Parasitic business hoards resources in times of crisis

>parasitic business hoards resources in times of crisis
how to deal with subhumans like this?

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Firing squad

Unironically violence

Amazon stopped them from selling shit at a 3x markup


He looks rather unhappy

They deserve the robbery

Because he can't sell his product

because he's getting photographed and knows deep down inside he's a scalper fag and deserves the knife

Where the fuck is the sanitizer

He's going to btfo himself when corona turns out to to be the notherburger that it is within 2-3 weeks.

>his clothes are shitty, but
>his hands are clean

pft. look at this fag. he doesn't even have any toilet paper. what's he gonna do with 50 bottles of lotion?

a rope from the nearest lamp post in the town square

>guy wanted to provide for his family by scamming dumb normies
>somehow this is bad
fuck off newfag


>hospitals unironically out of supplies
>poltards bought them all up in the last 2 months to try to turn a profit
Firing squad.

unlucky. be better next time

shouldn't have sat on your fat ass and instead prep yourself. you get fucked over because of your own laziness, faggot

>hospitals shop at the home depot

Price discovery is necessary for efficient resource allocation

>t. rural prepped
I'm self sufficient, bro. 17,000 bottles of hand sanitizer and 20 years worth of N95 is not prepping. Look at the man's psoriasis, he's stressin.

In a state of emergency the government can confiscate that. So hopefully the find those people and do that.

did you even read the article faggot? he was reseller of hand sanitizer even before corona-chan was a thing. he just upped the price because there was a big demand..

Pretty based unless it's me who's gonna be out of sanitizer because of someone like him. Then I'd go and beat him with a bat.

>did you even read the article
Did you? He literally cleaned out every store in his area. Yes this effects the supply chain at large when people do this, yes hospitals are short on supplies for a reason.

>hospitals are short on supplies for a reason
IF they are, that reason is certainly not because someone cleaned out supermarkets or Home Depots

their fault. he capitalized on the market and he deserves the profit he will get because off it

>he thinks hospital supplies are bought on supermakets

>1000 kikes do what this guy's done
>retailers place orders
>hospitals literally on twitter asking for donations of PPE and consumables
Deserves a bullet


>can't imagine 2 steps in a supply chain

Ancap solution is that if they can't pay for their own protection they should be toast.

why in flying fuck can't supermarkets limit the quantity per person. Like the fucking Costcos that sat and watched that leaf cunt clearing their shelves of hand wipes to punt on AMZN.
>look, I'm sorry Sir, you've had a trailer full, now, fuck off
Its not rocket science


why is this bad and what /biz doing isnt as equally or worst?

Riddle me this, on a fucking business board, why does everyone hate making money and hate people who are conducting business...

>Mr. Colvin said he was simply fixing “inefficiencies in the marketplace.” Some areas of the country need these products more than others, and he’s helping send the supply toward the demand.
>He thought about it more. “I honestly feel like it’s a public service,” he added. “I’m being paid for my public service.”

if there ever is a crisis for real this guy will be raided for sure and hopefully also beat the shit out of

Ancap solution is that some faggot in cargo shorts with only a garage door between me and his supplies is finna bouta get that armed robbery from me and the bois

This is not your word, wh*teoid. It doesn't belong to you.

people hate parasites user. and like any parasite they need to excised and removed from the host.

Finna bouta steal anything I like nigga it's the AnCap NWO

bottom shelf on the right

>there are completely seperate supply chains and manufacturers for hospitals and the general consumer market

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Why are people mad at this? Everything you buy gets made in China for like 50 cents and you buy it for 19.99. What a joke.


boomer prepper timeline
>2000 y2k finally I can use my nuclear shelter supplies!
>2008 fema marshal law finally I can use my y2k supply prep!
>2012 nibiru finally I can use my marshal law prep supplies!
>2016 war with NK finally I can use my nuclear fallout prep supplies!
2020 corona finally just buy every bottle of sanitizer in 5 mile radius and toilet paper and I can use all my prep supplies!

>biz fails to understand even the most basic market principles of supply and demand

No hope for leftpol, only rope.

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boog boys coming to your house sucka

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>creating scarcity for no good reason during a humanitarian crisis is good

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Firing squad.

I know everyone is hating on this guy, but he serves a purpose. When others are out of product, he'll have some to sell...or raid.

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Definitely this.

Authoritarian Right is the Based one.

Its the one free from strict ideology. Its only concern is to mold the world as you please. Its a pick a ideal and go.

The ppl complaining are the ppl who never makes it.

True hustlers are cutthroat and will step on you go get ahead. Every single faggot I knew in crypto who made it had this mindset all dirty ass scammers

Reeeeeeee scalper bad!!!
But I'm ok with making money from fake internet monies tho
What the fuck is wrong with you biz?

Honestly you people laugh at hand sanitizer hoarders, but you really dont have enough hand sanitizer yourselves. The average person uses 1 bottle per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 bottles a week. Over 100 a month. Hand sanitizer bottles will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it...

Post wrists, commie

Honestly you people laugh at hand sanitizer hoarders, but you really dont have enough hand sanitizer yourselves. The average person uses 1oz per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28oz a week. Over 100oz a month. Hand sanitizer bottles will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it...

The word you're looking for is "steal".

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Because it's a fucking shit business? It's his own fault for depending on a third party distributor to move his questionably moral product. Amazon has every right to shut this faggot down for making their platform look like home for opportunistic gougers.

If he was actually hustling them out of the back of a van I'd be fine with it, whatever, but he tries to hustle them on Amazon, gets shut down, and then bitches to the news as if he's owed something.

It's called soap and water dude, google it, been using it for millennia.

Kek we used to make a shitload selling air filters to hospitals because they are too dumb to get it from a manufacturer without our helpful guidance and 1.8 markup

If you join some entrepreneur discords couple of ppl were reselling mask and hand sanitizer on the streets. Posting pics and what not. Alot of them made bank.

Respect too the hustlers. Poorfags will keep being mad. That's why you'll never make it

Wow, he should be shot twice