Is nursing a good profession?

any male nurses here? i heard there are very few males and it's decent money.

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It's really hot right now.

Literally built for white cock.


I'm a male psychiatric nurse in the UK, what would you like to know?

Male nurse here. It's good money, but honestly being a floor nurse is shit. You pretty much pass meds, chart, pass meds, chart, pass meds, chart until your shift is over with occasionally helping people to the bathroom or helping the PCAs with stuff. If you can get into it though being a circulating nurse in the OR is a really nice job. You're doing a bunch of different things helping with the procedure and managing your room which keeps you busy. I will say that you're essentially a glorified assistant with that job, but I enjoy it

You will never eat her out after her 16 swing shift.

>Imagine the smell

how much do you make annually?

What hospital is that where the scrubs look like that?

That isn’t a nurse, stupid. That’s a low-level medical assistant; a single mom, the first person in her family with an associates degree, getting paid $15.35 an hour to wipe asses and serve lunch trays that don’t need no man.

lots of politics involved. working nights, weekends, holidays. basically a slave. pays decent especially for a 2yr degree

however i have fucked a lot of coworkers, all of them 7/10 or above

I want to put my face between those thighs and INHALE

Based and wholesome pilled

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same guy here
i kinda wish i chose a stem field. i like my job but the pay is better for CS or business degrees that have much easier schooling. most of my friends in business make 60k while im making 95k/yr but jobs are easier and they have options like working from home

Real talk.

The only RNs I see are all phillipino old bitches that need to gtfoh after bringing their whole useless family over with their work visa.

>tfw no nights, weekends or holidays

Blessed surgery center

She looks like she’d be good at nursing if you know what I mean

God I want to have sex with her so bad and it makes me angry I can't REEEEEE

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I make 40k (British Pound) annually as a Ward Manager in private healthcare. Theres a better way to earn money though. My friend works on an agency which pays between £25-£38 an hour. This goes up if you work for the agency self-employed as your own limited company as you can write a lot off on tax. The benefits of this are you have far less responsibility, earn a lot more money and can pick your days to work.

The downside is it can be unpredictable and your shifts aren't guaranteed as such. he mitigates this buy being signed up with several agencies self-employed. He works nights so the workload is even less and works 6 nights a week, sleeps in the clinic for a couple of hours a night too if he can. He earns £100k a year.

Personally I don't do this as I am one step off being a hospital manager which will see me one step from being an operational manager where the moneys great, and morally I became a nurse to help people and can do so more when I'm part of service development.

If you start on the NHS as a Band 5 nurse (Staff Nurse) the starting salary is only £21k so it pays to go private and/or work Agency to earn more

I sell respiratory equipment to the hospitalists for a living and 1/3 of these dick sucking sluts, some with significant others or spouses, have made passes at me. It would be easy to hit, but why shit where you eat? They all have HPV and their son, Kayden, is their king.

how much do you make annually? can i make 6 figs working overtime and shit? im planning on attending an accelerated bsn program in jan.

Cuz nursing sucks ass and boomer white fucks won’t tolerate shitty patients and doctors with their shitty attitude. Go clean your own colostomy and clean your own trachea you bitch ass cunt


isnt 40K a lot of money in bongland?

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This isn' fair bros. How can I continue on with my day knowing I will never have sex.

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The curvy ones like that never go on go get bachelor degrees because they’re too stupid and shit out kids when they’re 20. Maybe they go back and get the RN in their late 30’s and smoke during their breaks. You can always tell because they wear a cross and have a missing, rotted out space in the back where a molar used to reside.

I.. I.. have the Corona Virus...

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Get your overtime, which you can get anytime and make 110-120K, annualy.

Just shy of $50k

My friend got his nursing license for the state to NY just as we start to unveil a massive uncontrolled Coronavirus outbreak. I think he's going to be clocking in a lot of overtime.

34 and never dated or felt a boob. Quit your bitching.

After being at a hospital for some time it's definitely possible to make six figures with overtime, but you would never get overtime in the area I work in. Hell, I only put in 36 hours a week on average

I did an accelerated BSN program myself. The first two semesters and the summer will be hell, but honestly I barely studied on the last two semesters so you've got that to look forward to. If your program uses some kind of online learning tool with area-specific tests you can pretty much learn from doing a fuckton of those (and it's pretty much how I studied for the NCLEX)

How much debt did you graduate with?

there is a solution for this that doesnt involve losing your financial ass in a divorce

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god i would fucking obliterate that ass and i'm l;iterally a (mostly) gay tranny

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post butt

Nothing, but that's because I got fully supported by my parents for my first degree and spent almost nothing since I'd starting working back in high school

Or save that money and use it to buy more bags. If you can go long enough without and you’re not a porn addict/coomer, you learn to stop caring about pussy or women at all.

im doing a program for people with a degree already. so it's only a year for the accelerated bsn. how do i become a nurse practitioner after that? they seem to make more money. have you thought about that?

how do I find a nurse gf :

Based as fuck, fren. It’s almost like you can be the system if you learn how to save and you’re not retarded. Add to that, you chose the right parents.

sex is overrated user. just save up money, go to cambodia and fuck to your hearts content for a few months.

