Based. so fucking based. it's price gouging and i'm not the beneficiary...

based. so fucking based. it's price gouging and i'm not the beneficiary, so it actually has a negative effect on me but it's based because it's selfish. and selfish behavior that harms everyone else is fucking based because it's like bad for commies or something. so i hope more people rip me off and act selfishly and fuck me over because it's fucking based.

Attached: cuckitalism.jpg (1080x1671, 554.32K)

Other urls found in this thread: vancouver ecstasy smuggler loses extradition appeal/6187359/story.html

I feel like you're being sarcastic

>it is bad for me
>I still think it is based
>please rip me off even more

And some mutts try to tell me (German), that I am cucked.

Attached: wat.jpg (236x208, 9.02K)

this, but unironically. vancouver ecstasy smuggler loses extradition appeal/6187359/story.html

Same guy
Also amazon banned their account


good to see the canadian dream is still alive and well. godbless that family.

People should unironically go and seize everything from these people including the money.
It is illegal for a business to do this in a crisis.
It should be illegal for citizens to do it as well.

If I was in US I would buy from them and pay with a bullet in their heads

Plus, almost every packaged product is marked “not for resale”

This is true free market capitalism

This dude is unironcally wanted for drug charges in America and is appealing his extradition

it's called sarcasm, you have autism if you can't pick-up on that, cringe...

>Vancouver, United States
have you people ever tried learning geography?

There is a Vancouver Washington

>have you people ever tried learning geography?
Mexico, Vancouver, Minnesota... I dont care for how you call your cities.

>leafcuck thinks his 40% chink country is any less mutty than burgerland

You can't just make a power move like this in a time of fear. If he would have paced himself and not started gouging right out of the gate, it would have flown under the radar for a lot longer.

Greed is good but you can't be obvious about it.

Capitalism was a mistake.

If there was a reason we needed communism this is it.
That couple would be sent to the gulag and their children would be used for slave labor.
People like that don't deserve to live.

this guy should be fucking shot

God you fucking sperg

this guy should be called based
is this reddit

well to be fair, there should always be an incentive to have as little middle-men as possible in the market.
if that couple wants to sell hand sanitizer so much i suggest they actually PRODUCE some.
no one needs middlemen, they are parasitic in nature.

The only problem here is we removed the proper reaction. Honor dictates you kill this person.

I don't have sympathy for people who burn their own money and then cry about being poor.

honestly i don't care about the resellers, they capitalized on normies being late to the party so they deserve the money

better than some jewcorporation profiting off the normies

But all anyone has to do is go online and order more.
Or wait a few days.

Retarded couple, will lose money on this big time

Jesus, no wonder you guys voted Hitler into power, you have no sense of humor or ability to understand sarcasm or dry humor, everything has to be autistically literal with Germans.

>Guy middle mans like every scumfuck trader does.
I would like to remind you that every product ever sold has at least 50 niggers like OP's pic dipping into the price.

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

Based agent smith


Or you could just set price controls for vital items during an emergency. Anyone caught price gouging would have his stock seized and he would be fined.

In my country they would have been jailed because "jackalism" here is punished with jail time.

Ridiculous. It might not be morally savory or something you would imagine a saintly person doing but it is not theft or parasitism. This is the free market and consumers are allowed to make choices with their money as the wish. The freedom to use resources to acquire goods is the basis of a free market economy. To say that these people are parasites is to say that anyone selling anything is a parasite for not just giving it away at or below the cost to produce it.

I am not an advocate of this type of behavior but to disallow people to trade goods freely is to disallow freedom of trade. Nobody is forcing consumers to purchase their overpriced goods and there are alternative outlets that are selling cheaper options even now.

anyone else literally jerking off to the market chaos. i don’t care about health and safety because i can get off to it

>stores in heavily impacted places empty
>stores in middle of no where with less cases still with supplies
>user sells supplies where they arent needed to people panic buying in states more effected by corona
We sure this wasnt just markets working properly?

You're aware that the manufacturers still exist and are supplying stores regularly?

If a group of armed men found them and robbed them blind I wouldn't care since it's the exact same behavior

The incentive is that less middlemen makes things cheaper. Like buying directly at costco.

They bought in solely in the high impact areas around vancouver.

Well if I was living there and there were no wipes left because some guy bought $70k worth to resell higher, then it would be an appropriate time to go bash his head in and take some wipes. People don't do that because we live in a society where we expect "someone" to do something. It's kinda like bullying.

