We are going to look back on all this as the most ridiculous overreaction to the world has ever seen.
We are going to look back on all this as the most ridiculous overreaction to the world has ever seen
Do you understand what a self fulfilling prophecy is?
Retards like you are incapable to understand what is going on
>We are going to look back on all this as the most ridiculous overreaction to the world has ever seen.
read about behavioral economics
>said the visibly increasingly nervous man
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO IT'S JUST A NOTHINGBURGER YOU Yas ForumsINCELERINO IT'S JUST A FUCKING SNIFFLES FLU STOP SPREADING PANIC FUCK OFF GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been analyzing, infection, death and ICU rates constantly for three weeks and I've come to the conclusion that it's a nothingburger.
>deaths are greatly mitigated due to preventative action
see? it wasn't a big deal, people were just over-reacting
>the virus infects 80% of the planet, millions die and millions more gets permanent lung damage
omg, the governments didn't do anything! there were a ton of warning signs but nobody took it seriously! fucking drumf!
people like you are stupid.
you, sir, are a retard
level of copes are hitting dangerous numbers
5% ICU rate for people on the Diamond Princess almost all of which were over 60, the highest risk group.
ICU rate for people under 60 likely to be below 1%.
china has 3k deaths from corona and have stabilized now....their population is 1.5B. 3k death out of 1.5B! the entire world is shutting down right now, but the death toll is actually pretty low when you look at the numbers. I mean, I get social distancing and trying to prevent the spread, but some of you fags wanna go full apocolypse and pretend like we're gonna be full mad max in a weeks. get a grip.
just like your mother
>3k death out of 1.5B!
lmao not all of those were infected
they welded their civilians into their apartments and third world shacks. How convenient of you to use them as an example that everything is fine while ignoring Italy.
yeah no shit retard. you didn't think everyone was gonna get infected, did you?
in 2-3 weeks, Italy will be fine too.
if China didn't lock down Wuhan yes the virus would have spread to other regions
the virus has spread all over the god damn world, what do you mean? it spread in other areas of china too. what do you want from this? what do you actually think is gonna happen?
you don't understand your stat isn't meaningful, the death rate is number of casualties/number of infected, not number of casualties/entire population.
>We are going to look back on all this
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?
to the virus?
to the fact that the global economy comes to halt to weeks to months?
haha, no.
no way they are honest with their numbers. they are sacrificing their own population to get factories running again and they will just disappear anyone that say they are sick. you're crazy if you actually think it's starting to get better in china.
it's meaningful to step back and look at the big picture. i understand what the death rate is for those infected. I'm talking about what the actual damage has been thus far to humanity though. people are freaking the fuck out like we're all going to die or have to kill our neighbors for TP in the coming day. jesus, get a grip. put it into perspective. more people have died from drowning than they have from corona during the same time period.
might be you're the one whose crazy user.
based on what?
I agree. In exactly 3 years, after everything is done, there will be a paper published showing that more people died from economic effects, supply issues, etc, than would've died if people did absolutely nothing and continued on like nothing was happening.
the point is that if we dont take drastic measures and condemn this pandemic then millions will die and not only the old and weak but also other normal people since the hospitals will be overloaded with cases and will have no capacity left. Of course it's not that bad yet, but it will be if nothing is done about it.
I think we should do what we can to prevent the spread. I work from home already, so no big lifestyle change is required on my end. I also just think that the panic around the grocery stores right now is stupid. like holy shit, American are going into full stock the bunkers mode. I'm less worried about corona than I am about the panicked population.
Hindsight post rationalisations
Fake pic
If you think the economy is crashing because of the virus, you're delusional. We were in a clear bubble, this was going to happen eventually. The coronavirus just made it happen sooner than it would otherwise.
Ok Bill
Well desu the death rates in Italy aren't higher
wuhan has been hit with the second wave is what im hearing.
Even Drumpf's head of infectious diseased said it. In a pandemic situation overreaction is much, much better than underreaction because you are always behind where you think you are in terms of infected people. Especially when Trump fucked up testing so hard.
implying WW1 didn't start because Archduke Franz Ferdinand was shot
Stick to muh stonks, retard
50% of France right now in ICUs are under the age of 50 you massive retard
Yep. TP memes will surpass 9/11 jokes.
And funny part is it'll make people react poorly to whatever the next big virus is and that one may have an actually scary mortality rate.
>get a grip
the chinese government lies, this shouldn't be news. you can't believe the quarantine of wuhan somehow also prevented the spread of the virus outside of the big cities. the outbreak occurred during the chinese new year when half the country traveled home to their little villages, passing through other villages. chinese people rarely wash their hands with soap. there's no way, no how the situation have stabilized.
Tell that to Italy you big gay faggot.
Social media is 100% to blame. Look what the retards in this country did over a god damn chicken sandwich. This shit must be shut down
Italy has 1/3 reported deaths of china and far less reported cases.
wait 2/3, my bad
0.7% death rate in South Korea.
0.1% in Germany.
Common flu ranges from 0.1% to 0.9% depending on the year and country.
I'm more scared of the economic chaos leading to lootings and social breakdown than of corona. This is a mass hysteria.
coronavirus isnt the reason why the market took a dive, it was the excuse
>coronavirus isnt the reason why the market took a dive, it was the excuse
coronavirus isnt the reason why the market took a dive, it was the excuse
>coronavirus isnt the reason why the market took a dive, it was the excuse
coronavirus isnt the reason why the market took a dive, it was the excuse
>coronavirus isnt the reason why the market took a dive, it was the excuse
there's no backside of that suit, the cat is exposed
don't be an idiot
Not an argument dumbshit.
Corona spread on a cruise ship comprised entirely of boomers (the high risk group) and it only killed 1% of them. 3/5 of infected showed NO SYMPTOMS at all. Extend this to the wider population and it gives you a death rate of much less than 1%.
The median age of Japanese victims?
81 years old.
The median age on the rest of the world?
80% are over 65
It's a nothingburger amplified by retarded journalists that don't understand statistics and virologists being overly cautious (because they don't understand economics and think "saving lives is more important than money" - Nevermind the people a depression would kill).
>6% mortality rate in ireland
>3% mortality rate average across the board
see look i can pull up numbers too bro
lets cut the shit and be honest though. the number of infected people is way higher than what's been reported. the US has barely done any testing but it's been spread around for weeks now. the death rate is skewed. do you personally know anyone who has died from corona virus? does any user on this board know someone who has died?!
Those countries are only testing the serious cases that arrive in hospitals.
Most infected are asymptomatic and don't even realize they have it. They don't bother going to a hospital.
South Korea is the ONLY country that conducted extensive testing among the general population. The real death rate is 0.7% or less.
you're a fucking idiot comparing things that aren't comparable. you don't even understand why they are incomparable. moron. hope you get corona and infect your parents and everyone you care about.