I know what you mean, I might put up with small tatoos like that but really what is up with this stupid body grafatti.

Oh yes, Tammy, tell me about the sweet bargains you scored at TJ maxx this weekend and how your ex-husband is late on this month’s child support payment. Wait! You got the entire dancing with the stars Blu-ray set for how much!?!

thanks numb nuts, more for me. you anti-tattoo idiots...i swear

>how do i become a nurse practitioner after that?

Just go into an NP program. Hell some require absolutely no work experience as a nurse to get in. I've heard iffy things on there being way too many NPs out there for the number of jobs, but I don't know how true that is. If you want to go beyond regular nursing stuff I'd highly suggest going to critical care/the ICU after graduating and then applying to CRNA school after a couple years. That's a damn good job that pays exceedingly well

Personally I love my job so I have no desire to go beyond where I'm at (and I really don't want more responsibility over patients)

You type like a neckbeard.

enjoy your trash nigger aids

You might have to move to a different state, but you can generally write your own ticket if you’re willing to relocate. Just make sure it’s a state where there isn’t a federal guideline for an MD to sign off on all your shit. That fucks up the workflow and makes reimbursement a pain in the dick.

There a 6k/week nursing jobs right now if you are willing to take a 10 week assignment working with CORONA patients. That's literally 60k in 3 months.

White male nurse here, work is a pain in the ass but few jobs weather a bad economy better and pay better for the level of education required. I have a bachelors degree and in Northern California I’m making about $88/hr with full benefits and free healthcare and pension.

What type of nursing? That's insane for a full time job.

>tell me about the sweet bargains you scored at TJ maxx this weekend

ICU/critical care RN with a bachelors degree 9 years experience

i fell for the meme accouting degree and make less than half of that, i'm quite jealous

im guessing your COL is high as fuk. what would someone similar in alabama make?

What’s that secret to getting more trilogy orders from pulmonology?

Are you stressed the fuck out all the time? Or are you just one of those nurses who lets people die and doesn't give a fuck?

Watched a few people dying in the hospital. Nurses just came in, checked some forms, didn't bother giving two shits.

Thanks for your advise user. bless you.

WHOAH? You make 80k with a shitty accounting degree? CPA, right? Consider yourself lucky.

I can't even imagine having to do that bullshit.

Get an auditing job with big 4? Business school was a mistake.

She is probably a high school drop out CNA

I make close to 90K in medical device sales. It’s not at all hard if you’re not a window licker.

>90K isn’t shit.

HAHA, even less than that. 50k, but i live in missouri, so that sounds closer to 80k in california. the company i work for will pay for my cpa costs once coronachan blows over. big 4 is a meme that should be avoided at all costs, i know peers that went suicidal over it


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COL is high but where I live is about equal to Southern California pay is on average 20% higher than SoCal though. Most of the rest of the USA pays garbage for RNs between $20 and $35/hr

idk why but she makes my pee pee go hard

It’d taste like a bag of salty coins

Answer my question, butthole.

Nurses seem to rank up there with teachers and single moms on dating sites.


That sounds about right for an accountant. Holy shit life is depressing. I am sorry user. I guess get the CPA. Accounting was painful.

It's really all relative. There are cali IT fags pushing 300k and non-coast surgeons making 600k.

Salty bags of sand and warm coins.

so you're saying shit wage for 40 hours a week unless you're working overtime like a cuck.

I feel like everyone is working overtime. If you aren't working overtime, you are getting your CPA/CFA/Cloud Certs/Professional Engineer/Whatever the Actuarial Exams are, etc.

I am guessing Doctors/Pharmacists have some bs too.

it is depressing, but i'm grateful for one thing: it has taught me a significant amount regarding the illusory nature of money. if i can't make a lot of money right now, at least i won't spend myself into a grave

They are under compensated for what they do. Nursing isn’t easy and there’s a large shortage for a reason. Add to that, you got greedy administration trying go squeeze every dime out of you abd triple your duties every quarter.

>abd triple your duties every quarter.

Thank fuck I can't have more than one patient at a time in the OR