privatisation meme
the kind of privatisation where both old state and private business was transferwd under direct party control

not historically accurate in the slightest but still very based

Socialism for the white collar rich who never "worked" a day in their lives and mostly have everything they have through inheritance.

>ChINa is StAtE COMmunism
Socialists are the retards constantly trying to convince you their ideology isn't what it actually is

why do white and jewish capitalists have the same monied interests?

Thats what Marx thought about sewing machines and steam engines in 1848 tho?

>anything but an jewish made up term to lump all Europeans into one amorphous blob

Inheritance is just merit extended over several lifetimes. Somebody raised by a successful parent is more likely to have genetics/philosophy that make them successful also. If you oppose inheritance, you limit the growth of genetic/philosophical excellence to only one generation.

I wouldn't even be oppose to some kind of state-mandated exams or other standards placed on children of elites to ensure they're not slacking.

hitler was a keynesian you retard

Sure thing but the point is that large scale gov interference in free markets = poop.

If you're not willing to entertain anything other than what your ideology allows you to, then it's obvious that nazi Germany was not socialist because private property as such was not abolished or aggregated and allocated by the workers, and, similarly (if you're willing to suspend your presuppositions enough to actually understand what "capitalists" think they're talking about when they mention "liberty") the party wasn't pro-liberty or pro-property because of the extensive role of the state in confiscating and reallocating capital, forcing labour, applying strict rules to the use of corporate capital so that it benefitted state objectives, interfered heavily and coercively with all modes of organisation smaller than the state (families, religious beliefs) and so on.
It was neither capitalism nor socialism, unless you're using the strawmen version of either of these terms utilised by their opposition

Not all jobs. They still can't replace construction workers, plumbers, farmers, nurses, and chefs. Those are jobs that require personal person to person interaction.

They can replace almost all white collar service jobs though.

The Capitalists opposed the Germans in the most literal sense, by coming and destroying them. You probably have an incorrect definition of Capitalism provided to you by state educators in your capitalist country, which would be why you think they're not opposed philosophically.

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Is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea democratic?


>National socialist Germany was capitalist
no it was not, imagine trying to make this argument


The issue is that no one here can actually agree on a definition of capitalism