Yeah, that's exactly how things work except in the empty heads of the communists who never mentally left their family structure. Which usually consists of an absentee father and an abusive authoritarian mother figure that provides and claims to do it out of love.

They robbed the costco?

Lysol wipes are meme in the first place. They're just convenient but it's more potent to use diluted liquid bleach or diluted foaming disinfectant. That's what hospitals use and it's WAAAAY cheaper. This is simply a lazy retard tax and I'm okay with that.

For all of the retards who are crying and did not prepare.

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They didn't produce the product. They weren't even the original merchant. They sought out a particularly vulnerable collective of people during a time of unique crisis that threatens everyone, and put their health at risk by taking all of the supplies and marking them up 4 fold.

I'm an individualist first, but that doesn't mean collective morals and identity doesn't exist. If another person was putting the health of my countrymen at risk during a time when people need to band and work together (i.e. during war-time) it's a patent moral affront and I'd consider them cancer and a threat to the group. Same thing as a criminal.

Morals don't disappear just because capitalism exists. There are old and sickly people who have a hard time getting to the store and finding things as is.

Let's say someone did this in my area and now my grandparents and parents couldn't get supplies, and this was a real near-apocalyptic scenario. Yes, I would personally grab my gun, find where they live, and strip them blind, and I could use the same excuses they're using to do it. "It's just capitalism bro XD", "LOL u should have invested in a gun when you could have XDD"

So what’s the problem?

No one is forcing people to buy at the high prices ?

Germans are all autistic

>agent smith was basing his theory on niggers instead of whites
Lmao once whites settle on a plavmce they stay there until its ruined by niggers.

>Yes, I would personally grab my gun, find where they live, and strip them blind

Attached: 1578588502384.png (462x491, 6.94K)

>Look mom, I'm defending some greedy faggots seizing products from the elderly who could literally die from this highly contagious pandemic, I'm such a capitalist hero

Attached: 1513126676880.png (866x900, 93.88K)

Ah, so you're one of those "might makes right" moralists. Got it. You punish voluntary interactions you don't like with violence. I bet you wear Che Guevara or Pol Pot shirts too.

No no, they bought stuff from a store. They didn't do anything to any elderly people. If anything, those elderly people had MORE time to prepare for life.

Seethe more bitch nigga

>"and put their health at risk by taking all of the supplies and marking them up 4 fold"
Are you fucking retarded? those are fucking wipes, no one is at risk by not having them or not not having TP, people just buy this stuff because of the psycologycal sensation of being "safe", if someone actually needs some desifectant they can just use diluted bleach or rubing alcohool.

Nope. I understand nuance and the real importance of collective cooperation in times of serious crisis. If there ever is a moment when people need to work together, it's things like a pandemic or war. If that doesn't happen, your country is doomed. I know this isn't necessarily a "code red" situation yet but it's a dry run, basically, and guys like this show their colors early on. There are some things that are inarguably morally reprehensible, things like murder, assault, coercion. He is putting his community at serious risk for his own gain, that warrants reprisal.

"He bought stuff from a store", no you mean "he bought everything from the store knowing he could create artificial scarcity at the very worst time and force vulnerable people to pay him (or not be able to afford it), putting the welfare of his community at risk for his own gain." You do realize you are still a human being even though you live in a capitalist system, right? Do you have any honor at all or are you a proud cretin? Socialists are cretins. People who abuse their community and put lives at risk for their own gain, knowingly, are cretins as well.

Really? Has he cornered the entire market with a 70k purchase so that there are no alternatives? Are you on drugs or do you just like your little robin hood power fantasies?

They're disinfecting wipes, which when used properly can in fact work better than anything you mentioned and create a safer environment. Doesn't have to work every time, just once, they're precautionary. As I said in the other comment this isn't necessarily a code red situation, more like code orange, but it's a good time to air out how reprehensible this kind of behavior is when there is a non-trivial chance that it could hurt somebody downstream.

He has cornered his local market, people he should care the most about. Older people can't just drive around forever until they find something, and they're terrible at using the internet. If something they've had access to regularly for decades is suddenly gone they may be hard pressed to find it again. In that time period, who knows, they could fail to prevent an infection.

Are you so myopic that you can't understand what I'm saying here? He's directly targeting his own community. That's faggot shit. Be a man you fucking scumbag.


You are retarded

ok reddit